Product Chat / Idea for growing gameguru more

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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 03:43
I have many idea for gameguru.And steam has turned of the green light system so many small indie developers can't post there games.So if you guys make a games store where only game made with gameguru will be placed.And there will be a green light system so community members can choose good games. so gameguru sell will increase and also if you advertise about gameguru games store many small developer will buy gameguru and everyone will have a free platform where only good games will be placed.And on gameguru advertise you can show best games sample.Hope this is not bad idea.And sorry for my bad English.
Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 03:52
Sounds like a good idea to me!
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 04:00
yeah because if they do this then many indie developers will use gameguru and sell there game on gameguru game store.
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 08:06
Why don't you do it?
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 08:15
Quote: "Why don't you do it?"

You would require a very good server with good upload and download bandwidth speeds (without caps). I don't think this could be run privately without putting considerable amount of money into the server service. While eventually it probably could pay for itself.

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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 10:51
You could use - LandmanHD Youtube Gaming Channel | - My Design Portfolio | - Digital Art Community
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 10:53
Quote: "You would require a very good server with good upload and download bandwidth speeds (without caps). I don't think this could be run privately without putting considerable amount of money into the server service. While eventually it probably could pay for itself."

Yup, and even if you had all that already, you would need to hire a team to administrate it and vet anything submitted. You would need some serious backing to set something like this up.

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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 12:16 Edited at: 13th Feb 2017 12:17
Actually I could do this .... I have done an emulation store once before although it would cost me around £160 a year for unlimited space But it is doable ... I was joking in another thread about this " Stream Games " but now I think about it if I limited it to GG games only its all pretty plausible . Hmm worth thinking a little more about this ...
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 12:20
Might be an idea, but might be a little overwhelming, you would have to keep an eye on every game that gets listed to make sure they're suitable, and so on.

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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 12:26
I think the idea is good, but has Belidos says maybe over whelming what might help is if the community help, you could have a team of volunteers to score the game on say Detail, scripting, etc so the community whom are top in their own fields the moddlers, graphic artists, scripters could give a score to each respective element people like Rolfy, Smallg, Preben, pop to mind and only the ones with a reasonable score get listed.
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 12:40
I already sell products for users on GameGuru Tools so I could use the same sort of process ...

Its a lot more content to consider but the basics could be the same.
You also bring some good comments on extra things that would need to be considered ... I will have to have a think
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 13:07 Edited at: 13th Feb 2017 13:08
[quote=community whom are top in their own fields the moddlers, graphic artists, scripters could give a score to each respective element people like Rolfy, Smallg, Preben, pop to mind and only the ones with a reasonable score get listed]
I think GraPhiX idea is good.
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 14:12
Big donate button on there might help to

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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 14:23
Reach is very important and a private site will not have the reach which Steam has with its large user base.
So advertisement would be needed and placing links on different sites as well as in documents to enlarge the reach.
On my website i can place a thorough article on Game guru accompanied with links to help if that is appreciated.
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 17:44
Steam close the green light? this is very bad news for GG because many users want to create and sell games and without Steam It will be harder to sell.
This is bad news for me GG for me and others I'm sure. sad day!!!
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 19:16
Why bother with Greenlight when you can just do early access?
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 19:32 Edited at: 13th Feb 2017 19:34
Quote: "Why bother with Greenlight when you can just do early access?"

Because you cannot have Early Access until your game has been Greenlit ..
Then you decide whether its early access or not ?
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 19:46
Quote: "advertisement would be needed"

advertisement would be a very important ingredient of the recipe.
Some kind of bonus at the inauguration, something like the registered user can download a game for free.
A forum where players can exchange impressions, guides, tutorials, qualify a game, etc.
Many videos in youtube, promoting the site and the games.
Try to get audience is the firts key here.

After that comes the games quality, you have to write a rules than determine the quality/playability.
Does the uploaded game has some coprywritted item, or sound, or texture ?

Even you do best talking with a good attorney about game rights, and so forth.

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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 20:08
I think its important to note why valve has made this decision. One of the reason were that a lot of uploaded content contained copy-written work. So for anyone attempting to be a vendor themselves keep this in mind. As a lot of legalities are involved.
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 20:08
Quote: "Even you do best talking with a good attorney about game rights, and so forth"

It doesn't need to be that complex .... There are legal ways around everything ... It just depends how I would set it up
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 21:22
Also, bear in mind Steam did not exist when TGC first started selling software and might not exist ten years from now. It's an excellent convenience, but by no means the only way to get promoted or sell your wares. Anyone remember steam power there. Coming from a time when software came in the form of a printed page, trust me when I say that Steam is not the only way to get your game out there, and for those who want to conquer the Steam mountain, there is always a way if you want to climb it badly enough!
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 21:39
I love it...
Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 21:50
Quote: "I say that Steam is not the only way to get your game out there, and for those who want to conquer the Steam mountain, there is always a way if you want to climb it badly enough!"

Something new and better usually comes along. Go syncromesh!

Quote: "It doesn't need to be that complex .... There are legal ways around everything ... It just depends how I would set it up"

You should always have an attorney, though. That's good advice!
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Posted: 13th Feb 2017 22:42
Just make sure that anyone uploading a standalone has to click a legal agreement stating that all game assets are legit, i.e. they either come from TGC or the store or are public domain etc.

By clicking the button they would be legally liable for any comeback.

In addition make sure there is a mechanism in place for anyone who has copyright issues to make a complaint against any author they think is breaking license agreements, you can block downloads of the complained about game until the issue is dealt with.

It would probably be a good idea to find a lawyer who deals with this sort of thing to make sure whatever you put in place complies with legal systems in all countries with access though, I'm sure there would be plenty of people willing to help fund this legal process up front if it means they have a mechanism for getting their games to a willing audience!
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