Hi guys
Firts of all, I already know you do not should overwrite files while app is running, does not matter what the aspp is, so GG can't be different way.

However I would need do it, since I can not see another different way to do it.
What I'm talking about?
Well, I already have all the needed code to backup files:
1- make a backup of your tab tab settings, so you can use it in a different maps.
2- create a folder named as your map, in Files folder.
3- create backup of visual settings and save file withing that folder, for later use
4- create a txt file with all the backups settings path, for later use as well. (this because there is not easy way to get all the files inside a dir, and I want to keep all, as easy as possible, so user can understand and modified all, in easiest way)
If you want try/apply differents setting to your map
1- Write in screen all the backup you've, so you can try or apply the one you like, just enter the backup number.
2- apply the choosen setting to your map
3- you just has to save your map with the new settings.
till here so good.
What's the problem?
There is just 1 way to run scripts in GG, in test mode.
And GG does not allow to touch their files when running, via scritps.
I has to see many workaround to get the backup files while running GG, but I've got, what I can't achieve so far, is apply those changes to my map, while GG running.
Firts I mind about admin rights, but this doesn't looks as the problem.
When GG is running, many files becames read only, therefore too difficult to deal with.
So raise the thread title question, since before do nothing with the script, firts I want to be sure it is possible.
If so, so I know I should focused my scripts for different ways.
Working with set ambience and so forth, does not work well for me, I've got, and all the settings are applied, but terrain becames black. So I decide focused the subject with different approach, and I'm happy with the results, just lack this "small" detail.
If does not, so you'll has to change file manually, nor like now than you just has to place player, a barrel and run you game>back to editor, so you has already your settings backup, for later use, so play with your settings, terrain, sky, visuals, and so on till you get nice results so backup them. At least that's the idea.
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