I came across your post today and I would really love the ability to simulate car driving in different terrains in GG. Perhaps even bicycle/moped options.
I think these types of things would elevate the product quality branding considerably to the community and would make and excellent selling point. In short I am for extending GG to other game Genera types. FPS, Driving, Questing even the 2D side scroll technique talked about about in other "PRODUCT CHAT" posts.
Sidescroller / Platformer 2.5D:
It also sounds like "Teabone" has made some incredible leaps in "features" in the past 3 weeks with the open LUA system now implemented:
Day and Night cycles (complete with clock system for seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months & year)
- Complete weather system (13 varieties)
- Climb ladders
- Door and Switches
- Quests
- Stealth Mode
- Crawl Camo Mode
- Lean left and right
- XP Levels (with player stat bonuses)
GameGuru. Will it ever reach its potential?
I guess GG features are always going to be an issue.
PC SPECS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit, Intel Core i7-2700K (PASSMARK:10401.1), NVIDIA Geforce GTX 570 GPU (PASSMARK:5079.4) , 16GB RAM