Thanks guys i think the more we have the better
Oh im really chuffed with this one
massive thank you to smallg for his help getting this one working. "The survival crafting table" this is the first basic table you can make which gives you the option of making a dagger, an Axe and i will add the hammer tomorrow, then adapt it for cooking etc etc so you can build stations/tables etc etc to build survival items and then build better stations to build more advanced items
script included for you guys to study will post updated ones with instuctions as i go
add it to your hidden tabe isimoblile non static or whatever you like to test, hide an axe and a dagger and add the entity numbers to the script where indicated
thanks G
P.s you will need a map with the other scripts for this to work correctly i will revise it all after the next set and add instructions
Hopefully the dagger for skinning etc and the axe for chopping , the hammer for building "who knows where the rabbit hole goes"
Bit of an update: added a hammer to the workbench and now with the hammer you can mine rocks
axe for trees etc also just a preview of Harry's chop trees from his survival pack on the stores (worth buying for survival games) adding wood to the inventory.
I'll also be using DVaders carry logs script (also on the stores cheap) to drop logs on a zone to construct a house. Both Harry's and Dvaders scripts/models are a good buy and worth it for survival games these will not be included here!
Although the mining script can be adapted for trees i adapted them from the forage scripts i did for "Dark Shores" and work fine but they dont look as nice
Going to do a cooking and cooker script next i think that then you should have all the scripts you need to adapt for your own survival games
For skinning all you need to do is add to the main of your critter script
if g_fdagger == 1 then
and add
g_meatcollected = g_meatcollected + 1
g_hidecollected = g_hidecollected +1
or if you want a random number
g_meatcollected = g_meatcollected + math.random(1,3)
g_hidecollected = g_hidecollected + math.random(1,3)
to the exit this will then add skins and meats to the inventory for cooking etc
updated scripts 18 all in all some go on zones some on the entity but they will work on both, bow, arrows, and hammer added to the crafting table
Intel i5 4950 Quad core 3.3ghz AMD FX 6300 x6 cores 3.5ghz(unclocked)
8gb Ram 8gb Ram
AMD Radeon 7570 1gb AMD Radeon HD 6670 2gb
and a well fed mouse on a wheel
I only smile because i have absolutely no idea whats going on