Third Party Tools / Make Entities from X Files

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Posted: 15th Jul 2017 19:53 Edited at: 16th Jul 2017 00:25
Hey there!

I'd like to share an old tool with you from the FPSC days. Its an entitie maker.
While designed for FPSC, it still works just as well for GG but you will have to enter the shader line manually.

For static entities, just copy paste this line : "effectbank\reloaded\entity_basic.fx" behind "effects ="
If you fail to do this, your model will not have a shader file referenced.

Copy the .x, the _D , _S and _N textures into the user folder and start the application. Launch the exe and work yourself through the commands.
The convenience of this tool over handwriting your fpe's is that you dont have to launch an image editor to make the little BMP files. It can handle several models in one sitting.

Advanced importing of chars is unsupported.

I'm sure there are a few devs here that can make use of it so since I use it a lot, I figured I'd also share it.




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Posted: 15th Jul 2017 20:12
Hey Wolf great tool thank you very much for the share
I have problems with the .BMP's getting them to look right in a 64x64 scale can be challenging, ive started cheating and cropping an image rather than trying to get it all into the bmp so at least it does not look skewed
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Posted: 16th Jul 2017 14:10
Thanks for the link Wolf

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Posted: 2nd Aug 2017 16:02

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