Wow, takes me back a bit!
I remember when 96 Kb was a pipe dream.
My first 'proper' 3d game was a golf simulator, 3 courses, 18 holes each course, used the mouse to swing the club (none of that button stabbing malarky), all in less than 128k on the original Archimedes. Pure ARM Assembler.
Before that were the golden days, late 80's demo scene, shoot outs between Atari ST and Amiga as to who could come up with the best tech demos.
Before that was the 8'bit era, 6502 vs Z80, who could impress the most with a 'single line' program, had many entries in a variety of magazines.
My first taste of game coding was on a PET, wrote a Space Invaders clone from scratch in less than a week as my 'project' on an 'Introduction to Microprocessors course'. The instructor was not that impressed, apparently I was supposed to choose something 'serious' as my project.
Before that .. well in 1978 I built my own computer from scratch, 8008 based, 512 bytes (yes bytes!) of ram, 0.5 Mhz clock. Did it for my CSE eletronics course, when I presented it my teacher treated me like I had leprosy! (my best mate got better marks for his bloody door bell!)
Ahh, the good old days, before I had >400K SLOC C++ multi platform monstrocities to look after.

Been there, done that, got all the T-Shirts!