Ok gd thanks m8 yeah the loop i get sometimes when you have the menu open and e.g try to do a save so will have to have a look as to why that happens, yeah agreed m8 change the "G" key as its probably causing that loop.
Will have a look at the sniper rifle as i know its a 1 shot kill, didnt mind that as much as the distance thing as you can see them well before they see you. I do think sniper rifles should be 1 shot kills, but i think the main problem is that the AI isnt reacting to their comrades being shot. Which as we know in RL just wouldnt happen they would take cover instantly
and the other bits i'll have a look at also thanks m8 for the feeback
EDIT: ok menu key now set to "i" or middle mouse button will have to change that in the titles screen also
i think maybe theres a way to adjust the turrets to not fire under a certain height i'll look into that or maybe smallg might pipe in with an answer
ok heres the gunspec as it is atm what would you change here?
;Sniper R400 Panther weapon spec
Weapon was created and animated by BSP
;GUN Model File Requirements
;GUN Settings
muzzleflash = 557217
muzzlesize = 100
smokedecal = gunsmoke
smokespeed = 14
damage = 150
damagetype = 1
scorchtype = 2
reloadqty = 12
accuracy = 0
runaccuracy = 20
range = 8000
zoommode = 1
melee range = 60
melee damage = 100
melee noscorch = 1
force = 100
npcignorereload = 0
;// Brass System
brass = 308
brasslife = 40
brassangle = 40
brassanglerand = 2
brassspeed = 50
brassspeedrand = 5
brassupward = 15
brassupwardrand = 5
brassrotx = 300
brassrotxrand = 400
brassroty = 0
brassrotyrand = 0
brassrotz = 0
brassrotzrand = 0
decal = muzzleflash557217
;//GUN Visuals
textured = gun_D.dds
effect = effectbank\reloaded\weapon_basic.fx
transparency = 0
weapontype = 5
statuspanelcode = 100
poolammo = BSP Sniper R400 Panther
;GUN Sounds
sound1 = fire.wav
sound2 = reload.wav
sound3 = dryfire.wav
sound4 = putaway.wav
sound5 = reload2.wav
sound6 = zoom.wav
sound7 = retrieve.wav
sound9 = cock.wav
sound10 = melee.wav
fireloop = 0
;HUD muzzleflash position
horiz = 2
vert = -1
forward = 2
alignx = 12
aligny = -3
alignz = 80
;HUD animation frames list
keyframe ratio = 1
select = 0,14
Idle = 15,64
Move = 65,86
start fire = 87,89
end fire = 90,94
reload = 95,142
run = 304,333
putaway = 289,303
dryfire = 334,339
melee start = 340,348
melee end = 349,363
empty melee start = 340,348
empty melee end = 349,363
useempty = 1
empty select = 0,14
empty idle = 15,64
empty move = 65,86
empty reload = 143,200
empty run = 304,333
;HUD sound frames list
soundframes = 15
sframe0 = 0,7
sframe7 = 107,2
sframe8 = 125,5
sframe9 = 155,2
sframe10 = 173,5
sframe11 = 184,9
sframe12 = 194,6
sframe13 = 278,6
sframe14 = 289,4
sframe15 = 349,10
disablerunandshoot = 1
firerate = 2
zoomto = 201,204
zoom idle = 205,254
zoom move = 255,276
zoom start fire = 277,279
zoom end fire = 280,284
zoomfrom = 285,288
simplezoom = 5
simplezoommod = 2
simplezoomacc = 1
simplezoomy = -3.5
simplezoomx = 2.2
simplezoomanim = 1
simplezoomflash = 1
roty = 1
zoomalignx = 5
zoomaligny = -170
zoomalignz = 170
nofullreload = 1
chamberedround = 0
runy = -7
runaccuracy = 60
forcezoomout =1
recoily = 25
recoilyreturn = 87
recoilxreturn = 80
zoomrecoily = 10
zoomrecoilyreturn = 90
zoomrecoilx = 1.5
zoomrecoilxreturn = 95
gunlagspeed = 9
gunlagxmax =3
gunlagymax = 3
zoomgunlagspeed = 6
zoomgunlagxmax = 4
zoomgunlagymax = 6
zoomwalkspeed = 0.7
zoomturnspeed = 0.15
Intel i5 4950 Quad core 3.3ghz AMD FX 6300 x6 cores 3.5ghz(unclocked)
8gb Ram 8gb Ram
AMD Radeon 7570 1gb AMD Radeon HD 6670 2gb
and a well fed mouse on a wheel
I only smile because i have absolutely no idea whats going on