Product Chat / ai still falls thru floors since the new update 28/02/2017

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Posted: 22nd Mar 2017 16:50
Quote: "I have not characters folder within my classic/sci-fi folders."

I don't have access to GG at the moment, i might be wrong about it being classic/scifi/characters, i think some of them are in classic/characters/scifi, i'll have to check when i get home.

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Posted: 22nd Mar 2017 17:11
It would be far easier just to use a stock soldier if you could get the same fault.
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2017 17:25 Edited at: 22nd Mar 2017 17:36
I have tried it with stock assets, and if its going to happen to anyone it will be me lol I seem to break everything so for the fun of it I tried it too

youtube gone funky will try to upload again, not sure wot happened here ya go

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Posted: 22nd Mar 2017 17:31 Edited at: 22nd Mar 2017 17:31
Quote: "lol I seem to break everything "

Yep ...Vid not working ..LOL
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2017 17:37
Quote: "Yep ...Vid not working ..LOL"

LOL told ya always happens to me ha ha ha
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2017 17:40 Edited at: 22nd Mar 2017 19:43
Quote: "It would be far easier just to use a stock soldier if you could get the same fault."

Here you go.

@ Lee
Please notice than setting end collision = yes and isImmobile = yes, the problem disspears; so maybe this has something to do, and can give you some clues.

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Posted: 22nd Mar 2017 17:45
I should be a beta tester LOL don't think that will happen Lee only has one lifetime
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2017 19:45
@Lee. it would be great if , while you are fixing this problem, also please look at the problem, that the ai goes immediately to the way points that is connected to the floor zone, as soon as the game starts, and then they run up and down the stairs like crazy men.
Is it possible to have a separate way point that works with the floor zone, or for the floor zone to have his own way point build into it. because we need the ai to ONLY use the way point witch is connected to the floor zone , when he chase the player at that point of time up or down stairs, when the ai is in aggro or combat mode.
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2017 21:53
Quote: " that the ai goes immediately to the way points that is connected to the floor zone, as soon as the game starts, and then they run up and down the stairs like crazy men."

Some shots and video with stock entities, might help, thought.

I've tested masket soldier with floor zone+wp, using stock soldier.lua, just in case; and it works fine to me.
Soldier start uploading module_combatshoot, using ai_soldier_combatshoot.init(e,ai_combattype_regular) .
Since combattype is equal to ai_combattype_regular, so soldier star with ai_state_findpatrolpath as startingstate.
So summarizing soldier star in ai_state_findpatrolpath state, so soldier looks for wp, if any and player out of their range, so it keeps following the wp, till player get within range.

Since not video, so I has to ask to you, does the soldier stop run up and down the stairs , when player closest?
What do you means with, like crazy men ?
which char are you testing for?

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Posted: 22nd Mar 2017 22:24
he means he doesnt want his AI character to treat the waypoint path drawn to link the terrain with the roof (floor) as a patrol path - so it's only a way to follow onto the roof (floor) instead.
i'm not sure the waypoint needs to be aligned exactly over the stairs to be honest, i think Lee just does that because it looks nice? so perhaps simply moving the nodes away from the characters will be fine?
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2017 22:55
@3com. yes the ai stops running up and down the stairs when player is close., then the ai starts to chase player. But in a game point of view, it does not look nice when ai keep running up and down stairs , just because there is a wp. i want to use the wanderer script as soon as all the ai problems is sorted out. but as soon as the ai is close to a wp, witch is connected to a floor zone it will stop to wander , and start running up and down the steps , and not doing what it is so posed to do , to wander around
yes i know the ai is so posed to look for a wp , that is how it is program. but now that we have the floor zone function, it just makes sense to not use a normal wp with the floor zone, so that the ai will ignore the floor zone and its wp , as long as it does not need to go to a second level. that is why i was asking if we can not have a floor zone with its own way point. but if it is not possible to do this, then i will have to change my game play and map again.

Thanks for all the help.

( yes , and by the way, i used to have an ai_wanderer script in my script bank folder that was working correctly if attached to an soldier., now when i open the file it just points to this. )

-- AI : Soldier Behavior
ai_soldier_combatshoot = require "scriptbank\\ai\\module_combatshoot"
function ai_soldier_init(e)
function ai_soldier_main(e)

@lee , it would be nice if you can tel us if the wanderer script is still available with the new update and if so how to use it. }
the script now does nothing.
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Posted: 22nd Mar 2017 22:57
yes just like smallg said.
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Posted: 23rd Mar 2017 13:22
I got the point.

Quote: "it would be nice if you can tel us if the wanderer script is still available with the new update and if so how to use it. }
the script now does nothing."

Script does nothing because it is bad named, try script below:

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Posted: 23rd Mar 2017 14:45
Wil test as soon as im at home
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Posted: 23rd Mar 2017 16:16 Edited at: 23rd Mar 2017 16:16
I've tried wanderer.lua and masket soldier is doing odd things, like jumping while climb the stair.

@ Lee
wanderer.lua function is bad name as ai_soldier instead of ai_wanderer.

About the AIGetEntityHeardSound(AIObjNo) within function module_combatcore.soundawareness(e,AIObjNo), I've done some adjust, so zombie react to the player shoots, I've test just shotgun, but you can add more sound as needed.

Anyway I think some extra command is needed, so you has not to add all tha sounds every time, something like you did with playerDist.

A module loading all the gun sounds, and a command calling this module, to be use in custom functions (_init part)

holding all these sound files inside array/table, for later use.

Or maybe each sound has to have some id , that allows me to identify the sound, as a gun sound (isGunSound). Just ideas.

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Posted: 24th Mar 2017 11:27
Well spotted, thanks for the fix
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Posted: 25th Mar 2017 13:59 Edited at: 25th Mar 2017 15:29
@3com and lee.

i have change the script the way you said i must for ai_wanderer. but it is just standing there, if it see me it attacks, witch is correct, But is it not supposed to start wander around by itself, or is there still something wrong with the wanderer script.?
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Posted: 25th Mar 2017 14:41
Quote: " or is there still something wrong with the wanderer script.?"

Quote: "* Fixed AI_WANDERER script to use correct internal function names"



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Posted: 25th Mar 2017 15:38
ok thanks.
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