Quote: "Quote: "to expect a customer to manually edit a registry key is courting disaster in my opinion."
Couldn’t agree. More,I thought that is what you pay for when you by a program (fixes) not self fix."
I am not pro at coding or anything but I wrote my own invoicing program for work years ago, using VS.net which did create entries in the registry, it was easy enough to code, and worked flawlessly for me, but don't know if it would have worked on any other system if I were to give the program to others - so yeah surely the pros can do something.
Bottom line though is that they won't......
@Belidos - have you managed to export a model as FBX in Blender that works correctly in GG. My efforts always end up with the model standing on it's end, despite trying various settings when exporting I have not had any luck so far.
The only way I can get them working correctly is by using Game Guru importer, but for me that is not a very productive work-flo
aka OldFlak
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