Third Party Tools / GameGuru Game Loader is not loading levels properly

World Class Multimedia
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2017 05:31
I bought the AppGameKit - GameGuru Loader and have both AGK and Game Guru.

I followed the directions and converted everything - took quite a few hours.

I converted the Easter level as well as a few other levels.

When I run the ggloader agk project, it loads the terrain of the level I converted but nothing else.

Everything is on my 'D' drive for space reasons.

What do I need to do take make this work 100%?


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Posted: 22nd Apr 2017 06:01
Problem solved - I had to move the converted ENTITYBANK folder to the root folder for ggloader. Once that was done, all worked.


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Posted: 22nd Apr 2017 11:24 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2017 11:25
World Class Multimedia:

Yes if you dont select "\steamapps\common\Game Guru\Files\" mainly the \files\ part when you do the first conversion of all media , you might run into this problem , but yes you can copy the entitybank from the gamegurutmp folder to:

c:\user\<your username>\AppData\Local\AGKApps\ggloader\entitybank

This will also make it work, just wanted to add this if anyone else is having this problem

Cant wait to see some screenshots / progress from you, and let me know if you have any questions/problems.
best regards Preben Eriksen,
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2017 15:34 Edited at: 22nd Apr 2017 15:44
Actually, where is the main code for the fps/3rd person camera controls. I need to add jumping, swimming, climbing, etc to the controller.

I know you can run a recently converted level, but how would I run series of levels, after the user completes the objective and moves on to the next level, and the next level, etc?

I wish to use this to create our Atomic Cat games and definitely see this as a PERFECT way to do so.

Also, how do we get our Atomic Cat character files into our games using AGK/GameGuru?. They are in FBX or DAE formats (they are rigged with animations).

The Easter game level is a good example (though simplistic) of what we are attempting to achieve - the bunny would be replaced with our cat and goat characters (yes, they are pals).

Thanks for any help.


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Posted: 23rd Apr 2017 10:33
If you look in the main loop , you find code like this:
if ( GetRawKeyState( 87 ) )
moving = 1
MoveCameraLocalZ( 1, speed# )
This is moving the camera around.

Just after this you find this function: movecamera()
This is taking care of all collision and placement of the camera.

To do a simple TTP camera, you could just use the camera position, it already have all the
collision you need. So a logic like this:

1. after movecamera() place your character exactly at the camera position.
2. just before sync() save camera position, move camera backward “MoveCameraLocalZ(1,-200)” and perhaps up.
3. just after sync() restore camera pos you saved.

You can control the characters animation depending on the key used: search (GetRawKeyState)
If you want a smooth moving camera you can use <> to move the camera.
Perhaps add a raycast from camera to player , if you hit anything make that object transparent so your still able to see the player char behind other objects.

Swimming: The waterline can move up down , but there is a global you can use “waterlevel#” , so if:
GetObjectY( TTPchar ) < waterlevel# , use swim animation , and perhaps setobjectposition = waterlevel# , so he floats move up down with the water.

Easy way to make many levels , is to make ALL your level on the same gameguru level. just hide the different levels with , walls/hills and use the GG “invisible wall” to prevent player from going from one to another level. This way you can just “move” to player/camara position to a new location to switch level.

To switch to a complete new gameguru level , you could save it in another folder , by defaults GG Loader use “gameguru/“ if you place your second level inside a folder called “gameguru2” , then search for “gameguru/“ in the code you see functions like this: preparemedia("gameguru/map.ent”) , loadgameguruobjects("gameguru/map.ele",0) , keep searching for “gameguru/“ and you see what need to be changed. Perhaps make a global levelpath$ = “gameguru/“ , and use this everywhere instead , so you can just change this , and use the same functions. Your in for some coding to do this, i will see if a can make it easier to do this in a later version.

To get your media working , make sure you don’t use scaled bones , AGK don’t support this , export your characters to .x format , make a folder inside gameguru/files/entitybank/ and place all your object there , you will need to make .fpe files for all your object. if you can use .dds textures then do this, they will be converted to png later , but this way objects will work in both GameGuru and AGK. When you got your media working in GameGuru you can just use the converter to get it into AGK

Ha ha a swimming goat, it will be great to see some screenshot when you get it into GG
best regards Preben Eriksen,
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Posted: 24th Apr 2017 11:41
In the next update this has been added:

loadlevel("level1") // load a new gameguru level from folder level1

Will load and play a completely new GameGuru level , normally you have your level in /ggloader/media/gameguru , you can now have as many "gameguru" folders with different levels , and call them anything you like.

Hope this will help you
best regards Preben Eriksen,
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Posted: 24th Apr 2017 21:52
Also added a basic TPP camera you can build on:
best regards Preben Eriksen,
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Posted: 27th Apr 2017 13:47
Excellent. I will likely pick your brain as we develop Atomic Cat.

I think converting all of our FBX/DAE character objects to FPE will be the most challenging as I have no idea how to do this?

Any hints, tips or tutorials on how to convert FBX/DAE rigged objects with animations to FPE? How can we get our own
static models into levels in Game Guru?


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Posted: 2nd May 2017 14:41
Did you get your characters into GG ?

You can just copy the FPE from one of the current TPP characters in GG like the Wizard , and adjust it to your needs (notepad).

But you still need to convert it to .x format.

If you have problems converting it , create a thread about it , there are many great artist around here that do this often
best regards Preben Eriksen,
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Posted: 11th May 2017 13:34
Not yet. I will be testing that today and see what will natively load and what needs to be converted.

Other than uu3d, which I own the pro license for, is there any good converters that convert .obj, .fbx and possibly .dae files to Game Guru compliant formats?

What can Game Guru natively load in other than .x? Is .x it?

How do I download the newest ggloader with the new water and 3rd person update? I bought through STEAM, so I assume it will auto-download and install it. Am I wrong?

We will be using the 3rd person for our cute games and 1st person for the serious ones. How do I use one over the other? Multiple scripts?

How would I add a inventory system to the script so my characters can 'own' items, like guns, power-ups, wearables, etc. Shooting? Melee?

So many things to worry about


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Posted: 11th May 2017 20:37
Fragmotion can be used to convert a variety of files in to .x format.
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Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 11th Jun 2017 23:54
All I get is a blue screen when running the ggloader. I converted everything, but obviously I am doing something wrong!

My GGLoader settings are as follows:

Add "Gameguru root\Files\" folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Game Guru\

Select Output Folder [GameGuru Tmp]:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\App Game Kit 2\GameGuru Tmp\

Select your Gameguru Level [Mapbank]
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Game Guru\Files\mapbank\The_Dig_2017.fpm

Select you GG Loader folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\App Game Kit 2\DLC\GameGuru Loader\

Select GGLoader temporary Folder [AppData]

Any ideas?

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Posted: 12th Jun 2017 11:50
Jerry Tremble:
Yes its the same problem , you need to select "\Files\"

Add "Gameguru root\Files\" folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Game Guru\

Should be:
Add "Gameguru root\Files\" folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Game Guru\Files\

After this change you need to convert the media again , and after that if should work

World Class Multimedia:

Quote: "We will be using the 3rd person for our cute games and 1st person for the serious ones. How do I use one over the other? Multiple scripts?"

Currently its a variable you set to use 3rd camera or fps camera , so its pretty easy.

Quote: "How would I add a inventory system to the script so my characters can 'own' items, like guns, power-ups, wearables

When you start to code in AGK you find that storing variables like this is pretty easy , a new version is coming in a few days that will show you have you can do this , try searching for playerhealth# you can use variables like this for anything you like to count , like items , power-ups, keys ....

best regards Preben Eriksen,
Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 12th Jun 2017 12:46
Thank you, Preben, I will try it again when I get home from work tonight! I figured I had something pointing to the wrong place.
Desktop: i7 4770@3.4Ghz (passmark 9809), 12GB RAM, Win 10/64, GeForce GTX 1080 (passmark 12006), 1TB SSD, 1TB HDD; Laptop: i7 4800MQ@2.7Ghz, 16GB RAM, Win 10/64, GeForce GTX870M , 1TB SSD.

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