Question, in order to use ANY FPSC entity in GameGuru, does the entity need to be converted somehow or someway to something? The reason I ask is this, I want to use some free entities (non-animated), they are pipes (you know like steam, water, or other liquids or gasses travel through) in my game that are now open sourced from the FPS Creator Classic on the GitHub page from the FPSC Model Pack 03.
Just out of curiosity, I copied the PIPES directory inside of the M3 directory inside the ENTITYBANK directory inside the FILES directory from inside the FPSC Model Pack 03 FPSC_MP_03.ZIP archive, then I pasted that PIPES directory inside my GameGuru directory and added a couple of pipes entities to my game and they seemed to work fine without any type of conversions.
So I guess I am not understanding why I have seen some people say you need to convert any FPSC entities in order for them to work in GameGuru, when I didn't and they seem to work fine, please explain and help me understand, please?