Scripts / Time for a bit of fun - it's raining balls!

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Posted: 10th Dec 2017 14:35
Dragged this kicking and screaming out of a thread that seems to have died, upodated it a tad (still more to do!) and thought I'd show it off in case anyone needs something like this in their game:

Still need to tidy up the scripts a bit but I'll post them up when I'm done.
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Posted: 10th Dec 2017 15:19 Edited at: 10th Dec 2017 15:20
lol those are a hell of a size hail stones like the flashes could go all Monty Python and have anvils or feet rofl
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and a well fed mouse on a wheel

I only smile because i have absolutely no idea whats going on
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Posted: 10th Dec 2017 16:37
Or go all D.N.A and use Whales, maybe with speech bubbles.
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Posted: 11th Dec 2017 00:20
Tweaked, see if you can see the improvements:

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Posted: 11th Dec 2017 01:50

Ha ha ha ha is great !!!!!! When I saw the first one I loved it ... I said, it can not be improved ... but when you improved it ... and if ... it's much better ...
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Posted: 11th Dec 2017 11:11
Excellent work. I need this. I've cobbled together some clunky code to get a similar effect that works well enough, sort of... but this just nails it.
I tried to sign it but all I did was mess up my screen.
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Posted: 11th Dec 2017 12:26
What a lot of old balls

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i5 4760k, NV960 2GB, 16GB 2333mhz memory, 1x 2TB Hybrid, Win10.

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Posted: 11th Dec 2017 20:08
Here are the scripts.

Attach the ball_drop.lua script to the entitys dropping out of the sky, make them always active, physics on and isimmobile no. Play with the physics weight and friction till you get them behaving the way you want.

Attach the balldropdecal.lua to the decals, you need enough decals to keep up with the ball dropping rate.

Word of warning on the quatlib library, it has a fix in it for a bug cybernescence reported so if you have used it in any other scripts you may need to tweak them, basically any x or z rotations need to be negated, if you need me to re-issue any previous scripts that use the library let me know.

These scripts demonstrate inter-script communication, the drop script calls a function in the decal script to initialise the decal sequence then the decal scrip calls one in the drop script to release the ball. It is a simple way to sequence events between scripts and I use it a lot in for example the helicopter scripts.

Been there, done that, got all the T-Shirts!


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