Developer: A_Pilot
Description: I started a basic helicopter flight simulator with a 3D model that the player can enter and fly in a first-person perspective with full essential flight controls including cyclic (FWD / AFT / side-slip), collective (ascend / descend), and anti-torque (yaw). The demonstration scenario includes a landing pad with an elevator to try to establish what might become a mission based game. The flight is a simple take-off and left traffic pattern through a mock cityscape eventually landing back at base to showcase the basic flight controls of the helicopter.
Revision Description:
> Player is now programmatically fixed into the cockpit during flight.
> Camera is maintained as user mouse controlled.
> The main rotor is now animated and I also added a tail rotor and animated that as well. Very basic textures applied to the helicopter.
To Do:
> Improve flight dynamics to include pitch and bank rotations.
> Incorporate center console detail. Incorporate transparent windshield.
> Improve texture detail.