Work In Progress / "CHORIPAN ISLAND'S" educational gamification project

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Posted: 7th Nov 2017 17:22 Edited at: 7th Nov 2017 17:26
We return to the road again:

Project Name: Choripan Island's
Author: Warlock 12 and his team: Agustin "Chicho" Rodriguez, Nelson "Gilgamesh" Córdoba

      We started with the development of a game on the GameGuru platform. A 3D adventure that we intend to address a series of basic contents in an interrelated way, in which the acquisition of knowledge is achieved through experience with them. The idea is not to develop a software to learn while playing, but a videogame with which one learns ... it may seem the same, but the approach is totally different. We channel the work towards a target of +12, since our experience as teachers is developed in the secondary area and we think of a non-existent age limit, since even adults who enjoy an entertaining story, puzzles and action will find it attractive.

And what's the story about?

    It is not a serious story, for life is serious. But for that reason, we do not say that it has human values ​​or that it lacks moments that invite reflection.
   We arrived in the archipelago with a long documented history of more stumbles than successes, we are escaping from civilization because a zombie epidemic has been unleashed. If zombie ... Very trite? But our zombies are infected with an association between a toxoplasma and a biotechnological manufacturing virus (which allows us to delve into molecular biology and the frontiers of life). The main island is the only one with civilized inhabitants and has a population of six
inhabitants: the Lacayés Del Hoyo, an archaeologist looking for traces of lost civilizations, a biologist who studies the species that evolved isolated from the rest of the world for millions of years, an engineer hired by the Lacayés for the island to enter the current technological world of the most sustainable way possible, a vegetarian cannibal who fled from the tribe that has his village on a nearby island and a plastic artist who seeks in the solitude of the island the inspiration for his works of art. Everyone is aware of the chaos in which the civilized world had fallen with our arrival, since the only means of communication was a radio receiver and it had been without batteries for a long time.

The main human contact we have is the Lacayés del Hoyo, Lacayés as the archipelago is legally a "Lacayado" because a confusion far away in history led to understand one of his ancestors, who had been named lackey of a Marquis, how denomination was a nobiliary title. The Lacayés is a subject with a clearly defined objective: to transform its islands into an international tourist spot. And now that he's in the middle of a zombie apocalypse? Continue with your project, raising the rates by adding the security that the islands offer due to their enormous distance from civilization. Also ... No survivor can refuse a vacation on an exotic island.

In the captures of the characters can be seen that we will not develop a high-end product in respect to the polygon, we will sacrifice visual quality for a wider range of PC in which it can run properly. A basic survival system: drink, food and fatigue, so we will have to manage with the resources that will allow us to maintain a good state of health. Risks must be overcome and ingenuity used to solve situations in order to advance the story. We will not have the system that is in fashion, crafting, because we believe that not everyone can make a peak of stone, iron or diamond ... learn to build a minibike with a click in a book or load two huge logs of a tree that we cut and cut with a small ax in about 12 clicks. We will depend on what we all have, the ability to learn and adapt to the circumstances. Will not we have weapons to defend ourselves against the aggressors? Yes, a pair, including one that perhaps we did in our childhood: a sling or spring. We will also have a very effective weapon: a book with information, because in extreme situations, knowledge is more effective than anything else.

How do we pretend that we can learn by playing?

    Let's go with an example: When we arrived on the island we learned that, among other things, there is a Treasure legend and that in the diversity of the plant the source for the cure for the SONBI disease can be found ... Yes, SONBI (Syndrome) Obsessive Neurological Brutalizing Infectious). In other words, we have two initial stories, which must be chosen or taken together. In one of the stories to follow we learned that we must travel 250m along a road, but lacking measurement elements and with only a known measurement reference (the distance between two lamps), we will have to find a method to be able to calculate those 250m. A problem that has several solutions ... we can estimate it, we can measure the time necessary to travel the known distance and then based on proportionality, we can calculate the speed and then calculate the distance by means of that value ... Each system with its pros and cons. The need to reason and learn is part of the game, it is a vivid experience. That is the approach to which we refer in educational gamification.

There will always be more than one way, of course there will always be luck (the laws of probability thus determine it), but knowledge will always give an advantage. To know there are books and from videogame or externally, you can consult a book that does not have the way to go to reveal the story or solve the problems that arise, it is a great help ... like any good book . The book --Developed in other software and with a separate exe (thanks small G)-- contains the historical narrative of the Archipelago, its geological-geographical characteristics, its demography, its system of government, the flora and fauna of those strange islands isolated from the rest of the world for millions of years, the problems caused by the introduction of exotic species invasive, the slow disappearance of one of the islands due to the rise in sea level ... that is, we work in a fantasy site that allows us to represent all the real problems that we have to live in these times. The Choripan Island's Archipelago is clay in the hands of a teacher or in the hands of every young person or adult who wishes to entertain and learn.


     Initial, search of artistic line, sketches, adjustment of the script to the specifications of the software and the capabilities of the team.

     Establishment of links and interrelation with the Pan American Education Network, Federal Network of Educators, the General Directorate of Culture and Education of the Province of Buenos Aires.

Information in its original language:

More images of characters (remodel-retextured old assets), original characters comming...

The game is a serious thing (El juego es una cosa seria)
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Posted: 8th Nov 2017 00:14
Me gusta la idea de un juego educacional no tan evidente, aunque está el riesgo de hacerlo muy obvio y que el jugador pierda interés al darse cuenta que tratan de enseñarle, también me gusta el grupo de personajes tan diversos que habitan en la isla.

Mencionas dos historias iniciales, ¿Tienes que interactuar de algún modo con los personajes para progresar, algo así tipo sidequest? Eso de valerse de conocimientos fuera del videojuego también me llama la atención, por ejemplo hacer una rápida investigación en internet para dar con la solución puede ser motivador implementado correctamente. La crítica social que contiene el libro también me agrada.

Lo que no me gustó mucho fue la mezcla de objetos caricaturescos y realistas, creo que mantener una sola estética sería mejor, aunque sé que puede ser difícil encontrar los objetos necesarios para recrear una visión de un videojuego, también creo que es mucho el Bloom y el brillo que tienen algunas de las imágenes.

De ahí en más la idea parece prometedora, sigue así!
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Posted: 8th Nov 2017 00:22
Thank you Nemo for your opinions Nemo !!! I also agree with Bloom ... it's more generally I do not use it, but it's my first time in a cartoon style and I'm doing a lot of tests. The re-textured of the Church is an obligation ... if you mean it ... Thanks for the data !!! And do not hesitate in harsh criticism ... it is the only way we have to improve in the developments or dedicate ourselves to something else ... ha ha ha ha
A big hug!
The game is a serious thing (El juego es una cosa seria)
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Posted: 8th Nov 2017 07:36
This is great! The very best of luck with development and please post more when you can, will be following this with interest.

Are you targeting a release date or will it be ready when it is ready ?

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Posted: 8th Nov 2017 13:27
thanks Cyber! As the idea is to work on chapters and release them one by one, if all goes well, mr. Lee surprises us but does not complicate us, we become more friends with Mrs. Lua ... ha ha ha, the first island we estimate will be ready for the next equinox.
The game is a serious thing (El juego es una cosa seria)
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Posted: 11th Nov 2017 22:53
Hey warlock, do you have a video of your game?
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Posted: 11th Nov 2017 23:43
We are working on approaching our final vision of the Port sector and we will make the video !!! Thanks for asking!
The game is a serious thing (El juego es una cosa seria)

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