Couple questions about Github contribution:
1. Is it safe for me to work from my own branch for things I wish to add or fix?
2. This will not affect the master I'm assuming?
3. How would i push this for review?
4. It says my branch is 20 commits behind the master. Does this mean I have to update my branch and how do i do this?
I have media, scripts and FPE fixes I would like to contribute. Some of which have been long standing reported bugs and some newly reported by members in the forums. I also have some features I wouldn't mind adding as well. I have a
lot of FPE anf texture corrections as well for stock items and the Free DLC Expansion Pack I helped originally work on. Also with additional media. I do not mind volunteering again to help out the community.
Some recent LUA work I've been doing, just to get an idea of what kinds of things ive been able to accompish:
I've also been working on the DX10 Characters (soon to use the stock ai scripts):
Quote: "BTW: Teabone , thanks for taking care of duplicate issues on GitHub , that really makes a difference "
No problemo Preben