Thanks for the continued interest...
I have upwards of 25 trees under development. At one point I considered starting the process of making them store ready. I instead decided to see if I could convert the files to PBR. My initial efforts were successful (with some tweaks). I had gone down this road with out considering that the public preview edition is not real popular, yet and/or stable for many users.
To answer your question, I will continue preparing the PBR versions for the store but will not activate the files in the store until the public preview is updated to a more reliable/popular beta. I guess what I am saying is my schedule is dependent somewhat on lee's schedule... That's not a real date or answer is it?
Users running pre-DX11 versions of GG without the apbr effect shaders would have problems with PBR trees.
I put myself in a dumb situation because I did not retain copies of my non PBR tree files, so I must continue with the PBR track. I don't want to tackle the store thing more then once.
I f you or others have ideas/suggestions about my perceived dilemma, I am open to suggestions. Side point, I assume the requirement for additional DDs files for PBR will not impact the store submission zip file requirements, right?
Windows 10 creator,64 bit| Intel i7-7700 @3.60GHZ Quad|CPU PASSMARK 10,794|Memory 16GB |NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 1070|GPU PASSMARK 11,071