Product Chat / How to create story animation for any gg game is there any software to do it?

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Posted: 7th Feb 2017 03:45
I want to know is there any software from where anyone can easily make there own game story animation.
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Posted: 7th Feb 2017 05:17
IF you mean create the 3d assets and animate use Blender is free and its easy(note that nothing is easy blender is relative easy)
for textutres and sprites use gimp its also free and for sound use audacity also free.
After that you can combine all the assets you make put them in game guru wright a script or 2 and you will have your story.
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Posted: 9th Feb 2017 05:06
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Posted: 9th Feb 2017 20:38 Edited at: 10th Feb 2017 00:09
Currently I don't believe Game-Guru supports lip-sync like it did in FPSC. So you may not be able to get lip movements synced properly with your audio if that was your intent. You might have to consider making old Playstation 1 style dialogues whereas no mouths move... just hand movements.

Here is how it used to work in FPSC

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Posted: 9th Feb 2017 21:03 Edited at: 27th Jul 2019 10:32
Or use 2d images with a software called CrazyTalk.
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Posted: 15th Feb 2017 03:05
Oh then fpsc is better then gg.
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Posted: 15th Feb 2017 03:16
I wouldn't say better. It certainly has a LOT of things Game Guru needs.

There is no terrain system and the overall map size is very small.
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Posted: 15th Feb 2017 03:42 Edited at: 15th Feb 2017 03:46
Check out "Hunted: One Step too Far". He scripted story events in Game Guru, recorded them and then used the footage in-game. Its very seamless that way.

Quote: "Oh then fpsc is better then gg."

Blunt statement. If you can look past the monumental instability, the cap and the myriad of other quirks it had you might come to that conclusion.
(it really isn't. I used it for years, trust me, I know)

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