What is wrong with GameGuru ?
When I make an Stand alone Game :
If I make that *.exe file program writes it's own files in it's own folders.
I have no control ower those filenames or folders.
They are also named with GameGuru and Steam.
Games I make are not really Mine they are totally Gameguru and Steam.
Sorry GameGuru Development Team !!!
There is also that start screen that says my games are made with GameGuru,
I dont want that if I make MY GAMES !!
So sad, when I pay for a software to build MY OWN games,
they want to own it anyway or at least mark it with logos and text
start screens....
There is a way.. to use HEX editor with *.exe files,and edit it so that GameGueu screen dont
show at all when you start your game.
Also other files can be edited/renamed, if you know what you are doing....
Well..folder names also.
(also other inside info in exe file can be removed/changed/linked).
(I have done it for my own test purposes only).