Product Chat / *.png imagefiles not shown ingame

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Posted: 8th Feb 2017 18:39
Hello and good evening gameguru people!
Some days ago I was having a look at smallg's note.lua-script he presented in his (awesome!) scripts-by-smallg-thread.
Made some modifications, then some corrections (due to the modifications) etc.
The good thing is: the script still seems to work as it should.
The bad thing (and the reason I'm writing this) is: the images don't get displayed. Did a lot of google-search, searched the GG-forums and experimented with the little graphic-knowledge I have but didn't find a solution.
So, because of that, here are the details:

*Using two image files: 000.png and 001.png
*tried 32bit and 8bit
*original resolution was 600x800 --> read in a thread that images should not be over 1280x768 --> resized images to 576x768
*double- no, triple checked that the image-path is correct
*experimented a bit with the script trying to find the line that is not working --> the prompt "press e to read note" is shown, the entity disappears (as it has to due to Hide(e)) and it reappears after "e" has been pressed two more times (which is the correct number and also proves that the works fine until Show(e))

That means that something is still wrong with the images. It would be really awesome if someone could point me in the correct direction
Hope you all have a nice day!

btw., how do Messages work? I originally wrote a version of this text directly to smallg, but seems like he never got it. Is there something to check before sending PMs? Thanks again!
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Posted: 8th Feb 2017 21:05
Can you add the script so I can check it out?
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Posted: 9th Feb 2017 18:33
Sure, here you go:
(note: it's essentially smallg's script. modified name of script and functions to note_a because several different notes will (hopefully *g*) be used later on)

Thank you very much for your help!

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Posted: 9th Feb 2017 20:31
I'm guessing that you haven't put the images in scriptbank\images\note_a

btw the second LoadImages is not required, you only need to call it once in the init function.
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Posted: 11th Feb 2017 22:30
Well, I checked it over and over again - the folder was correct and everything.
Also tried renaming etc. just to make sure, but it still did not work.
All together I guess I used up about 5-6 hours trying to solve this issue, and then, out of a sudden, it starts to work.
Please don't ask why, I don't know for sure. I just moved the pictures and the folder(s) back and forth in the end, and for some reason it started to work suddenly.
So, I guess this issue can be viewed as solved.
Thank you very much Moses for your analytics and help in general!

Have a nice day everyone,
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Posted: 11th Feb 2017 22:45
Weird, the script worked for me straight away which is why I assumed the name of the directory must have been wrong. Lua is case sensitive btw, catches a lot of people out.
Been there, done that, got all the T-Shirts!

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