What is low poly depends on who you ask, and the application you use them in.
Polycount for Game Guru use is as follows.
22k Limit per solid mesh is the limit.
What this means.
Say you are making a vehicle, It is made up of 4 wheels, a chassis, windows, interior.
Each one of these separate meshes can have up to 22k polies per mesh.
You select all meshes and export them out. Total model poly count would be 88k. Obviously not low poly, but Game Guru will render each mesh and have the proper collision and texture coverage.
Same can work with characters, but when weighting the verticies, one must remember that no one verticie can not be influenced by more then 3 bones.
So in theory, You can have each limb be 22k polies, and the body can have up to 22k polies, adding an incredible amount of detail to the character.
Now will Game Guru or any engine like 30 or 40 of these type of detailed meshes in the same area, Probably not to well, as that is a lot of data to process every loop of the engine coding.
The use of a detailed Normal map greatly reduces the number of polygons needed and will reduce your mesh sizes.
Programs like Quixel suite have and excellent process for making detailed normal maps, not sure about substance suit stuff. These are usually generated by baking a high poly model onto a reduced poly model, to get the basics in, and then enhanced by a paint program or a normal detailing program as stated above.
So Low poly model definitions are a lot higher poly count, then models of 10 years ago.
General rule of thumb is to make your models and meshes with the least number of polies you can and for the application you are looking to use them with. If you are going to use this model a lot in your game design, then consider the draw calls that will be used.
When Lee gets instancing into the engine, then duplicate meshes will be used different and more detailed models of them can be used and placed into your game with out extra draw calls.
This model has 66k polies in it, but are all separate meshes exported at the same time. It is also rigged and animated.
Works fine in Game Guru.
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz, 2400 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s), 8gb RAM, Nvidia gtx660, Windows 7 Pro 64bit, Screen resolution 1680 x 1050.