Product Chat / I have not been here for a year, what has changed? Is there a chance to see GG on Mobile or web?

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Posted: 23rd Aug 2017 14:22
Is there a chance to see GG on Mobile or web? Is there anything bog added to the software? I left after the release of Easy Building Editor. Every once in a while I go into the store to see if there is Interesting models but I have not seen many new things As if there was less investment in the store. Is it true that there is a slowdown in the growth rate of the store?
3D Media Maker
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2017 14:31
Quote: "Is there a chance to see GG on Mobile or web? "

Lee has said in the past that there will be no mobile/web application for GameGuru, it is solely for PC, AGK is their mobile/web platform. However, AGK now has an add-on that will take GameGuru maps and import them for use in mobile projects.

I've not really noticed a decrease in store usage, there's been new stuff in there almost every time i've checked, so i'm not sure where that's coming rom.

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Posted: 23rd Aug 2017 14:36
AGK can do web stuff and mobile. I would suggest looking at that and possibly GG to AGK if you really want to make online or mobile apps. I can't see GG going that way at all now. Couldn't say if the store is growing as fast or not, it was taking a load of new models per day at one point. I know sales have been fairly consistent for me anyway, no complaints in comparison to when TGC owned it. In fact, I would say it is better now than it was before.
SPECS: Ryzen 1700 CPU. Nvidia 970GTX. 16 Gig Memory. Win 10.
3D Media Maker
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2017 14:52
Quote: "it was taking a load of new models per day at one point"

Yup, i think that was because some artists like WoD were uploading huge quantities of models in one go, it seems with the store a lot of the regular artists tend to spend months making a lot of models, then put them up as packs all in one go, then it's a couple of months before they put more up, so it can at times feel like there's no movement there, but in reality it's not really changed.

Primary Desktop:
i7 7700,k NV1070 8GB, 16GB 3200mhz memory, 1x 2TB Hybrid, Win10.

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i5 4760k, NV960 2GB, 16GB 2333mhz memory, 1x 2TB Hybrid, Win10.

i3, Intel 4000 series graphics, 6GB memory, 1x 500gb HDD, Win8.1.
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2017 16:28
Hello stor!

Quote: "Is there a chance to see GG on Mobile or web? "


Quote: "Is there anything bog added to the software?"

Lee is working on the DX11 update. Most of us have big hopes in that. (I assume you mean big)

Quote: "Every once in a while I go into the store to see if there is Interesting models but I have not seen many new things As if there was less investment in the store."

Well, I have a new pack on the store

Seriously though: The store is under new ownership now. As it is summer, less people are working on models and media and thus there are less uploads.


wizard of id
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2017 17:55
Quote: "Yup, i think that was because some artists like WoD were uploading huge quantities of models in one go, it seems with the store a lot of the regular artists tend to spend months making a lot of models, then put them up as packs all in one go, then it's a couple of months before they put more up, so it can at times feel like there's no movement there, but in reality it's not really changed."

Not huge quantities Did upload round 60+ EBE scifi textures, it also depends on what content is being worked on, simple stuff a few days.I worked on fantasy buildings the last couple of weeks and still only managed a building or two a day. I did one modern day building today over 6 hours, not even textured.

I have a target of doing 700 models before year end no small feat.
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2017 21:02
Quote: " I have not been here for a year, what has changed?"

A year eh ....Ok I took a look at the changelog for 2017 .... This should fill you in ...

V 2017.05.05

Fixed issue causing terrains not to load in correct texture for multi-level games
Fixed conflict between Building Editor and Terrain Painter resources
Changed footfall sounds for GRASS, STONE and WOOD. Good to get feedback during preview
When loading in a new level, ensure old / are deleted first
Fixed PLRVISIBLE data from entity in script always 0 for entities inside Floor Zones
Rasied virtual player position during enemy sight detection (moved from waste to eye)
NOTE: Above solves issue of enemy not seeing player at distance if stood behind barrel
Added new 'defaultwaterheight=500' to SETUP.INI for manual control of water line
Added new 'defaultterrainheight=500' to SETUP.INI to decouple terrain from water
Improved DarkAI time slicing to avoid skipping AI bots during intense scenes
Added new LUA commands; SetAnimationSpeedModulation and GetAnimationSpeedModulation (anim modulation)
Added new LUA commands; GetMovementDelta to return real entity movement since last cycle
Fixed issue of GetEntityXXX commands not returning floats (returned integers only)
Moved all intense 'pathfinding' logic to secondary thread to speed up main game thread
Tweaked GUARD scripts so they revert to ATTACKERS once they are hurt
Added three new character reskins for soldier, shotgun and uzi enemies (thanks to Michael Stockton)
Updated metal material for footfalls to match changes to other materials (generic, stone, wood)
Now supports up to 1000 weapons in the gunbank (plenty of community weapons out there!)
Now sorts weapons listed in HasWeapon field of entity properties into alphabetical order
Ensured 1st level is loaded before Save Standalone to guarentee levelbank\testmap contents
Fixed critical bug which 'deleted' textures that internal EBE structures relied on when saving
First entity loaded into editor no longer causes up to 7 second delay before it displays
Large delay when EBE structure first added to editor also removed thanks to above fix
Updated several shaders to new Preben shaders featuring Retro Post Process and Performance
Further updated terrain shader thanks to Preben to add new varation map technique to the mix
Added variation_D.png and variation2_D.png to texturesource folder for above variation map trick
Updated IDE links to Game Asset Store to newest site URL of ""
Externalised player control system to scriptbank\gameplayercontrol.lua
Added 483 new LUA commands to the scripting system to support Player Control Mechanics
Added SetSurfaceIntensity, SetSurfaceSunFactor, SetGlobalSpecular, SetBrightness, SetContrast
Added SetPostBloom, SetPostLightRayLength, SetPostLightRayQuality, SetPostLightRayDecay
Added SetPostSAORadius, SetPostSAOIntensity, SetPostLensFlareIntensity
Added SetOptionReflection, SetOptionShadows, SetOptionLightRays, SetOptionVegetation, SetOptionOcclusion
Added SetCameraPanelDistance, SetCameraPanelFOV, SetCameraPanelZoomPercentage, SetCameraPanelWeaponFOV
Added SetTerrainLODNear, SetTerrainLODMid, SetTerrainLODFar, SetTerrainSize
Added SetVegetationQuantity, SetVegetationWidth, SetVegetationHeight
Small tweaks to Fantasy and Scifi DLC levels
AI INIT now called again for non-spawnatstart entities when they SPAWN
Changed AI combat core so setting activate to 1 no longer instantly alerts them to attack (now 2)
Fixed issue of 'hunting mode' ignoring cone range defining viewing distance of AI
Fixed issue of cone of sight not always aligning with visual angle of AI character
Improved AI so hunter mode will track last location of player from firing on spot
Enhanced AI detect module to update tracking information of player target
When load in an FPM that uses a terrain or veg style not on local machine, now resets to last slot
When hurt, AI character now instantly spins to face player who shot them (quicker reflexes)
Fixed issue of movement delta going to zero during some script activity (slow anim issue)
Added regular soldier behavior so returns to patrol after 5 seconds of losing player
Corrected visual settings for new levels so as not to carry over old lighting settings
Changed sound detection so idle characters will look in direction of the noise if within 2000 units
Improved aggression of agro'd AI so they track player location outside of range when raised
Reduce AI activation flag to zero after used so can use normal behavior outside of provoked event
When sound detected by patrolling AI, idle is started to look in direction of player who made sound
Prevented occluder from hiding the heads of custom characters from built-in character creator
Added g_PlrKeyX LUA globals which represent mappable keys for in-game use (for arrowkeys/controllers)

V 2017.03.31

Changed default LUSH texture set to include 16 variations to demonstrate choice
Improved speed of the terrain shader for lower-end machines
Added a secondary overlay mode for the texture in the first slot (path slot)
Removed redundant terrain texture items from Terrain Main Bar
Fixed crash caused by the terrain blend function on some levels
Now prompts user when switching terrain in test game to warn of possible delay
Updated grass textures and default terrain texture plate to lower specular term
Removed legacy use of VegShadowSampler.g for 'painted shadows' - never used

V 2017.03.29

Added new switches in fixtures folder with new scripts to control doors remotely
Breaks association from linked parent when EXTRACT used on an entity
Improved accuracy of texture paint cursor at lowest brush radius
Fixed AI_WANDERER script to use correct internal function names
EBE structures loaded into level now carry the correct textures into level
EBE structures being edited now use their own correct textures previously stored
When save EBE structure, it now uses unique texture in ebebank, not current one
Prevented rogue 'loaded' temp EBE items being added to local library list
Stopped crash when an EBE that shares a texture is edited to customise the texture
Created new terrain texture system which uses a single atlas texture inc 16 textures
Terrain texture system scans for old terrainbank folders and creates new atlas
Add new UI for terrain texture painter to select and customize up to 16 textures
Grass no longer overwrites underlying terrain paint for more grassy options
Corrected several AI_*.LUA scripts which used incorrect MAIN and INIT names
Created new terrainbuild\texturesource folder to store new terrain texture choices
Now only shows grass paint in grass painting mode for better texture editing
Updated supertexture to handle new 16 texture terrain (instead of previous 4)
Trigger supertexture to recalculate if terrain texture change detected
Added new 'default.fpm' which loads automatically when welcome splash present
NOTE: Above helps show new users GameGuru is more than just a green flat landscape
Moved super terrain texture palette generation until leave texture selector panel
Resets terrain texture painting mode when start new map to remove unwanted panel
When start new level, texture terrain panel instantly removed if was open
When change levels in editor, terrain texture panel now reflects latest texture
Removed redundant terrain texture toolbar icons, replaced with single button
Terrain textuer selector custom requester now points to PNG initially
NOTE: Above coupled with Diffuse Only PNGs screens out accompanying Normal files
Fixed small seam effect between texture choices (thanks to the mighty Preben!!)
Now removes the terrain texture panel quicker when have it open and load FPM
When enter F9 mode, no longer brings up terrain texture panel in-game
Entirely moved terrain texture palette generation to test/game process
Empties custom terrain texture files from testmap when start new level map
When start new level, terrain texture panel selection image restored to default
Moved terrain texture paint toolbar icons to join other terrain button tools
The IMPROVEDDISTANCE setting is now set to ON by default, improving distant textures
Small corrections to terrain rock ratio and normal mapping for improved visuals
Fixed issue causing all specular to be dropped from textures, now restored
Ensured terrain texture panel texture selection does not render its alpha elements
Switched the new terrain texture diffuse plate to use DXT5 which preserves specular

V 2017.03.10 : Tweaks to A.I and a DLC Boost

Fixed melee punch condition to revert to recover and prevent startidle movement
NOTE: Noticed MoveForward creates physics inertia and slides AI object WAY ahead of final pos when FAST
Increased timing of path regeneration to avoid fast AI bots stop/start effect
Improved COMBATCORE script for better classic Zombie and melee AI behavior
Zombies (combat melee script) now remain idle until player detected
Critically halved motion multiplayer to stop zombie/legacy character sliding
Fixed soldier AI so those who patrol paths can continue doing so, even after stopping
Updated the legacy character movement to include the new character avoidance logic
Restored AI bot speed system and readjusted Zombie characters to correct issues
Reduced turn speed so characters no longer turn instantly to their new direction
Ensured when high speed AI reaches very last node, stop movement flag sooner (stop move spin)
Replaced code which contains AI within their designated floor zones
Increased frequency of path generation from 1 second down to 0.75 seconds
Removed forced animation speed from new AI behaviors to allow entity property control
Removed forced turn speed from new AI behaviors to change it via entity SPEED property control
Improved stair climbing detection for faster AI bots and characters in general
Removed TEXTUREPATH from saved EBE entities to prevent use of temp ebebank\default caches
Increased speed of all soldier characters to match legacy tweaks and AI back-end movers
Stopped duplicate EBE thumbs being created in local library entitybank list
Any EBE temp files and EBE texture files are removed from testmap folder on NEW level
NOTE: It is normal for EBE items to disappear from local library, only their copies are used
NOTE: To treat an EBE as a normal entity, simply delete the EBE file associated with it
Building Editor textures recovered after texture cache clearance deletes them on session exit
Fixed issue of multimaterial models with short texture names corrupting model data
Corrected multimaterial object rendering to once again populate first slot with diffuse texture
NOTE: The above fixes ensures the Galaxy Seed sky scrolling effect is restored
The ENDCOLLISION property no longer sends ragdolls through floor and entities
Added 'forceobstaclesliceheight' to FPE fields to allow AI obstacle plane height to be set
Added 'notanoccludee' to FPE so entities can be designed to never get occluded by occluder
Adjusted blood splat decal effect so only used if NO 'materialindex' specified in FPE
Added 'explodedamage' to FPE to specify the default explosion yeild of specfic entities
Added 'hoverfactor' to FPE to give hovering capability to 'flying' entities (drones)
New SCIFI DLC Assets (Mission To Mars) and all new DRONES - Definately Check It Out!

V 2017.02.28 : A.I and Third Person

Waypoint nodes no longer being edited when in EBE mode
Fixed crash bug caused when you place an entity then immdiately use UNDO
Fixed issue of mouse wheel disabling when leave EBE for first time each session
When EXTRACT performed, mouse now centers on Widget position, less chance for mess
IDE now expands the Fixtures entitybank folder for one less click to get a door
Changed the Fixtured subfolders to capital first letter to match entitybank
Modified loading EBE from local entity library to create new instance in level
NOTE: Above allows modifications to be retained on save/reload and protect saved EBE
Now when delete EBE file from saved EBE, it turns into regular (uneditable) entity
Corrected static_basic.fx to re-include the SpecularOverride constant (lightmap shader)
Fixed lightmapper to no longer force meshes to flat-shading (now keeps smoothing groups)
Added slider to control Lens Flare intensity, and adapted post process shader to suit
When you hold down CTRL while EBE painting, it axis locks the initial direction
Added slider to control Surface Sun Intensity (defeats sun influence for indoor scenes)
Adjusted main surface and shadow shading to use Sun Surface Factor
NOTE: The Surface Sun Intensity slider is experimental but can control DOT3 lighting
Added credit text file to texturesource folder to credit authors as collection grows
Added two new shaders (tree_basic.fx and treea_basic.fx) for better tree rendering
Updated all foliage entities in core, MP1 and MP3 packs to use new tree shader
NOTE: New shaders and FPEs above fix the transparent edge issue on trees and plants
Fixed issue of F9/E crashing test game, was the result of new object mask flag code
Fixed issue relating to entities that have bones in only some limbs not being mouse detected
Fixed issue of entities stop animating if change specular to a non 100 value
Further improvements to the shaders by Preben (improved shadows and per-object light flag)
Tweaked all ROOF asset pieces in fixtures\roofs to avoid 'out the box' Z clash
Added 'dontfindfloor' field to FPE to initially ignore floor finder (roof pieces)
Added 'keyframe speed' field to GUNSPEC file to allow per-weapon anim speed control
Created wider entity properties panel to see weapon choices better
Fixed issue of waypoint nodes being hidden after regular entity/EBE highlighted
Enabled ZREAD for waypoint/zone objects to get idea of where they are in scene
Added 'PlayVideoNoSkip' to LUA commands to control a video which should not be stopped
Added PlayVideoNoSkip to global.lua so the above command will work
Replaced from effectbank\media so legacy entities are smooth on HIGHEST
Added hidedistantshadows field to SETUP.INI (V1.14 defauled this to 1 for ON)
Set new hidedistantshadows to 2 to retain LARGER entity shadow for buildings
NOTE: Above improves IDE editor view as large buildings now have shadows when high
Improved cascade shadow mapping code by using R32F format (cards under 10 years)
Improved cascade shadow mapping code with larger base shadow texture and bias per cascade
Added 'realshadowresolution' to SETUP.INI (old V1.14 default was 1024), now 4096
NOTE: New 4096 shadow resolution will be sought, but will use lower if HW not available
Restored realtime shadows to hidedistantshadows=1 & realshadowresolution=1024 (performance)
Added shadow depth tweak to overlay_basic.fx used by new windows entities (for shadowing)
Entity loader will now attempt to find and load file if not found
Added spinloop.lua to scriptbank with logic to spin an entity slowly on the Y axis
Added new Shiny Skull entity in Scenery to demonstrate new Cube Mapping capability
Added support for loading _normal, _specular and _gloss if multi-material object uses them
NOTE: Above will allow Fuse Characters (via FBX2GG) to be imported with full shader effects
Added new special value to 'smoothangle' FPE field over 101 which 'GENERATES SMOOTH' normals
Also new special value over 101 will also seal and blend position and normal values
Added new ai_dance.lua as the first official AI work towards V1.15
Added new effect called character_notangents.fx to ignore corrupt tangents in models
Added new "entitybank\user\fusecharacters" folder with material to help importers
Modified cube_basic.fx so that cube mapping is independent of light direction
Added new 'isspinetracker' to FPE to control new spine tracker for modern character anims
Added MoveWithAnimation(e,v) LUA command which moves entity if v is 1 using spine tracker
Added REALSHADOWCASCADE 0-3 to SETUP.INI for manual control of shadow mapping cascade levels
NOTE: New cascade values are 2, 6, 18 and 75 (though reverted to old 10, 20, 50, 100)
Fixed ragdoll and collision settings on new FuseModel FPE template
Fixed bug so PHYWEIGHT and PHYFRICTION specified in FPE are no longer reset to 100
Added three new roof pieces (thanks Belidos) to give you the option of flat-topped roofs
Added "treea_basic.fx" awareness to switch entity to DYNAMIC if selected (for animspeed control)
Updated with latest Preben shader tweaks with improved shadows and debugging flags
NOTE: realshadowresolution=1536 to anything upto 4096, the bias works without changes
Added new LUA command ID=GetPlayerWeaponID() where ID returned is the WeaponID index
Added new LUA commands SetCameraOverride, SetCameraPosition and SetCameraAngle (main cam control)
Added new LUA commands GetCameraPositionX,Y,Z and GetCameraAngleX,Y,Z for full set/get
Added much needed LUA command "WrapAngle" which will save lots of LUA code to handle angles
Created a re-usable 'module_cameraoverride.lua' LUA script to keep newer scripts cleaner
Reactivated support for FOOTFALLMAX and FOOTFALLx in FPE where x is the footfall index
NOTE: Above allows entities to specify keyframes that would trigger a footfall sound effect
Added code to the physics system to report material types to the entity footfall system
Added sounds to new faster zombie and related AI script (ai_idlemovebitehurt.lua)
Added AGRO logic to new AI script which alerts nearby enemies within radius of an event
Added sound awareness to new AI script for wider agro alerts
Added headshots to new AI script to ensure player can benefit from single shot kills
Added new 'CharacterControlManual(e)' which forces AI to a new 'full manual mode'
Added new LUA commands 'GetEntityPositionX,Y,Z()' in order to update AI in manual mode
NOTE: Gives LUA scripter FULL control of how entities are handled based on AI data
Added new LUA command 'AISetEntityTurnSpeed(obj,speed)' to help control path navigation
Refined the AI path finding to allow for VERY fast anim-movements without delays
Thanks to a Rafhalzer fix, and my tweaking, imported Fuse characters now have normals
Fixed so tangent and binormals animate properly in character shader
Added 'character_gloss.fx' to effectbank to use illumination slot as gloss map
Fixed big bug causing most AI obstacles to fail if depend on loading them in (EXE/TestGamex2)
Corrected path finder so fast tracking of paths detect node quickly and moves to next
Reactivated avoidance code (mode 1) in AI system so entity Vs entity avoidance works
Added new LUA command 'GetAnimationSpeed' to obtain the ANIMSPEED when entity first starts
Added FIVE new Doors to Fixtures (thanks to Cesar Correa for making them freely available)
Fixed Entity physics for characters so vertical velocity replaced with gravity force
Two new entity physics LUA commands added FreezeEntity(e,m) and UnFreezeEntity(e)
SurfaceSnap = created new default mode which finds any surface to place entity/waypoint
NOTE: Above mode can be broken with use of RETURN or PGUP/PGDN keys (restoring old modes)
NOTE: This mode is deactivated when extracting via the widget to preserve entity positioning
Waypoints now use surface snap detection to place waypoint nodes anywhere in 3D space
Updated entity_basic to use variants entity_cube / cubealpha and cubeambience shader files
NOTE: Above allows much code re-use while while maintaining extra modes for cube mapping
Added new Floor Zone marker which can create 'navmesh' containment areas for the AI system
Waypoints now double as floor zone (navmesh) connectors, allowing AI to move between them
Added 'deletetxpcachesonexit=0' to SETUP.INI which deletes TXP cache for smaller HDDs
NOTE: Above will cause TXP to regenerate each time a new EBE texture plate is required
Changed Floor Zone from 'inverted obstacle' to 'obstacle walls' for extra-safe navmesh
New improved shader tweaks from Preben for shadows and cube mapping
Added ability for characters to detect and climb stairs and ramps and ascend/decend them
Added 'Building Editor Guide.pdf' to DOCS folder (thanks to community help and advice)
Capsule Vs Capsule Physics can PUSH AI out of zone bounds, so replaced with maths avoidance
View cone in AI debug now points in same direction as character facing angle
Added new 'disablesurfacesnap=0' to SETUP.INI to disable the 'surfacesnap' editor default
Changed Player Start Ammo quantity from 1 to 100 so default TPP character has more bullets
Added 'jumpmodifier' to FPE to control third person jump multiplier (wizard uses 250)
NOTE: When set jumpmodifier to zero, it will completely disable TPP ability to jump
Added 'jumphold' to FPE to specify which jump frame is held during fall to ground
Added 'jumpvaulttrim' to FPE to deactivate automatic trim applied to VAULT animation
NOTE: Above jumpvaulttrim state is on by default, allowing ALL characters better jump anim
Added 'jumpresume' to FPE which controls when the jump anim can give over to move anim
Wiped default VAULT animations from anim system so characters must specify them in FPE
Added support for TPP characters to shoot all main weapons (pistol thru launcher)
Prevented LUA scripts associated with character used in Third Person Mode (as player)
Fixed editor stutter on larger levels, now only uses 'surface snap' when holding entity
Also engages surfacesnap in all cases when waypoint nodes being dragged individually
Added code to deactivate melee LMB if there are no PUNCH animations in character FPE
Modified editor opening zoom height and brush size so characters are not so small
Remove ISTHIRDPERSON field from Wizard FPE's as not used any more
Allowed melee action to intercept move/run so Third Person Mode can instant attack
Added 'meleerange' and meleehitangle' to FPE to control TPP melee attack metrics
Added 'meleestrikest' and 'meleestrikefn' to FPE to define 'deadly' melee anim frames
Added 'meleedamagest' and 'meleedamagefn' to FPE to define range of damage per strike
NOTE: Above commands override defaults used by stock characters that don't have them
Refined waypoint node mouse detection for better selection of zone vs waypoint paths
AI bots can now move across multiple-zones in one movement, no more pausing mid-run
AI bots now detect the closest zone to the player, and make an extended path to it
Removed code which set characters to immobile with Y position 20 units above floor
Created new COMBATSHOOT module so can retain AI_SOLDIER.LUA placement and call new AI
Allowed third person character script to remain in tact (for tricks involving TPP)
Added 'tpp\\thirdperson.lua' to scriptbank for any TPP script overrides for character
New Solider script (combatshoot module) will resort to kicking if get too close
RotateToPlayer now updates visual object now object control decoupled from AI
All zones now collect obstacle data to ensure good pathfinding above default ground
Added 11 solid doors to the Fixtures folder for additional choices, thanks to Peter!
Lowered 'fine grain' obstacle generation from 30.0 to 14.0 for better stair detection
Ensured when place down entity, waypoint node at location not moved until first release
Added 'forceobstaclepolysize' to FPE to allow control of 'obstacle slice' resolution
Fixed 'door awareness' for AI, which can block path decisions for closed doors
NOTE: An entity is a AI Door if the first 4 characters of the script is 'door'
Fixed issue of doors thare are collision offset not blocking AI obstacles properly
NOTE: To remove terrain physics altogether, use 'superflatterrain=2' in SETUP.INI
Player now registers correct zone/container ID using height within the world
Corrected how door bounds are calculated to always seal door gaps in EBE structures
Corrected rotation logic for camera override for simpler and more accurate attacking
Added 'ForcePlayer(angle,force)' command to allow kicks to knock back the player
Combined new AI scripts into more organised modular system to maximise code re-use
Added missing 'AIPathGetPointY' LUA command for better control of 3D nodes
Commented out old AI globals (will affect any scripts using old AI system)
NOTE: To continue older script projects, you can comment global.lua OLD-AI back in
Added 'AIGetTotalCover,AICoverGetPointX/Y/Z and AICoverGetAngle' from Cover Markers
NOTE: Can now obtain all cover marker positions and angles within LUA script (go nuts!)
Improved COMBATSHOOT system for path follow, kick, cover, seek and shoot
Added 'IFUSED' field to Cover Zone marker and provided access in LUA using AICoverIfUsed
Added 'AICoverIfUsed' to commands which returns the IFUSED string into script
Added code to detect if DBO in FPE does not exist, and tries to use .X file instead
Added 'GetAmmoClipMax, GetAmmoClip and SetAmmoClip' commands to manage character reloads
Updated all stock characters with revised animation set for new AI scripts
Updated all core Ai scripts to new modular system
Improved AI debug view so container zero obstacles and paths follow the terrain geometry
Modified The Big Escape level and increased soldier aggression (i.e. some now not guards)
The Floor Zone marker is now created as a square to better fit quick floors in structures
Removed redundant cover zone code now we have exposed the cover zones to the LUA system
Loading FPM levels now first clears temp folder of all EBE files and textures
Entities marked as dynamic isimmobile=1 are now treated as obstacle creators
Improved soldier Cover behavior to leave cover strategy if get hurt
Tested all sample levels to ensure AI reflects improvements

V1.14 : Easy Building Editor

Improved performance of Gem World demo by reducing camera draw distance and adding fog system
Changed vShadowTexCoord.z bias from 0.0003f to 0.00009f to fix realtime shadows (entity/static/char)
Added missing DarkAI commands and additional help in Docs\DarkAI Documentation\*
Added new FAQ section to main TGC site to collect and centralise all Lee answers in 2017
Changed SAO bias from 1.2f to 1.48f to reduce artefacts in final rendering
Added a fix to ensure all GameGuru MessageBox pop up in FRONT of IDE not behind
Added SAVE button to EBE Entities so they can be saved to the Builders tab
Added code to save EBE when save level, load when load level, and load EBE from Builders tab
Increased capacity of EBE grid to handle FULL 3D volume (200x200x200 cubes)
Reinstated FirePlayerWeapon(2) functionality
Fixed GetAmbienceIntensity() and similar visual setting retreivers
Optimized the EBE creation/edit step so mesh assets are created on the fly, removes delay-start
EBE now retains editing settings from last EBE edit site, quicker productivity
Added simple STAIRS prefab to EBE constructor so can quickly make navigatable multi-level rooms
Added first-round of matterial and wall textures to EBE 'texturesource' folder (370MB)
Fixed issue of ResetPosition() command not returning characters to the specified location
Added mipmapping to EBE grid system so pixel swim has been eliminated from gadgets
Added ability to right click on any texture within plate to choose a custom texture file
Fixed PFB system to allow larger prefab shapes to be crafted and used (20x20x20 columns)
Fixed issue of mouse pointer disappearing on file requesters after using free flight mode
Added 'preservemode' to PFB system to allow wall types to gracefully add and delete
Added system to create a border to the texture plate to allow seamless atlas textures
Adjusted UV coordinates of textured cubes to allow sub-pixel seamless texturing
Fixed CHURCH DOOR entity so it does not disappear for one cycle when closing
Fixed issue of entities keeping their lightray mask after clone/instance switch
Replaced Freaks\Elhumongo and removed Viral Outbreak\Jaws and Medusa from asset library
Fixed issue of 'Site Switching' only works when click another EBE site - not any entity
EBE no longer persists if start a new level whilst creating an EBE structure
EBE no longer crashes if edit an structure after an attempt to lightmap it (F4)
Added single stage UNDO and REDO to EBE editor for convenience of one-off mistakes
Added Help Panel to show keyboard shortcuts for the EBE editor system
Added improved STAIRS and new COLUMN PFB build shapes for complete basic set
Added two built-in preserve modes for more intuitive building for new users
Fixed issue of staircase rotation corrupting right facing constructions
Added subtle arrow to cursor highlighter so can determine rotation direction
Created simple TALLBUILDING to demonstrate EBE loading and possible multi-storey
Added 9 more textures to EBE texturesource and created default Texture Plate choices
Moved created EBE structures from inside ebebank to entitybank (ready for store selling)
Added 'EBE Material Types.txt' to DOCS to instruct user on what the material letters mean
Added support for assigning material references to each texture in plate
Added support for saving and loading material information between EBE entities
Added new G_LIGHTS_DATA constant to shader sends, use .X to gain access to light quantity
Above constant will allow some clever shader writer to increase overall performance!
Added code to inject EBE material choices into physics for footfall sound effects
Added code to inject EBE material choices into geometry for bullet impact effects
Fixed lightmapper to detect and lightmap EBE structures as regular entities
Fixed issue of materials 16, 17 and 18 not converting to the final optimized object
Added rest of material sounds back into load sequence (materials 4-16 were missing)
Material choices now carry through to lightmapped version of the EBE structures
Removed spikey sphere handle mesh from lightmapping process (editor mesh artefact)
Added texture group references into EBE file to track which textures were used
Unique filename generated for EBE texture arrangements so can share texture files
Each EBE structure saved now has its own 'unique-named' texture set
You can now switch between two different Texture Plate groups
Fixed issue of specular settings not carrying to prebaked static entities
Added SpecularOverride to static_basic.fx shader so specular setting can work in prebake
When EXTRACT entity, any child entities are also extracted, moved and rotated as a group
When pasting extracted entity group, child references are maintained
Fixed issued with group highlighting disengaging when extract/paste process over
Built-in functionality to save and load parent/child associations for FPM levels
Added new field to FPE called "offyoverride" which overrides Y offset to correct models
Added new scifi door/lift sound effects to the audiobank folder
Added new doorautolegacy.lua script to control a door frame animation (proximity)
Now the entity link system disables the 'findground' system for better connecting
Added new 'GetEntityAnimationStart and GetEntityAnimationFinish' LUA commands
Added 8 new doors with frames to entitybank\fixtures\doors folder
Added 5 new windows with frames to entitybank\fixtures\windows folder
Added 3 new roofs to entitybank\fixtures\roofs folder
Updated F1 help screen to show 'L + DRAG = Link Entity' functionality
Reset EBE editor state when start a new level
EBE entity no longer corrupts when enter and exit the entity LOCK system
Prevented child entities from detatching when mouse exit and enters edit area
When PGDN EBE cursor to ground, will now reset to zero layer even if grid size > 1
Added new ROW shape to the EBE prefab shapes to allow quicker hole punching task
Changed preserve mode for Column so it does not respect cubes next to it
Added special case for EBE grid size so ROW shape can match 1 cube high dimension
Fixed issue of EBE surfaces that share materials no longer sharing texture ref
Adjusted visual defaults of GameGuru to prefer HIGHEST and stronger color settings
Fixed LightRay shader to accept the adjustment from the Lightray Mode slider
Finally removed the EBE grab marker from the lightmapping blocker list
Adjusted the EBE entity grid offset to match regular 100x100 global grid system
Written 'forcesimpleobstacle = 3' for all EBE structures to give them better AI
Updated Door and Window Frames to use 'forcesimpleobstacle = 3' (as above)

V1.1331 :

Added extra toggle text to F and G modes to help new users to the editor view types
Fixed issue of specular not working on entities that are not characters
Updated global.lua to include the SetPlayerRun(x) instruction

V1.133 :

Optimized entity loops to favor dynamic elements (do static entities need loop and animloop functionalities)
Limited DarkAI to only control AI bots within a 2000 unit range (only AI bots within game play area matter)
Improved occluder with predictive occlusion (marches in advance of player motion) - stops disappearing walls
Fixed bug which stops updating lightray render when terrain is hidden (F11 terrain off mode)
Added secret backdoor password for Restricted Content Mode (9119 unlocks restricted content mode)
When playing video in standalone executable, left click now ends the video as designed
When video playback is stopped, the sound is also stopped (used to carry on to the end)
When play video in standalone, on exiting video, no longer shows low FPS warning
Added new END COLLISION field to entity properties; can now switch off collision of ragdolls
Added new OCCLUDER and OCCLUDEE fields in properties to control per-entity occlusion states
Added new SKYSHADER and SKYSCROLLSHADER fields to SKYSPEC.TXT file to allow custom sky shaders
Added new LUA command "SetPlayerRun(x)" where a value of zero in X will disable player ability to run (SHIFT)
Added 12 new Zombie sound effects to "audiobank\zombies" to improve 'repetitiveness of current audio'
Added 3 new sound slots to all entity properties (Sound2, Sound3 and Sound4) for more LUA opportunities
Fixed issue which prevented SOUNDSET slot to be used by regular non-voice sound file
Updated AI_FASTZOMBIE, AI_ZOMBIEWALK and AI_ZOMBIEWALK3 to use new Zombie sounds
Fixed MAJOR LUA script issue which would call _init 'BEFORE' preparing g_Entity structure
Improved AI_FASTZOMBIE to fix issue of roar responding to sound but not chasing the player afterwards
Further improved AI_FASTZOMBIE to increase ferocity of attack and manouvers - a taste of better AI
Added new field to FPE called 'endcollision' which when set to zero will disable collision of ragdolls
Fixed issue of camera locked third person locking onto itself when firing fireball
Fixed lua_setfreezepositionXYZ and lua_setfreezepositionAXYZ commands to use floats (not ints)
NOTE: You can use 'ignorematerial = 1' in GUNSPEC file to hide the decal impact from weapons fire
Fixed issue of third person weapon not activating when move from level 1 to level 2
Ensured lightmapper updated with new entityelement/profile data structures
Added the following new LUA commands for attribute control of any in-game weapon:
GetWeaponSlot: GetWeaponSlot ( index ) -- Gets WeaponID from slot, index is 1 through 10
GetWeaponID: GetWeaponID ( GunNameString ) -- Gets WeaponID associated with current GunNameString
GetEntityWeaponID: GetEntityWeaponID ( e ) -- Gets the WeaponID associated with the entity specified
SetWeaponDamage: SetWeaponDamage ( WeaponID, FireModeIndex, Value ) -- Sets damage value of weapon
SetWeaponAccuracy: SetWeaponAccuracy ( WeaponID, FireModeIndex, Value ) -- Sets accuracy value of weapon
SetWeaponReloadQuantity: SetWeaponReloadQuantity ( WeaponID, FireModeIndex, Value ) -- Sets reload quantity value of weapon
SetWeaponFireIterations: SetWeaponFireIterations ( WeaponID, FireModeIndex, Value ) -- Sets shot iterations value of weapon
SetWeaponRange: SetWeaponRange ( WeaponID, FireModeIndex, Value ) -- Sets range value of weapon
SetWeaponDropoff: SetWeaponDropoff ( WeaponID, FireModeIndex, Value ) -- Sets dropoff value of weapon
SetWeaponSpotLighting: SetWeaponSpotLighting ( WeaponID, FireModeIndex, Value ) -- Sets whether weapon uses spot light effect
GetWeaponDamage: Value = GetWeaponDamage ( WeaponID, FireModeIndex ) -- Get damage value of weapon
GetWeaponAccuracy: Value = GetWeaponAccuracy ( WeaponID, FireModeIndex ) -- Get accuracy value of weapon
GetWeaponReloadQuantity: Value = GetWeaponReloadQuantity ( WeaponID, FireModeIndex ) -- Get reload quantity value of weapon
GetWeaponFireIterations: Value = GetWeaponFireIterations ( WeaponID, FireModeIndex ) -- Get shot iterations value of weapon
GetWeaponRange: Value = GetWeaponRange ( WeaponID, FireModeIndex ) -- Get range value of weapon
GetWeaponDropoff: Value = GetWeaponDropoff ( WeaponID, FireModeIndex ) -- Get dropoff value of weapon
GetWeaponSpotLighting: Value = GetWeaponSpotLighting ( WeaponID, FireModeIndex ) -- Get whether weapon uses spot light effect
Added legacy terrain generation system when select NEW RANDOM LEVEL from FILE menu (by popular request)
NOTE: Further increased terrain randomness by changing old fixed range (6) to new (5+Random(4)) for better choices
Fixed issue of game running slower after a saved game reload
Updated Classic Character Scripts (from expansion pack) thanks to SmallG's scipting talents!
Prevented sky messing up when save standalone (removed auto NIGHT export for now)
Now saves out textures from internal ELEPROF and parent ELEPROF data (MMS level textures)
Shifted 'graphicsmediumgrass=high' and 'graphicshighgrass=highest' for better default export in SETUP.INI
Added code to TITLE.LUA to reinstate the auto-title-music feature, just add TITLE.OGG to DEFAULT folder
Fixed issue of distant path-based AI bots stuttering by allowing ALWAYS ACTIVE flag to work within AI system
Also increased AI deactivation range so that the stutter is never seen (3000 now same as GG range disabler)
Improved random terrain generator to create good balance of flats and hills (more like legacy system)
Fixed issue of DOF not working when SAO is zero
Added support for per entity specular modulation, specified as a percentage of the global specular setting
NOTE: Above feature can overexpose specular for cool metallic effects on entities of your choice!
Fixed issue causing some characters (zombies no ragdoll) to get hit/headhot and not use fall animation
Added code to character physics vertical positioning so AI like Clown Zombies find the Asylum floor
Improved constants (TIME,SINTIME,DELTATIME) passed into shader so they use PerformanceCounter precision
NOTE: The above affects sky scroll shader, grass animation, anything that uses timer for shaders
Extended higher precision timing code to physics update for triple-figure FPS fidelity
Extended higher precision timing further to include time slicing logic for all in-game logic
Solved the slight jerkiness when mouselooking quickly - now SMOOTH AS DATA'S BOTTOM - Oh yeah!
Fixed issue of SAO = Zero triggering SAO shader instead of BLOOM shader in recent beta fix
Changed defaults in VISUALS.INI to HIGHEST by default - improve first impressions of GameGuru

V1.132 :

Fixed issue which caused 'hidelowfpswarning' in SETUP.INI to be ignored
Move LUA and AI processing to AFTER PHYSICS/PLR code in main loop so scripts have more up to date plr/camera values
Added new 'zdepth' field to entity FPE file which can disable the zdepth render order (it will draw like a HUD weapon)
Fixed issue of GUNSPEC 'textured' field not finding internal HUD.X model textures when it was blank (legacy medieval weapons)
Added 'usespotlighting' as field in GUNSPEC to control default as to whether projectile has dynamic spot lighting
Added 'usespotlighting=1' to Modern RPG weapon and Fantasy Staff weapon to ensure they use spot lighting
SCIFI PACK: Updated Buildings and Interiors with correct AI obstacle settings
Changed geometry for Light marker so you can better manipulate in 3D free flight mode
New GAMEDATA.LUA that now supports global tables (thanks to feature and bug work by that fine fellow; Rickie Allen)
Added extra functionality which disables auto-removal of dead characters if ALWAYS ACTIVE is YES
Fixed bug in LUA spawn command which confused the entity parent ID (would cause strange behaviours)
Fixed issue of repeated calls to SetObjectEffect internally when SetFogRed(x), etc is called (performance hit!)
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 23rd Aug 2017 22:21
lol that's 20 mins I'm not getting back
Welcome to the real world!
Windows 10 Pro x64 - Core i7-7700K @4.2GHz - 32GB DDR4 RAM - GeForce GTX 1060-6G 6GB - 1TB NVe SSD
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Location: England
Posted: 23rd Aug 2017 23:36
..and it's best you don't know what's been changed since May, it will probably give us both a headache
PC SPECS: Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit, Intel Core i7-5930K (PASSMARK:13645), NVIDIA Geforce GTX 980 GPU (PASSMARK:9762) , 32GB RAM

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