Product Chat / EBE texture palete.

Team wolf
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Posted: 28th Mar 2017 15:24
i changed the default EBE texture palete and now when i try to edit any of my saved EBE structures they use the my edited palete not the one they actualy use.And how i set the default palete again?
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Posted: 28th Mar 2017 17:05
I assume you did not backup the original palette ...Probably the easiest way is to delete the palette and verify via steam ...
This will replace the missing files you deleted ..
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Team wolf
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Posted: 28th Mar 2017 17:51
i have a copy of the original palete but were i put it were is the default palete?and when i am editing a saved EBE should be editing with the palete i made for this EBE now when i click edit takes my modified palete no the one it ues before i press edit
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Posted: 28th Mar 2017 19:16
This will be solved in the next beta, so when you customize the palette it will belong to the level, not the terrainbank entry. This way you can go back to the default list, or use your custom one.
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