Product Chat / Is there a way to disable the menu screen completely?

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Posted: 5th Feb 2017 18:20
Hi. I'm wondering if you can disable the default menu screen now? You used to be able to set a flag (ignoretitlepage) in the setup file to ignore it, but this seems to have changed. Is this possible now? I want to avoid loading the menu altogether to save a bit of loading time.

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Pirate Myke
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Posted: 5th Feb 2017 21:55
Not really sure about this, but maybe this file might give you a clue.
gamemenu.lua in the titlesbank/default folder
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Posted: 6th Feb 2017 10:59
You should be able to edit title.lua and instantly call "SwitchPage("loadgame")" which jumps direct to the loading screen, and it will allow you to avoid loading the title page assets too. You might have to get your hands dirty with some scripting fun though!
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Posted: 6th Feb 2017 17:03 Edited at: 6th Feb 2017 18:49
Had a quick go, but now I just had the load game screen in a loop of death I'll have to look further, not going to be as straightforward as I thought. Using "SwitchPage("")" is working better, but still having issues with it.

Edit - I've got the menu to auto load. However, when I exit out in my in game menu it then goes to the continue screen (not great) then proceeds to auto load again I've tried to set a variable to fix this but so far no luck. While trying to read a prompt in the menu screen (again, with no luck) I encountered this odd throwback from my menu screen on returning to the default one. Probably because I've moved the backdrop image out of the way to see the (still non-existent prompt) Odd it only displays the objects and not the terrain.

Most of my problems here are the fact I have to exit the game by forcing a win condition. It then goes back to the menu, but will not auto exit, just reload the level, which kind of defeats the point. The QuitGame() command in the title script does not work in the game itself it seems, which would make things a lot easier.

I'll try some text commands rather than prompt to see if that works better. I though moving the backdrop sprite would work, but not seeing any info I can use. At least I can see what my flag variable is doing then.

SPECS: Q6600 CPU. Nvidia 660GTX. 8 Gig Memory. Win 7.


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Posted: 8th Feb 2017 16:52
Well, I've given it a decent go, it doesn't help each standalone test takes an age though, not the best code to be testing given the load times. I added this code to the titlescreen code.

The parts to switch are remmed out at preset as I was trying to test the state of exit. It seems that once you exit out of Game Guru using a winzone or such, all variables are reset. So no attempts at changing it before or after will work. So I can only get a game that autoloads forever as the flag will not update. Now I can possibly add in some code to save a file to remember the state, but it seems ott for such a task. Now if quitgame worked in the actual game, I would have already managed this...

SPECS: Q6600 CPU. Nvidia 660GTX. 8 Gig Memory. Win 7.

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