Product Chat / Voting Board Update

TGC Lead Developer
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Joined: 21st Jan 2000
Location: England
Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 14:59
Hi All,

Wizard has kindly reduced the feature requests from over a thousand to under 500, and so I place the remainder here for all to read. So we can all get through this quickly and get the voting board updated in February, can you start off my shouting out numbers from this list you feel I should delete. It could be that you don't agree its a core feature or it already exists in some form already. The idea is to get this 460+ item list down to less than 50 as quickly as possible, so let rip with those numbers and I will start hacking away at the database. If you disagree with someone's number, feedback here so it can be discussed. Thanks for the assistance!


8 Go in Space and other planets :3 ?
11 icon for standalone games
13 DirectX 11 Support
14 Better Player Sounds more realistic, walk and run sounds need improvements made!
16 I want to be able to lean left or right to peek around corners!
17 Ability to move onto the map from an parachute, hang glide etc.
18 Linux version and more free models.
19 Carry over the ingame values (health, lives, ammo, weapons...) from one to another level.
21 To be able to make spawn at runtime without have to insert and entity on the map (an event spawn a log when I cut down a tree for example).
22 Skybox transitions. If that's covered under D/N then ignore.
24 Swimming system
25 wire frame view port |numeric input for delta z | create pre-determined or random unique ID's on AI respawn
27 "Real time water control
Real time sun control
Hierarchy and layer
Multiple view
Real time shader control
Adding other terrain brush form - cave creator - river creator
Road creator
Emissive texture (shader)
Displacement texture (shader)"
28 character stats that can be influenced by either level and/ or items
29 Ability to import heightmaps, for terrain.
30 Just feel there needs to be a bigger selection of characters (monsters, animals, people) MORE please!?
32 Detailed documentation for scripting.
33 dedicated servers smaller gameguru water mark
34 Dialog/Text information boxes, used for interaction with NPC type characters, giving general instructions about your game, giving a viewable description of a entity/item or anything a player might want information on.
35 Can you add RPG base too with magic ectra will add for epic fun and can you sort AI out as its a little buggy many thanks
36 Be able to shoot water, fire, electricity, etc in your gun or your own weapon model
43 "Multiple scenes or areas
In Unity you can make diferrent scenes so in this software when you talk to a boss or enemyor a npc you are teleported to another area or scene or when you touch a door or button or when you enter a area a cutscene plays then it teleport you to another area."
44 a loading clip but optimized woulb be nice but not so slow please
46 Really just standard RPG mechanics, vendors, traders, xp and skills system/trees, all of that good RPG stuff! Also I love what you guys are doing and I hope you can bring all of these features to GG, really good job!
48 "You say ""elevators"" it is so nice, but don't know if that include ride over platforms, cars, planes, boats, rafts, and so on.
Do you remember ""associatePlayer"" - ""plrAss=1""
Btw nice feature board, covering many options as well, my congrats to you all!
49 flashlight that casts shadows when used, and full shadowing on dynamic lights.
51 build weapons to the offered parts
55 "A Bullet camera view feature that shows the shot from selectable views as its in flight and when hits the enemy. With a slow motion and zoom abilities.
56 multi grass engine
57 No reload/ limited ammo - Just like the early classics
59 Function support: Create working functions without modifing the global.lua. Like a folder "funtions" in the scriptbank where we can add lua files which load like the global. Or a file with name_functions.lua.
61 splitscreen coop and versus
62 Fence Drawing Tool: Click similar to waypoints. Posts generated on change of direction and set intervals. Pick style of fencing/posts/etc from a selection screen.
64 Single folder standalone without all the duplicate files for multi level standalone games.
65 A bot feature akin to Bttlefield games, the AI needs to allow for a high character count w little lag to populate the game world
66 Clothing Editor (similar to the Face scanner in the Character Creator).
68 Resolution Settings: Allows games to be played at custom windowed and fullscreen resolutions.
69 It would be nice create a DLC with a large Scripts Quantity Ready and customizable.
71 Translate into other languages
73 Search option in the entity bank to help find all the entities easier in the editor.
75 Faction/Reputation systems - Allows for developers to define different factions. The player can then complete quests to increase their standing with that faction, while lowering it with another, opposing faction. Based on the current standing, NPC's from factions will behave different, so if the player has high standing with one faction, they will act friendly, however if they have a low standing, NPC's of that faction may shoot on site or not give quests to the player. Also killing NPC's of those factions will raise/lower those standings.
76 Conversation/Dialog system - The player can engage in conversations with NPC's. Similarly to RPG games such as Mass Effect or Skyrim, conversations should have multiple dialog choices, giving the player the ability to really engage with the NPC in their own way. This could also be a way of aquiring quests, or an optional way of gaining more lore about the world.
77 "Better FPE files. where you can use more then one x file! this would be perfect for complex models with more then one part!

physics like you see in half life! Pick up entities and throw them or put them on the ground. a seesaw and ""cable operation"" ""cable control"" (I am not sure about the right word on english). All the puzzles made with those physics are so much fun!"
78 Modern Melee weapons. Like a chainsaw, a police baton or baseball bat. (And knives, katanas, and machetes)
79 Texture and/or Color changing on any object, for example changing the texture on a wall to another one.
80 Ctrl+Mousewheel shortcut for changing the cursor sphere size.
81 Being able to undo (Ctrl+Z) multiple changes, instead of the current (really stupid) limit of one change
82 "Adding cleverer AI
I.E: You go near a guard, if your weapon is out he'll automatically shoot at you, b ut if you don't, he will not suspect you."
85 Model , weapons and animal editor . For the property and form.
87 1 Disasters: Earth quakes, Floods, Tornado's, Forest fire. 2 Flexible leveldesign: object/entity move animations like the waypoints of enemies for different objects; startpoint > endpoint and reverse; horizontal and vertical.
88 The ability to use triggers like in the age of empires 2 map editor instead of using scripts or having to code would make the map editor very simple and the less lua or any form of coding or scripting the more and more and more people will buy game guru.
89 spell casting
90 bump with defusive relective mapping, parallax mapping. Ambient Occlusion readded
92 reflective mapping with bump and defusive
94 More accessories for the character creator. Definitely more bodies and the ability to change the pants and shirts separately as well as hairstyles.
97 Ability to paint multiple types of grasses
98 Need to change the way GameGuru makes the Stand Alone .exe and files. For instance, I'd like to use my own .ico file for my games main icon, not a GameGuru icon. I'd like a easy way to upload my custom menu backgrounds and a user friendly addon that will make it easy to change the style of my games menu. So far all the games coming from GameGuru have the same dull menu.
101 Allow the user to choose the size of the terrain/level as some maps are way too large for some games and cause a lot of lag also
102 Wire cutters for wired fences and stuff would be pretty cool for Stealth games
105 Multi-platform support IOS Android WinMobile Xbox Playstation
106 "In multiplayer game, you can gather resources and build stuff. Like in survival games, like RUST, ARK survival, Reign of Kings etc etc.
Adding inventory to players, you can loot players you have killed. "
108 I am a practiced 3D artist and animator but have little coding capabilities- this program seems to have a lot of potential for me to both learn AND avoid some programming. Some features- such as the terrain editor, will not interest me- but I would love to see more support/streamlining for importing .FBX files and animation crafted in other software. More RPG features will please me too.
109 Timing system or DLC scripts to enable time-based objectives (as in old corridor shooters where you had a certain time to reach the next point and time was added or deducted depending on other actions such as killing an enemy, picking up something....
112 stand alone server with auto join no lobby an mmorpg feture
113 more dynamic lighting engine
114 Multiple Entity selection and grouping with an ignore group button for easy editing a single entity in a group of entites without breaking the group.
115 Allow us to have a pull down menu for the different texture groups a terrain could have. click to open that menu, mouse mmoves over the selection and pressing left again will select that texture and you can paint it. Presently its only 4 groups...and none are even the base grass texture. What about sand, cobblestone, etc? Add the ability to add whatever textures we make to add to the pull down list.
116 A LAN Multiplayer mode for standalone games is necessary in my opinion. I would praise GameGuru if this were added!
118 Per limb hit detection for npc's and other players. Giving the ability to give an amount of XP (experience points) depending on where you have hit the character.
119 I bought it today. It is a nice feature, but what I miss are global settings for the game (Name, menu, strings, etc.) and a project management, where you can add more levels. Also the lua scripting should be extended and documented.
120 We also need a Copy and past function. I would like to duplicate rooms without having to do each of them. Specially if they are going to be close to identical.
122 """Change sound when X entity is hit with X weapon""


If a Sword hit ""Xbadguy"" make X sound when Xbadguy is hit with the sword
If the same Xbadguy is hit with a stone make XAnother sound"
126 Command or button to remove an unused entity.
128 Visual Programming
129 material Editor
130 Quality: Normal map,Specular,Parallax,Specular,displacement map
131 Load height map of the landscape
132 Change Game Guru interface more pleasant and convenient
133 In the editor, the ability to to pick up and move several or more items at the same time. for example, re-positioning a building including all the contents, moving a table including its contents, and even moving entire areas around with their contents!
134 Improve the snap feature to including snapping to similar items that overhang, Barb wire on fences etc. or entirely different objects, book on a table etc.
135 A more accurate way of placing an item on top of another, raising an item to place on top of a level roof etc.
136 More character interaction with the environment.
137 More in depth video tutorials, textures, shading etc, and videos for beginner to intermediate scripting for GG.
138 Support to allow multi-level or instance gaming so a player can go into another level then back to his original level where he left from while keeping track of health, inventory, weapons, etc.
139 We really really need RPG and rifle holding enemy bots be able to fire at much greater distance. If I can fire my sniper rifle at the enemy they should be able to return fire. Would be fun to see an RPG coming at me from great distance. Until this is fixed I am not even making gun games.
140 "An easier scripting feature. As an example Timesplitters uses an IF AND OR mechanic for all the entities.
Giving the option for a few nodes to allow the players that cant script to still create basic missions.
IF ""player"" ENTER ""zone1"" MOVE TO ""zone2""
IF ""NPC1"" HEALTH =0 AND TIME <=120 seconds DISPLAY TEXT ""Good timing""

The Time splitters one was a bit more basic than that but I figure using a system like this it could create some really complex missions.
As a more complex example I have Wrote an example of perhaps what a typical mission could be like. The nodes are capitalized.

PLAYER START ""player1""
GIVE PLAYER ""player1"" ENTITY ""sword1""
INVENTORY ""player1"" = 5 ""object1""

IF ""player1"" ENTER ""zone1"" AND ""object1"" = TRUE, DISPLAY TEXT ""Objective complete"" AND, OBJECTIVE [1] = COMPLETE
IF ""npc1"" HEALTH = 0 DISPLAY TEXT ""Mission Failed"" AND OBJECTIVE [2] = FAILED

Just a rough idea

Chris James"
141 Better Stock Sound Effects. Many Zombies in the same place making the same moan gets old pretty quickly.
142 What about other types of games? like RTS? Maybe turn based strategy?
143 None at this time.
144 Objectives and indicators: eg. by arrow/compass/minimap - Asked for as objective mode (is_objective) seems to be a disabled feature from Reloaded? Dynamic objectives possible. Simpler for users than Lua scripting.
145 Grappling to objects within the world
146 Wingsuit
147 Special abilities EG. Infinite ammo, Insta-kill (for survival games)
148 Random enemy spawn points
149 How about improving the character editor? A little bit more content and/or some sliders to allow the user to create more individual characters.
150 Parkour/freerunning movement system
151 3rd person roll dodge
152 Being able to block with melee weapons
153 Riding horses
154 Skill tree for leveling system
155 Magic system
156 Dual wield different weapons. Sword & shield for example.
157 "Back in the day when I used 'Gamecore' (which was...probably the biggest let down in my life. Paid $200 for that software with high hopes, then they released it for free, now it's completely taken off the grid for some reason), anywhoo -- I had this idea, that I actually got it to work, and it was painting the buildings on a map via terrain editor (where it painted small buildings, instead of trees, etc.). The only problem was, that 1 object only had collision, it was an instancing problem. Get this to work, and the map editor would be similar to procedural modelling, or semi-procedural anyways. I thought that would be awesome (spacing out the distance between models of course).

Also, the ability to select the playable areas may make the game run faster (like how Battlefield games operate, or farcry, if you've used the editor in that to get a gipse of what I'm talking about). With that being said, if planes, tanks, boats, etc., were possible, I'd say users can be able to create some pretty interesting Battlefield-style games, along with Ally-AI capability. Just a thought."
158 Ability to put in custom effects for guns, such as new muzzle flashes and smoke.
159 3rd person to first person camera easy switching in between
160 Support for Oculus Rift!
161 Mouse Support (i.e. Control Char by click on ground (Diablo style))
162 I think making the system allow users to collect items, so inventory is the first key item to add, and the ability to set spawning points / respawning is vital too
163 "During installation a selection screen with two options, for example Grown Up and Play Ground could be shown.

Choosing Grown Up will install basic functionality with bloodsplash, explosions, zombies and Play Ground installs basic functionality with childproof characters, settings etc.

For these functionality I think it is needed to categorize models, characters etc. so they will fit in one of both play modes."
164 Player GodMode
165 Customizable Chat Commands
166 Steam Workshop For Sharing Custom Scripts And Entities And Possibly Worlds
167 Third Party Controller usage on all games made. Ports to consoles and other systems.
168 "the creation of complex managed by physical objects and the interaction of these objects with other objects (such as simulators of cranes in construction, fishing simulators).
if it is possible and necessary"
169 Server Software so we can setup servers, Login System, Leaderboard system, Client Side Graphical Settings Advanced.
170 What happened to indoor only maps? Why can't we have segments back or maybe that building maker so we can finally make indoor games again? Also, npcs should be able to use all weapons like old fpsc, and make it so we can transfer Bonds old monsters to the new Game guru. It would be nice to get game guru without losing features from fpsc
171 Character Rag doll physics when dead
172 Blood, gore and dismemberment
173 Fast paced action
174 I would really like a GUI editor.
188 Quickscope simulator
191 a dlc based or inspired by Moba games as league of legend or dota 2
193 ingame weapon construction
199 To be able to create terrain from imported height maps very handy if you want to use real terrain from a real location.
200 Infinite Terrian
201 Survival mechanics such as food, thirst, etc...
202 "Voxel mapping :
Similar to axis game factory a way to voxel edit the map instead of having to do it the current way. I believe this would be better because there would be much more flexibility as to the way that the mountains and lakes ect. look much better. I think that it should be able to interact with the current terrain so that you can use the voxels to add on.

Mining : This one can't be to hard if you make an inventory. All you have to do is check if the character has a sufficient tool in their inventory if so they interact with what they are mining... now here's the harder part I guess if you do make terrain mining then yeah it's hard but with the voxel base I suggested above you could do something otherwise the character interacts with the stone or ore and then delete the ore and have a random number between I don't know 1 - 5 and they get that much in their inventory

Tree cutting : Basically same as above"
203 Particle physics generator
204 please reduce the minimum setting for the terrain painter diameter (pressing - key on the keyboard) would allow for creation of fox hole, bomb craters, small mound of earth etc
208 Light gun rail shooting
210 Pick up boxes and drop them
212 Hack and slash
214 Importable 2D animated sprites as enemies
216 Powerful weapons
217 More gothic creatures
219 Maybe add a slight parkour element like climbing up ledges or vaulting over objects
221 Stun and Smoke Grenades
223 A massive amount of human characters.
227 The ability to host a dedicated server yourself would be great.
232 "Hot and Cold - Temperature effects the character, can freeze to death or die of heat stroke
236 Ability to adjust the height of your player and their viewpoint: so if your character is a child their POV would be lower
241 logic brick type interface (similar to blender BGE) for more visual user control and fast recycle of similar functions.
243 I dunno maybe some voxel level design?
245 script construction kit drag and drop commands to make more unique games without coding
256 Level State Saving, allowing players to easily go back and forth between levels, with an option to declare if the level resets or not. For example level 1 is a village, level 2 is the woods outside the village, level 3 is a temple. You do a few things in the village, then go to the woods. After fighting for a while in the wood, you enter the temple. After the temple, you return to the woods, the woods resets its creatures, but not any completed quests, while the temple will not reset. You return to the city, and it does not reset, accept for the merchants.
257 I would like to be able edit a previously save Character Creator generated model.
259 Climbing Rope
260 Parachute
261 List of items used in map and when you select it it takes you to where it is on map for easy finding and editing if there is a Bug/Glitch
265 More scripts of different sorts, that interacts with objects, involved in quests, etc. More automation for us beginners
267 Expand the encryption capabilities so that everything in the scriptbank and mapbank folders are included as well as images and objects.
270 Camera angels for top down shooter and side scroller
272 Team AI for sports game.
276 Dialogue for RPG games, and skill tree
279 Enable/Disable Run.
284 Easy multi character load out editor and load out slots for characters
285 Being able to pick what terrain textures you want instead of switching between packs. Like if I want to mix the desert terrain with the forest.
287 KeyFrame Based Movie Maker
292 Cutscene maker, with full LUA support.
293 Character Creator Addition- Pair of wings for the body. White and black, and/or wings dipped in blood. Does not have to be seductive.
295 Player Scoreboard- SP and MP to keep track of most kills, best track times, biggest fish to date, longest killshot etc.
296 Bullet Time- I really only want it for a sniper rifle, so I can watch the path of the projectile travel long distances across the map to it's impact point, where the kill could be normal speed, or in slow motion. I guess it could be used for other weapons too. The actual bullet is not a necessary graphic, only the camera view from the projectile as it travels through the air.
297 "Geocaching- The ability to use a locator to find various resources strewn throughout the game. Example: A player equips their geo locator to find minerals, objects of desire, water etc. It will guide them to the location to retrieve whatever item it is. Maybe the geolocator would give the players various details of said and multiple items it detects, such as, amount of resource, type of resource, current value of resource, etc.

In multiplayer, the geolocator and geocache box/locations could be used to locate objects other players add to the map. Example: A player uses a geocache box to drop items so other players can find them with a geolocator and use them, like money or entities, weapons, whatever.

*One train of thought is, other than it being fun to use singleplayer, it could also be used multiplayer to find mines and stuff like that. Or maybe the player gets distracted by a geocache location and goes after that instead of doing what they are suppose to, like sticking with the team. Things of that nature.

Basically, it's a metal detector that finds other things in the game. And it is a mini game, it would be possible to create a game based just on that one tool, and a basketful of assets.

298 "AI Automated for Weapons or Trigger Zone- To spawn items from entities, such as the Scifi Console.

Example: A player activates a console and a weapon appears--or--A player activates a console and a trigger zone gets activated where the player is standing and that activates the spawn or reveal of a weapon or some other useful item.

if this already exists in another form, please let me know and I'll put it to good use. Thanks."
299 Cameras- Player placeable cameras for remote viewing ingame. Example: A player installs a camera on a street sign or tree, almost anywhere on the map to watch the surroundings of the area the camera is placed in, the camera's stream can be viewed remotely, possibly from a computer terminal entity, or a hud tool, such as an ingame cell phone, or whatever have you .
302 Parkour System
303 The Ability to Rebind Player Control Keys - With this ability, the player can rebind the keys to his or her own preferences so that the player can customize his or her game experience to be comfortable. Additional key bindings can be added in such as toggling on and off autorun.
305 Map size control
309 Ambient occlusion
312 Advanced Teleport Markers. I teleport to level 2's player start. I want to go back to level 1 but at a different player start.
313 Bullet and Explosive Hit Markers and Trails
314 Can choose and customize appearance of Playable Character Script. Playable Female Character's.
315 Ability to issue basic orders to friendly AI, and issue them with way points in game. E.g. move to this location, hold fire, fire at will, follow me etc. Plus the ability for this to work in multiplayer as well. Would also need a way of assigning AI bots to players via LUA
316 Spawn, legacy throwback.
317 Improved user interface
318 material Editor
320 A large number of selection of objects in the scene to be copied
325 gothic horror pack. Something with werewolves, demons, huge monasteries, build your on crypt, vampires.
326 put a extra urgent on menu editing and be able to make quests
327 spawnable zones- for a such large area that GG offers you may want a triggerzone to not be activated yet before another event happens or even the winzone to appear until certain items are gathered. This would give more of the effect of open world type environments.
329 "Skill Tree designer (combined with a character designer and the XP system). The skills should be editable and with a range of defined effects (eg: increase accuracy, increase damage, alter dialogue options, increase stealth, increase speed, energy, etc. The XP system could allow options to increase skill levels, with corresponding effects on player abilities.

Character customisation options built into menu-designer (allow players to customise their character or select from a range of pre-defined character types).

A suggestion for the stealth tool - add cones of vision & hearing radius to NPCs, all of which adjust depending on stealth settings of the character (ie: stealth skill)."
330 "Skill Tree designer (combined with a character designer and the XP system). The skills should be editable and with a range of defined effects (eg: increase accuracy, increase damage, alter dialogue options, increase stealth, increase speed, energy, etc. The XP system could allow options to increase skill levels, with corresponding effects on player abilities.

Character customisation options built into menu-designer (allow players to customise their character or select from a range of pre-defined character types).

A suggestion for the stealth tool - add cones of vision & hearing radius to NPCs, all of which adjust depending on stealth settings of the character (ie: stealth skill)."
331 Spell casting
332 enemy vehicles
338 Weapon reloding animations or a tool for editing them
340 Turn-Based Battle System ala Might & Magic or Ambermoon
342 when your done making a level or a game with multiple levels extract it like to your computer and send it to your friends or internet, so that for those who dont have gameguru can play it or test it.
346 Menu Editing
348 Abilities editor for the use of spells and abilities, for both fantasy and any other system
352 I really hope water world thingy comes soon. I'd really like my character to be able to swim!!! Thanks for the great engine. Hope it comes far. Will support and buy alot from your stuff, you are crazy cool.
353 "An advanced gore system, with the ability to dismember enemies.
Thanks "
359 Make character importing more easier
360 Need a trigger zone what can disappear things because we can spawn things with trigger zone but not disappear them
363 Multiplayer and Standalone Games => Really really need !
364 Flashlight Improvements - Proper lens ring effects on the 3D world. ability to alter colour and power of the beam, and enable the flashlight to cast realtime shawdows. This could work really well as the distance of the flashlight is only a few feet at best. Battery simulation of flashlight in player properties panel. For example: Battery Life, Number of Batteries Player Starts With, Initial battery charge level... and finally the ability to have a battery entity in the game to pick up with a new lua script maybe called flashbattery.lua with a variable to set the batteries charge level This would add so much atmosphere to any type of game.
365 "*World War 2 - DLC with weapons and characters - Urgent
*Enemy tanks and helicopters - Need soon
*throw grenades without change weapon (like Call of Duty) - Really need
*Combat knife for the pack of modern models - Slightly Interested
*RPG rocket be faster - Really need"
371 Graphics Options Debug 11 in Editor- If there is no other way to look at the debug graphic options settings than to do it in the test game, I'll deal with it. But it sure would speed things up development wise by seeing the boundary lines in the editor. Of course I might be overlooking something.
372 Internet Disconnection Notification- If we get disconnected from the internet, we get notified while using GG.
373 Entity Search Field in GG.
374 Please we need more weapons.
380 "Integrated IDE for LUA scripting , with debugging and error handling options.
2D sprite or image drawing over the screen , creating more complex HUDS. It must be in the next Update. And not only huds any kind of thing. For example , you see a book and you need to read this book.
Character portrait when you are talking to characters and speech balloons or customized hud for seeing characters talking or present text on the screen.

The ability to create holes in the terrain and with the building editor you will create , to able to create entrances to underground levels , like entrance to
a temple or to a dungeon. This update must be implemented soon.

Better camera control in the level editor. (This top down view is very difficult to use it). This must bee implemented soon.
The ability to make translucent an object or 3D model or a number of selected objects , to able to see through them , when you need to put objects or monsters inside those building or 3D models.
IN The next Update you MUST create the building editor.
Customizable Physics system with joints , for example create a hinge for a door. You spoken about anti gravity , you can create anti gravity zones and all objects in this zone will be affected.
Food and water (Or the ability to use variables in the game) This could be happen with LUA script. For RPGs.
You told about flashlight (Fully controlled flashlight) You can change the volume of the light , the color of the light and even link variables to it , for batteries or energy , or if the light will affect enemies or other entities. This could be controlled with LUA. The ability to create and hold torch , not flashlight only. (The torch scare the bats in the cave and the bats attacked you).

You said about water levels in the terrain , create the ability to make waterfalls and make more running (animated) water for rivers (No static lakes , create tides or waves of sea or ocean , or even tsunamis). The ability to control the height of the wave and the speed of the wave.

Other disasters like , hurricanes , or vortex or twisters , even earthquakes , with changing the color of the sky to red or any kind , like the day of Armageddon.
The ability to rain not only water , but even and meteorites or even fireball from the sky or even blood , or change the color of the rain , its raining toxic. Armageddon day.
Light rain or heavy rain with thunders and lightnings. Random lightnings to able to hit the ground and cause trees to get in fire or hit the players or other objects to cause them to take fire too.
Burning objects and progressing fires , when some object will took a fire , the fire will become wild fire and is able to spread around and burn whole place. If there is dense grass around or forest.

When it rains , the fire will put out.
Possibilities to make floods when the rain is torrential. The level of the water will increase or create the ability to make flood zones , for example , a sewer was flooded or some cave was flooded , or the level of the see was increased.
You told about controlling of the SUN. You can create and eclipses of the SUN and even make the day , night during the eclipse of the SUN.
About weather , you can create and wind effect , wind streams of make the wind to travel with way points or to paths. You can control the strength of the wind and if the wind is very fast , it will able to move smaller objects , or even able to bend trees and if the wind is very strong is able to destroys roofs of the buildings or even disintegrate objects , in smaller pieces.
More weather effects , snow effect and blizzard effect or storms , to able to make some water levels or lakes become frozen and if some heavy object walk over a frozen lake the ice will break , even make the waterfalls freeze.

Am I asking too much?

382 Easy AI Generator: A tool with sliders and settings to allow you to specify and fine-tune every aspect of a character's behaviour, giving much more control than the properties panel.
383 Easy to use multi-level linking
385 for the weapon editor a lot of geometry forms
388 "Forgive me if I am missing a point here!!! I would love to see a more stremlined modular click and fit system for buildings. a simple way to line them up and snap them precisley together. I have tried the ""B"" key nd it is really good to an extent but I am still having to eyeball the seams of building sections to manage a smooth lock together!!!

And by the way, I am learing Unity and have started to learn Unreal and I have to say that this Game Guru idea is a God send! Thanks soooooo much for even bothering to sit down and give us this gem!"
389 A video editor, where you can use models inside GameGuru to make cutscenes while still being inside GG.
393 easy sprite editor for muzzle flash,fire,splatter,etc
394 In the entity library, it would be useful if the thumbnail pics expanded when hovered over to get a better look before selecting!
396 This goes well, the truth is much improved from FPSC but, for me, still remains basic, there are some things like the construction kit and save / load that are absolutely necessary, once they are such things as may start to improve things as bots to launch grenades, etc.
398 A small request but please can the ordering of weapons in the down list be in alphabetical order. many thanks
400 The ability to use the old (current) version of GameGuru- A valid point came up in the forums, when you switch over to DX11 some users will be cut off. Is it possible to keep an old version of GG so the users who don't have the hardware to run the new GG can continue to use the software?
405 "Change the way objects are downloaded from the store within GG Editor.

One, it takes forever when you select the menu item just to get to the actual download as it attempts to grab a list of your items(twice) and compares to that in the store I guess for updating.. Makes sense, but why twice. When you click the ""download"" button, it does that same thing again.

Along with this, change the way the downloads are physically downloaded. This may not be entirely an accurate depiction of what happens but from what I can see; It appears the files are downloaded on an object by object basis. If artist's are uploading a .zip file, download ""ALL"" of the customers .zip files just purchased and handle them after all have been downloaded. I'm not sure why it takes forever for 5 megs of data to be downloaded but it does. If they are branching through steam, then that explains a lot which is why the .zip files should be downloaded instead of object based downloads."
406 Seeing player's Legs when looking down.
413 Real time strategy game creation options
415 AI and modules for puzzles.
416 Realistic Grass with direct X 11 Shader
418 Pbr texture library for entities with height map support
423 My suggestion would to make it where you can edit the Players MaxHealth through a lua script
424 "A built in voice recorder (Microphone) and the ability to change voice recording (maybe similar to a vocoder). or (Sci fi badies etc) a speech generator synth, ?

428 Multiple Grass brushes. Since currently whatever vegetation is picked is what the painted areas become. I would like to see the ability to have multiple grass types. Lushy, scrub, thistle, etc.
429 "I would like to see some sort of feature where you could e.g. right mouse-click on an entity in the entities library and do a search on every possible occurrence of the entity. Especially if you have a large map and lots of entities, it would be great to be able to go straight to that entity should one find it difficult to locate on the map.
433 Easy missions system in the open world, when the player enter the trigger zone after a cut scene or dialog the mission start "some enemies to kill or other goals appear on the map, after the player done the mission a new mission trigger zone appear on the map its can works with list and names of the missions and editing the content of the mission, its can to be really exciting for users who like to create game similar to "grand theft auto"
434 What about a wave system, like in killing floor and dungeun defenders, if you know this game.
435 WW2 Weapons & Models
437 Magic and spells
438 Weapons options, addind few weapons with the same model.
439 More medieval things, like buildings, characters and weapons.
440 Reset level option: it reverts the level back to the state it was when loading, with no need to exit and load the whole level again.
443 Add a skill tree system for upgrade character
455 A way to change the seasons on trees and vegetation!! A must have feature!!
457 The ability to merge two published game folders into one. All the items used by both maps are stored once and files specific to one map could have a special suffix or something so it is a unique file. This will save a lót of space.
460 Ability to use multiple maps in one game
462 When pressing the Shift key to sprint while walking backwards the 'sprint' animation plays, while the character is not sprinting at all.
463 "You can't use the two mouse buttons at the same time:
1) When you aim down the sight and shoot, then release the right mouse button, the weapon stops firing until the weapon is at the standard position again
2) When you are shooting and you press the right mouse button to aim down the sight it does nothing. So you have to stop firing the weapon, then press right mouse button and then start firing again."
465 "1)Creature Creator.
2)Spell & Skill System.
3)Mini-games(Example: Pressing buttons in correct order to fight with someone like in God of War.) "
466 Complete, accurate and professional documentation written by the designers/programmers of the product.
468 "Resizable screen ( perhaps draggable )
Great for adding borders and huds to our games without actually covering any of the actual screen area .."
470 Customizeable controlls. Invert mouse for example. Really needed! beeing allowed to remap controls in the game is a must!
471 "Importing animated characters from programs like blender
set a waling path for the enemy"
472 Easy Music Editor, to take your Music in the game
473 Please make the GG "Character Creator" more versatile so it can make many different kinds of models, and more detailed models like Mixamo Fuse, or Blenders "Human Maker" software.
474 Really need cropping map tool, urgently D:
476 Rank system that quests can affect
491 Basic Flight Simulator
492 Sports Games - such as golf!
493 Ability to make road racing games
495 GUI editing please !
499 The ability to add categories to assets and the ability to search, sort and filter assets displayed
513 Deeper Character Customizations
520 "I have several things I'd like to see:

1. An updated and more exhaustive F1 help system that includes common functions such as brush sizing, grid help, etc.

2. A persistent and dynamic properties box which shows appropriate assignable functions as you change selections in the editor. Also extended features such as terrain alpha and brush sliders, etc.

3. Importable terrain texture system. Let us assign a terrain texture to a key assignment. Perhaps a hybrid of those two ideas. 3rd party software for creating fbx tile-able textures is pretty easily found online these days."
523 Counter Strike Like Roundbased Mode. Plant Bomb
529 Be able to melee with a weapon (like hit them with your gun, or pull out a knife and stab) without having to change weapons
530 Rather that infinite worlds, I'd like to be able to limit the size of worlds.
534 More 3rd person Samples, Demo, Features
555 Full Screen Shaders - that can be changed on-the-fly from the tab-edit. It would be cool to have a toon shader, a pixelize shader and others to make your games stand out visually.
560 RTS game, bots grouping and move in formation
562 in game text to speech with natural voices, and pitch/graphic equalizer. This is for scripted events and for those that cannot find/afford voice tallent but still wish for speaking lines. This would be something that would fit in with Game Mechanics > Cut Scenes. This can also work with interactive NPC characters. I know its something I would use. could even sell themes voice/accent packs in the future.
563 simple LUA editing via Logic bricks, similar if not identical to how its done in Blender, for those that find code a stress trip.
573 Real time strategy games
574 Spells and a Magic System in general
579 "Save a standalone with more than 7 levels.

(I have been making a game for a while and when i compliled it into a standalone in only compiled 7 maps out of 13 maps, and out of those 7 maps 2 should have videos played in the story zone but it only compiled one with it in the video bank (same for the audio bank))"
584 Animated gif's or flash for cut scene
588 "Ability to compiler more than 7 levels in a standalone

i am making a game that i want to have A LOT of levels but game guru only compiles 7 out of the 13 that i have so far, and they are all linked properly"
590 winzones can play audio/video files in-between loading levels etc...
606 More medieval options in character editor and better animations for the AI entities
607 Custom scripts in Multiplayer
612 Add some type of LUA scripting simple editor, like add a button that says move, or reload, and it will automatically add the code.
625 votemap option and custom mapcycle for multiplayer so you don't need to start a new server over and over again.
626 Custom characters for Multiplayer and advanced commands like ban and kick for the host.
629 need a way to load more than 2 sounds per entity. It be nice if we could reference directly from an audio file in the audiobank with paths in LUA.
631 "File Access prevention.
Prevent full access any one for created game files."
636 Easy, Normal, Hard difficulty settings
649 To see hands when opening the door and to climb
650 Skill Tree
652 Physic-Based Combat System
653 Dismemberment
655 Elemental Weapons. (Ice, Fire, Poison...etc)
661 Random Map Generation with Caves, Roads and the abillity to add Selfbuild Prefabs
663 Menu, Cut Scene, and Level Loading screen editor. Should be easy to make, and make the games a tone more professional.
669 A mission select menu would be useful.
672 MMO RPG outside of steam
674 Position, Rotate, and Scale keys ought to have hotkeys... activating the widget automatically over any entity with focus (hover)
675 Tool Tips (hover) over a button should always include any associated short-cut or hot key
682 Toggling between first and third person views
700 Some method of "gibbing" a model (destruction, basically). Type of "gib" determined by weapon and skill/power. In other words, if I blow someone up with a grenade...arms, legs, guts fly everywhere. But if I am using a machete, it's specific to an arm, head, leg or whatever is 'hit' by the weapon (or a fake that looks good). I guess that is "dynamic character destruction" of some kind...but it has to be editable by me; i.e., if I have an 'armored dude', he can only have his head cut off, for example.
705 When you hit " Test Game" a window should pop up asking if you want to save your progress or not.
711 change camera from 1st person to 3rd person while climbing ladders, performing stealth kills etc etc
718 In game cutscenes
725 Portal Gun
727 I want to create a RTS game (like the Age of Empires games).
737 Tree editor like in unity that would be awesome
742 The ability to build Steam Features into your game, like Trading Cards and Achievements, etc.
744 Crafting
747 ADD Time and time options
750 Record Game play in Game??? and Screen shots???
751 "interchangable monster parts. Or a pack that adds them.
I.E. Angel and Demon Wings, Tentacle arms, tentacle legs, squid head, various alien and mutant heads, various monster arms and mixtures maybe with mantis like ends for a stabbing spike attack, (making the arm a weapon, or tentacle would maybe be a weapon.), horns or demon heads, etc... You guys rock. I'm sure you'll think of something. Of course this could be multiple packs. alien, like the area 52 pack (I already bought) an angel and demon/heaven and hell pack, etc etc.
would help out my game ideas anyway. lol"
754 "Crosshair editor you should be able to create diffrent crosshair for diffrent weapons
Sorry bad english cant wait to se the building editor "
771 Please make it possible or simplify importing character models from other sources/stores. For those that are not making a zombie/medieval/sci-fi/horror games GG is sorely lacking. And current process negates the easy game maker ethos.
774 It would be great to make an own order in the asset libary. Making own folders and sort everything with drag&drop. I have many assets but no good overview. I have to search in every folder if I want to find something.
775 Please add day&night in near future (command for change skyboxes)
777 Better documentation for LUA scripting. All API should be documented with examples.
778 3 layer sky (with clouds diferent speed) - more realistic sky look.
780 A way to search in the entities menu like by category,name kind of like in the web market of GameGuru.
783 weather
784 Bullet Physic's & Etc
792 SSAO, SSR, Subsurface Scattering
793 It would seem the ability to use .FBX files is imperative and most important to keep this engine competitive with the other game engines on the market.
795 Character Dialog Editor
805 Again instead of just LUA, a dedicated text to screen prompt OBJECT (more visible than white text on a white terrain aka FILL BOXED, perhaps on a monitor bg) with contro as to when it appears (score, proximity, other conditions)
812 Setting up dedicated servers
827 "I would like to be able to use the csg cutters on the terrain itself.
Thank you."
831 Space, to create space station games
838 customizable scorch system including resizing of scorch.
840 Cross-hairs turn red when on target.
841 Easy UV mapper
842 "Sci-fi based Projectile weapons (i.e. plasma rifle).
Models used the first-person."
845 Fence/wall stringing tool
862 Maybe a lua zone, only lua scripts attached to entities will run when the player enters the zone in which the entity is placed. For instance a room with a key on the table near a wall, as it is now you can get the key through the wall, but if the inside of the room was in a lua zone, and the script, for example was keyzone,lua was attached to the key the key could only be collected if the player was inside the room in the zone, not outside the lua zone. This would be a very very useful add in.
863 Having the ability to save different camera views in editor mode would save me a ton of time re-positioning the camera while level-building. Maybe have 5 or 6 "save" points that are unique to the level I'm building and that can be easily changed and "re-saved". BTW, I'm loving GameGuru so far (just purchased it earlier this week) and I look forward to seeing where you take this software! Even if you folks only implement half of the things in the list above, the future looks bright for this product!
867 when will stand the infliction Cars & Tanks + Swimming
876 To be able to build for mobile devices.
886 Close Combat for third person Characters.
893 "Voxel terrain editor or voxel + heightmap.

Heightmap with import, export from images, merge and align imported tiles.

Limited infinity terrain (closed world) - first left tile (height map) joins to last right tile, similarly in the perpendicular direction, option to enter number X * Y tiles."
899 "kicking

902 "Multiple render outputs to allow, for example; security camera style monitors, rear view mirrors n vehicles, top down satellite/maps and probably a whole host of other uses I haven't thought of.
Suggest implemented via Lua command specifying camera position, angle, FOV and a sprite to put the output into. The existing sprite commands can then be used to place the output on screen wherever it is needed. "
903 A way of making an overview interactive world/country map. With action triggers that can be placed in many locations. These can be used for strategic game play. Why should any game be played on a linear level when it can be played on a multi dimensional level.
906 Please add custom 3rd person (player character) import. With custom animations. If this is already a feature can you please point me in the right direction?
909 Low-end computer optimization
912 Ability to create 2D games
914 More lua commands for player control and lua command for skybox change, please
916 Honestly I just really want peer to peer multiplayer. The whole multiplayer with only Game Guru users feels like a rip off.
917 Multiple spells included for fantasy (the way multiple guns/melee weapons already are)
920 Entity Destruction/ Breakable Objects
929 HeadBob
931 Animation Editor
933 "Improved Terrain tools, like ability to set terrain hieght in numbers for flattening tool, so you can try recreating real life places
934 "I love GG and thought it might be good to add some extra features to the Character Creator:

1. We need a feature to allow people to change the facial features and size of the eyes and mouth etc., like with the Mixamo Fuse, and Blender's “Make-Human”

2. We need a feature to allow people to make or add other types of clothes, and clothing accessories to the character models. You could either make it another feature with Character Creator so users could make extra items within CC, or the users could use other software like blender, fuse, sketch-up etc. These items could be added by clicking a button within CC to add certain types of clothing items.

For example - I would like to make a lot of different kinds of cowboy characters with some wearing bandanna's over their face (or around their necks), some wearing leather vests, some wearing riding chaps, some wearing cowboy boots, and I would like them to wear shirts with a collar (not merely “T-shirts”, which is currently the only reasonable non-modern shirts available).

3. We need a feature or button that could allow characters clothing or accessories to be bought and sold in the GG store, and when purchased, these items could automatically be loaded into the users CC options.

4. It would be nice to have a feature or a button to add or import models we created to CC, so it can automatically have bones added and the typical animations of walk, run, shoot, jump, and die etc. It would be nice if this could import characters made from Mixamo, Fuse, Blender, Make-Human, Sketch-up, 3-D Game Studio's model maker etc.

It would be nice to have this because (1) using other kinds of software either costs far too much money (like 3ds-Max), (2) the learning curve is far too steep, (3) there are too many different kinds of software to use, and (4) there are too many steps in the process to get everything exactly right with a character model.

I realize that all of this might not be possible (or at least not right now), but some of us need much more than what is currently available in Character Creator.

If this is something you are currently working on, or will work on in the future, then I patiently, yet eagerly, anticipate seeing the results of your hard work.

Thank you for putting up with my lengthy ramblings here. Sorry for the long length of this statement.
935 As a temporary workaround for the crippling amount of dynamic lights, a way to set one or more of the dynamic lights to be always on. Because at the moment there is no way to use a dynamic light as a general ambient light in a large space, (think a light placed high above the player) because the engine always deems it the furthest from the player. This way we could have the general dynamic light of a given space always active, and fade minor detail lights in and out.
936 Monster/Entity Editor-Creator with no coding needed; just like character creator. Possibly add a feature that allows you to upload photos to create entities & face formation.
937 poder importar mis personajes animados mas facilmente
938 Not sure if this has been requested, but please can you add the ability for the user to change the static/dynamic mode using Y key during a group selection e.g. group select crates then press Y to change from dynamic to static in one go. thanks for your time.
939 Not sure if this has been requested, but please can you add the ability for the user to change the static/dynamic mode using Y key during a group selection e.g. group select crates then press Y to change from dynamic to static in one go. thanks for your time.
940 Not sure if this has been requested, but please can you add the ability for the user to change the static/dynamic mode using Y key during a group selection e.g. group select crates then press Y to change from dynamic to static in one go. thanks for your time.
941 Additional clothing, faces, body styles, etc. for character creator
942 Advanced Weapon Ballistics- Bullet speed, Bullet Impacts, Bullet Trail, Bullet Drop, Etc.
943 Animation Editor
944 Advanced Character Editor/ Creator, and more models to choose from
945 better and more deatailed videos on how to make games with this. i did a search and barely got any mostly junk unrelated videos
947 Advanced Player Character- you can see your own characters body and etc in FPS, and also 3rd Person for all characters
948 "game localization in different languages.
localization ingame text, sounds, graphics."
950 Ability to create caves in the terrain
951 cutscence maker!!!
953 Please let us change the UI
954 More options for hair, clothing and other skins in character creator including historical options, animals/monsters and changing colors.
955 Ability to save entities created with the new ebi so they can be re-used in the same game or in different games.
956 "Puzzle game" under "Game genres" so that GameGuru users can create 3D puzzle adventure games a bit like Portal. By the way you do GREAT work, I absolutely love the features you come up with and how much you listen to the community. Please keep up your amazing development.
957 An "item maker/editor" where you can customize pre-made entities/items (change colors / textures and maybe some settings/properties) so that items bought from the shop or included in a resource pack don't look and feel the same in all games made by Game Guru users.
958 An option to turn a level that you have to win into an area that can be connected to other places and that, when left, saves its current state (for open world/exploration/non-linear games).
967 "A plugin editor for the GUI. Specifically so we can add things like organizers, sorts, etc.
968 gui make and editor make it easy to make a custom UI for your game without coding drag and drop also key input with keys or mouse
969 mmo support make own sever without steam
972 standalone no steam game sever
973 rpg play stats and skills
976 A simple way to implement "title" music to standalone builds; as in when the game loads the title screen, it can play one or multiple music tracks with fadeout/fadein sound for the transition. Great job on everything so far I'm really happy with the constant progression.
978 Hud Customizing Editor
981 As per my Forum post and Lee's reply - - I would like to see the ability to scale text in accordance with the screen size in the same vein that sprites are now scalable.
982 Ability to make caves, which player can enter
983 "Rotating skybox
this is not in any way connected to day-night. a simple command or setting to rotate the entire skybox over one (selectable) axis at selectable speed, the lightsource (the sun) should rotate with skybox. this is useful to create the sensation to be onboard a large rotating object (example a space station)"
984 More advanced options for Character Creator (Edit clothes, accessories, height/weight, more hair styles/masks, etc.)
985 Test range'. Basically, test game mode that only loads a specified region. This would significantly speed up testing environments.
986 Customisable HUD!
987 Please I would love to have cars and planes.
988 procedural generation levels
990 Check enemy health you are fighting against, maybe it is possible to check the enemy condition in game.
991 "Security Camera(s):
Step 1: Set up a camera in a certain area
Step 2: Make a screen that is able to be formed to fit any screen
Step 3: Filters to change is to be able to have a bad camera effect, or a HD camera"
992 Changing the HUD
993 It would be cool if there were a tutorial for making resources for the game using a third party app.
996 Script Test button that also saves the level.
997 an hexagonal tool for terrain construction allowing strategy games
999 "A smart way to create a standalone game.
That is to add files and folders like menu screens, folder and files that are specific to a game, all done through a menu system then create the stand alone.
At present all these have to be added manually. "
1001 "Map Editor: Only allows a undo action. I consider high-priority add the possibility of continuous undo actions
Map Editor : Ability to remove entities that no longer use from the toolbar library
Thanks !"
1003 "The only other thing I can think of is a script for jump scares, where you can place it in an entity, change the speed of the object. And cause the object to activate as a player enters a trigger zone(something that can already be done) but causes the entity to disappear or be destroyed as it touches the player.

Another cool feature would be: Allowing the ability for tracks to be made for labyrinth type games. Whether the tracks be footprints or maybe some type of blood trail(for horror games).

I may just not know how to, but a way to loop atmospheric music would also be good."
1004 HUD,healthbar and ammo counter customisation
1005 A better "Character Creator", with more option, like the Fusion from Adobe.
1006 a really cool idea would be to add a crafting system so people can make a survival game
1008 A lot of us need a better set of scripts to make models follow waypoints. We need this for the characters in the game (especially for friendly civilians), and we need it for non-character models also... For example, I would like to get a tumbleweed model to roll around on the ground in my cowboy game. For some of us, learning to do quality scripting is too much of a steep learning curve.
1010 "1) The Ability to determine the factors for how a ragdoll persists (How long till it disappears, or if it stays forever.)
2) The Ability to erase bits of terrain making it easier to create underground areas such as caverns.
3) The Ability to deform terrain in various way to dynamically create craters with explosives or re-texture the area of effect for thing like burn marks as an optional feature.
4) The Ability to place down procedurally generated character visuals and with set or variable stats and weapons.
5) The Ability to catch things on fire such as grass and foliage."
1011 "Advanced moving / rotating / sizing.
I don't know if you know the game Second Life but in there you can move / rotate / size items on a nice way."
1012 Changeable/More Magic for Thirdperson Character
1015 Possibility to place static câmeras just like the old resident evil games
1016 Having the ability to change the enemies' ballistics - choosing between hitscan and a projectile based attack, allowing players to dodge any bullet being fired at them.
1017 Add flash light offset, color and strength controls, plus the ability to cast shadows when in dark place
1018 To have two main Characters which depending (like in the Last of us) where depending on the level depends which one you control.
1021 Possibility to turn off the red display when you are hit by the enemy
1024 "Bullet Reaction

Characters will be passive to the player, but if the player fires at the character, that character, and others around the player, will become hostile to the player."
1025 High quality textures. Hd 4k and 8k for example grass, stone, wood.
1027 Survival system. Health, Thurst, Hunger.
1028 physix engine
1029 Mobile Device support
1030 an item for weapon repairs for game that you want to have decaying weapons and the ability to put decaying weapons in.
1031 Ability to easily create messages to screen and also create papers that have text in them.
1032 Water Objects and shapes for making river and waterfalls.
1033 Disable triangles/faces from the terrain mesh to dig holes into the ground.
1034 Giving AI scripts to dynamic world objects, such as following a path, to create moving platforms or simulated AI vehicles (trains, crushers etc..)
1035 Swapping in and out of 3rd person when it's enabled.
1036 Edit Character
1038 Create a front-end/structure for the game - so the whole thing is based around a similar look and feel to a DVD/Video editor concept, where it normally starts with Menu Editor. i.e. like the game title screen / logo / title music / modes / templates then build levels within that - so there is a proper structure and flow to the game and whole process.
1039 Mostly GameGuru need vehicles & standalone multiplayer
1041 Multiple levels in one game that will spawn you in the relevant area when moving between them (e.g a house's front door leads to an indoor house level, upon leaving the house you will spawn outside the house rather than at player start)
1042 More detailed ragdoll effects
1043 Need more lua commands for full in-script control: characters, entity, skybox, other environment (plus, perhaps, more commands for engine setting). Also very need customizable menu (including re-assign WASD, mouse, and others keys).
1044 Horses please! We need them!
1045 able to ride and control horses, cart, garages as well as other animals in the game world.
1046 NPC characters doing Repeated Tasks for visual interest (conversing, pointing at stuff, operating machinery . A set of simple poses (like characters leaning against the wall, ect.). If you develop the non-combat AI jut a little a little more, you will empower your customers to create some impressive machinima cut-scenes that will put Reallusion's, iClone to shame, as well as some really cool levels.
1047 easy ai editor no scripting pick from a list of what you want that ai to do, this game creator could be really easy and make loads of money if they really worked on this
1048 Updated Bullet Physics, Etc
1049 advanced character creator not just to create human but monsters, robots and other useful characters and animals, ether as a up date feature / DLC or as its own standalone software with easy import fetcher for game guru.
1053 Flashlight customization to change settings from the core flashlight into lanterns, candles, flame torches, fx etc. by lua
1054 Please add more scripts for enemy and ally characters.
1056 more spells
1058 Inverse Kinematics (IK)
1062 Drawing on the Entity
1063 Creating animation in the GameGuru
1065 It would be good to setup flexible Graphics level in the Options menu.
1066 Game pad support. So that you don't have to use just the key-board and mouse.
1069 Unlock core functions in multiplayer to support custom scripts just like FPS
1074 Better assets search system
1075 The ability to add more levels into a standalone game
1076 Cutscenes
1080 Enemy attack enemy... Zombie can attack any one they see
1085 Able to use water in a separate area,i.e. Have a tank full of water .(sorry if ime not explaining well).
1086 Visible Projectiles like bullets
1087 Brush water to create puddles and wet surfaces
1088 better character creation with optional fighting styles, wider weapon chooses, and wider variety of options for module creat
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 15:07 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2017 15:08
Quote: "11 icon for standalone games"

Doe this really need to be a feature vote? Surely it's something quite simple and easy to do to make it so you can use your own icons.

Or am i getting the wrong end of the stick? Does it mean a button in the editor to save as standalone? EVen so surely this is such a small thing it can be done with having a vote.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 15:09
Quote: "19 Carry over the ingame values (health, lives, ammo, weapons...) from one to another level."

You already implemented that didn't you?

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 15:10
Quote: "30 Just feel there needs to be a bigger selection of characters (monsters, animals, people) MORE please!?"

That's not a feature request, that's a DLC/Content request

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 15:12
Quote: "43 "Multiple scenes or areas
In Unity you can make diferrent scenes so in this software when you talk to a boss or enemyor a npc you are teleported to another area or scene or when you touch a door or button or when you enter a area a cutscene plays then it teleport you to another area.""

Don't we already have that with the transporttoifused etc?

i5, NV960 2GB, 16GB memory, 2x 2TB Hybrid, Win10.
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 15:14 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2017 15:16
Quote: "69 It would be nice create a DLC with a large Scripts Quantity Ready and customizable."

Another content request, not a feature request.

Quote: "78 Modern Melee weapons. Like a chainsaw, a police baton or baseball bat. (And knives, katanas, and machetes)"

Again, another content request.

Seems to be a lot of requests for additional content in this list.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 15:43
Have to agree with Belidos here,I feel a lot of those could be removed from the list before we start. Must have been a hell of a job going through the original list in the first place though.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 16:09
Quote: "143 None at this time."

Erm, i think you can get rid of this one LOL!

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 16:12 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2017 16:18
Quote: "170 What happened to indoor only maps? Why can't we have segments back or maybe that building maker so we can finally make indoor games again? "

I think we can lose this too now

Also 329 and 330 are duplicates.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 16:13 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2017 16:14
Quote: "Wizard has kindly reduced the feature requests from over a thousand to under 500"

He couldn't just get it down to a decent 10 could he ... That will do for starters..
Then we can just vote on those
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 16:17
I'm pretty much all in with Belidos so far. It's going to take me a while to really look at everything on the list. I truly appreciate the work that goes into sorting that. It's killing me just to glance at it!
I tried to sign it but all I did was mess up my screen.
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 16:21 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2017 16:24
Going through this list, it does appear that a lot of these are not feature requests, they're mostly model and script requests, we need to weed those out so the list is purely features and functions. You could probably do away with at least 50% of these items, and the other 50% can be condensed into categories/similar requests.

There's also a lot of old stuff in there like:

"Better camera control in the level editor. (This top down view is very difficult to use it). This must bee implemented soon."

Yeah, we got that a long time ago lol

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 16:27
I agree with Belidos, but what about " 174. I would really like a GUI editor." Not really need at the moment the present editor is okay
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 16:38
Might have missed one or two.

However script requests isn't a bad idea, as it can result in a vote with more scripts as a whole for none scriptors like my self as a example, so I left in there.
I shouldn't have to remind you the voting board has vehicles on it as well as the space DLC's that is currently on steam, and had a water world DLC as well, so DLC's is a valid request feature or not a fair amount of people asking for it, so who I am I deny it.Considering DLC's would end up being done by a 3rd party any ways and would not affect the time line of other things on the voting board.

Unfortunately, it wouldn't be fair to simply dismiss requests, because I personally didn't like it, it would be a biased and unfair to the guys that actually took effort to reply with requests and ideas.

The request was to prune useless features of things that can be done or was inline with the voting board as well pruning comments like "great job". Which is why I ask lee to pass it along to some one else to have a second look, the whole forum, wasn't what I had in mind

I definitely don't want to be accused of being biased towards the list, and seem to be picking up flag for not being super conservative.So much for trying to add a helping hand.
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 16:48
Quote: "I agree with Belidos, but what about " 174. I would really like a GUI editor." Not really need at the moment the present editor is okay"
Mate you just proved the point about me saying not being biased, there might be people who would like to change the editor GUI layout and such, if it is with in reason I allowed it.

I removed items specifically asking for levels to be exported to unity or unreal, that is a completely unrealistic request, things not related to gameguru directly was all removed, conkit was requested., moot point.Primitive creation, also moot point as it isn't going to happen.There was singular request for DX12 support, which will not be considered due to users being forced to upgrade to a new OS and having to get a new graphic cards ect a tricky one, but removed.

Look at the list , then look at it without biased or what you need, and what the community wants, then you understand why the list is still large even with some mistakes made
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 17:12 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2017 17:34
I agree with you mostly Wizard of ID, but what i'm talking about is the ones that specifically ask for example "More Weapons" or "more characters", they're direct requests for more content. Other ones that ask for example "more clothing option for character creator" etc, i would leave. I'm not pointing them out because i don't like them, i'm pointing them out because there is no point them being there, if you know what i mean.

Quote: "I shouldn't have to remind you the voting board has vehicles on it as well as the space DLC's that is currently on steam, and had a water world DLC as well, so DLC's is a valid request feature or not a fair amount of people asking for it, so who I am I deny it.Considering DLC's would end up being done by a 3rd party any ways and would not affect the time line of other things on the voting board."

Personally, to me, this is a good reason why they shouldn't be on the feature vote, when they come up, all that will happen is they will get passed on to a 3rd party to work on, and Lee will then have to reset the votes and wait for another feature to hit the top. Maybe having a separate voting board for content would make things more streamlined?

There's also a good half dozen or so entries there that are asking for features we already had, or have been added since, so the can go, and also some entries that are either already default scripts (radar) etc.

Here's how i would trim it down (i have removed some of the doubles, but not all of them because of time), i've also tidied it up a bit to make it easier to read:

It's still a massive list, could probably be cut by about a third by condensing the duplicate requests.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 17:36
Well more characters and more weapons, came up a lot more on this list, as much of them was weeded out, so hardly the worst request on the list. I already pointed out the voting board had DLC's on them, just because it isn't a feature request or core feature doesn't make it any less valid.DLC's is done by 3rd parties so it wouldn't in any way affect the voting board in the sightless, voting system will however give you a clear indication whether or not, specific theme content is needed.

In fact you could have a clear description on the voting board telling users that it won't affect feature or core requests votes, but some indication of what weapons or characters are needed ect.

I will always disagree on this point, stock weapons is limited, more weapons is never bad not has weapons truly touched on lots of different weapons types, there isn't and worth while scifi weapons worth mention, unreal tournament type projectile type weapons, it is a perfectly valid.

RPG and RPG lua commands was the biggest request, skill tree and skill menu and ability to cast magic was the biggest requests on the list and duplicates was removed, all of this is related to tied to content in some way or another, considering weapons and characters as well RPG magic casting and the users who requested it.A more simpler form of RPG menu/gui/ elements for majority of users who can't script was and is the predominate theme, that touches again on being biased to what the majority requested, lee applies the majority rule already, majority wants RPG, scripts, weapons and characters and content.
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 17:44 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2017 17:46
I totally agree with you, you're kind of saying what i already meant, i don't mean we should take them off completely, but they should be separated, so that they can be passed on to the third party artists and something else can be worked on at the same time by Lee.

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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 22:44 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2017 22:45
Just for fun:


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Posted: 2nd Feb 2017 23:08 Edited at: 2nd Feb 2017 23:11
Quote: "217 More gothic creatures
439 More medieval things, like buildings, characters and weapons."

These are DLC requests which the community can create and can be found in the store.

Quote: "424 "A built in voice recorder (Microphone) and the ability to change voice recording (maybe similar to a vocoder). or (Sci fi badies etc) a speech generator synth, ?"

There are many open source free recording software that can be used to conduct this. Doesn't need to be an integrated part of the engine.

Quote: "492 Sports Games - such as golf!"

Really? I think this should be something explored by the community via scripts when improvements are made to the 3rd person and first person weapon HUDs. Not an engine feature.

Quote: "560 RTS game, bots grouping and move in formation
672 MMO RPG outside of steam
727 I want to create a RTS game (like the Age of Empires games).
969 mmo support make own sever without steam

I feel the complexity of this would take far too much time away from the other core features that need immediate attention.


GG runs off of DirectX which I do not think is possibly supported by Sony.

Quote: "750 Record Game play in Game??? "

Not a critical request. There are video recording options out there for this.

Quote: "982 Ability to make caves, which player can enter
1010 - The Ability to erase bits of terrain making it easier to create underground areas such as caverns.
1033 Disable triangles/faces from the terrain mesh to dig holes into the ground."

Many may disagree with me but I personally do not think this is an important feature. Most of the engines out there used by even the top AAA developers do not have terrain cutting tools. They use additional assets on top of the terrain that can be used as caves and tunnels. Creating terrain tears sounds disastrous.

Quote: "1018 To have two main Characters which depending (like in the Last of us) where depending on the level depends which one you control."

I noticed when playing The Last of Us that the player is actually only 1 character at one map at a time. There is no swapping. Basically to achieve this you need to make a second character your ally. When you have reached the win zone and are transported to a new level you are then in control if the other character while the "person" you just were in the previous map is who is your ally now. I don't believe there is any character swapping actually going on in the game in real-time.

Quote: "1029 Mobile Device support"

We already struggle with FPS in complex maps, couldn't imagine the dropped FPS you'd receive on a smart phone.
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 05:35 Edited at: 3rd Feb 2017 05:40
I think we need to look at reality when viewing the list ....
Whats doable within reason to make GG better as it stands now ... and what may be possible years down the road ...

Personally in my eyes we need about 10 things to focus on that kind of wraps GG up as a viable package ..
The most common I see are .. ( In no particular order )

Better AI
Better Gfx
Full Third Person capabilities
Full Menu and Hud editing
Better Character creation options
Multiplayer Standalone

That's only 6 that spring to mind because they stand out so much in reviews but are easily doable as in GG's current state ..
Its not at all unrealistic but would make GG seem much more of a complete package ... After that its all bells an whistles

The list is just overwhelming it needs shoving aside for the moment so lee has something stable to focus on this year ..
Just my thoughts ... Adding bits of this and bits of that just does not work ..
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 05:37
Some things from the list are really simple tasks. maybe start with some really easy and within a week you can finish a few things from the list.

The badlands of it :

1. many people will be happy
2. GG will get a number of little extras needed.
3. It probably will not take long

I mean things like :

11 icon for standalone games
373 Entity Search Field in GG.
126 Command or button to remove an unused entity.
14 Better Player Sounds more realistic, walk and run sounds need improvements made!

And I'm sure that a few relatively simple tasks.
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 08:37 Edited at: 3rd Feb 2017 09:06
why not start with a list of top 20 core features,
then start a new vote for the next top 20 features,
to many voting options will just bring us back to
were we started, and why the voting board is being
reset in the first place, all the work to get GG were it
is needed will just become a mess again, leading to
another fall out with TGC, and another bad rep for
the developer at TGC. we could always have a second
tab for voting for the smaller updates or request that
lee could possibly update as he goes along fitting them
with the core features added, as some of the requests
would need a core update anyway. and he could make
provision ready for the lesser updates wanted as he goes
along. he has a list let him check what will fit in with the
core updates. and let us vote from the list what we would
like to see added along side the new core features or fixes,
i get the feeling that most requests are for a personal use
to members wishing to update there games, or media a quick
fix for some, but dont let us get away from the ones that will
make the engine work for everyone, and make it more of a
game engine than a never ending wip, of small features that
can wait or be implemented at the right stage or core updates.
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 08:41
Quote: "Some things from the list are really simple tasks. maybe start with some really easy and within a week you can finish a few things from the list."

First rule of coding:

If you've never seen the code, and it seems like a simple fix, then it's probably not as simple as you think.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 09:09
Agree with voting board for the year should be limited to around 10-20 of core features, not scripts or model requests as these can be serviced by the community and usually are. Just see smallg's impressive collection of FREE scripts. Making the list impossibly large and filled with these types of requests will put us back in a bad spot again. Knock a few things off the list and start it again with another few features added in to the vote list. At least this way LEE could still angle towards what he feels is important for the engine right now while still running with community feedback on when they will be worked on.
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 09:29
What if you just put up a full list of what you have now, let people vote for a while then take the top 10 or however many you feel got good votes and reset the board again with only those so everyone can vote again?

That way anyone who wanted a feature that didn't make it can still vote for what they see as most important out of the final list.

Let's be honest, with a vote system some people will always he disappointed, this way you get to see real results without the huge list taking the votes away because its just too big.
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 09:38
the idea from smallg is very interesting.
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 09:43 Edited at: 3rd Feb 2017 09:48
Quote: "Let's be honest, with a vote system some people will always he disappointed,"

Without a voting system some will be disappointed .... That's the problem ...Its a no win

Let Lee pick 5 features he wants to do.. No argument ..that's it ....
We get to vote on which he does first ... once those 5 are done Lee starts again ...
Give the control back to Lee but we also get some interaction

Lets be honest .... The only people who complained about the voting system are those that don't have theirs top of the list..
And that going to happen no matter what ..
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 09:52 Edited at: 3rd Feb 2017 09:53
Quote: "Without a voting system some will be disappointed .... That's the problem ...Its a no win "

That was Smallg's point

Quote: "Lets be honest .... The only people who complained about the voting system are those that don't have theirs top of the list.."

I don't like the voting system and i wanted AI improvements, and look oh it's top of the list, see? not true at all

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 10:47 Edited at: 3rd Feb 2017 11:22
Quote: "I don't like the voting system and i wanted AI improvements, and look oh it's top of the list, see? not true at all "

You may not have liked the voting system but I don't ever recall recall seeing you complain that AI was at the top either

Ya know I got Leadwerks, S2 Engine, Axis game Factory, Clickteam Fusion , Shoot em up kit and loads of other products on steam and all I can do is ask for info .... I get no say whatsoever in what comes next in any of them .... Personally I gave up and just lived with it a long time ago
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 11:36
Several members have already put their games on steam and most of the negative reviews were about performance and loading time.
It may start to get less negative reviews from those who play games created by GG.
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 12:02 Edited at: 3rd Feb 2017 12:03
That is quite a list. It would take a very long time to go through it properly. I've popped it into a spreadsheet and made it a bit easier to work with. I've made a start to going through each request and trying to sort each out to a category, but as the list is huge, only made a tiny dent so far.
Would this be of use? I think it would be far better to work with than a basic list myself. I can put the spreadsheet up if so.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 12:29 Edited at: 3rd Feb 2017 12:30
Quote: "Several members have already put their games on steam and most of the negative reviews were about performance and loading time.
It may start to get less negative reviews from those who play games created by GG."

Performance is something that Lee is working on all the time, every time he releases an update there are performance tweaks added with it. It's not something that is going to be done in one big fix. If you could compare the diffrence in performance between now and when Lee first rewrote GameGuru in C++ you would be shocked at the difference in performance, it's quite big. The problem is, the Steam crowd don't see it that way, all they have to relate to is what is in front of them there and then, and they compare it with other software, they don't realize how far it's come performance wise so far, so they don't "see" how much better it will be in the future, they just think about now.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 12:53 Edited at: 3rd Feb 2017 12:58
Quote: "The problem is, the Steam crowd don't see it that way, all they have to relate to is what is in front of them there and then, and they compare it with other software, they don't realize how far it's come performance wise so far, so they don't "see" how much better it will be in the future, they just think about now"

Game Guru has improved considerably since it was first released as Reloaded. However, I can understand peoples view that it is slow, as they can only compare to what they know. In fairness, although we often say it is unfair to compare them, games made in Unreal and other professional tools are a lot faster - people compare GG with the games they play and aspire to create, it's only natural. It's difficult to blame them for not following Game Guru for longer ;/ Everyone who is into game dev has gone though this, trying different game making tools that allow you to avoid coding. Finding many pretty useless and nowhere near as good as that favourite title you have been inspired to clone, nay, better So I understand and agree with your comment Belidos, but obviously people will always compare to what they know. Only people who have actually spent time making games in several engines will appreciate GG's strengths and weakness's properly. Which in general won't be your average Steam gamer

I had a slight advantage as when I started out, there were no easy game makers, just your computer, the built in BASIC, the manual and a tape deck to save to. So I was forced to get into "coding" fairly early on. Believe me, GG is a doddle and a breeze compared to those old days of BASIC, saving to a tape! Making sure you don't overwrite your data by mistake or the computer didn't crash while loading (bad) or while saving (much, much worse). GG's loading times are bad, but compared to the Spectrum, pretty speedy

This is really just a discussion of the board and how to trim it down really, rather than promoting which features are more important. I've already found several items that are really the same thing already and I have only gone through about 30-40 items out of over 1000 listed. It would take many days to properly go through it :0

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 13:36
Wasn't that list just actually suggestions for the voting board ?
Seems to me the voting board covered many of those in the categories although not specific to each one ...But the mechanics for many would have been implemented making it easier to add these things in the future ..
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 14:23
I've been going through it a little. Definitely a wish list rather than the current voting board or it seems so. I notice the list is over one thousand items rather than the 500 mentioned as well. I've been trying to apply each request a category and more readable descriptions, would hate to think the list is old and I'm doubling up Up to the hundred mark at present. It's a big list to go through.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 14:40
This is a huge list and i thought of doing the same thing which Dvader has already started.
Categorize the many proposed features to physics-scripts-AI-editor function-shaders and so on.
Than of each catagory determine what is truly of benefit for the broad user base.
After all, the aim is to improve GG and get more positive reviews so that sales and thus the income will grow fot TGC.

Personal list.
The AI
Directx 11
3rd person
documentation on lua with base scripts included for rpg, communication, inventory and so on.
The ability to paint different kinds of grasses and textures on the map.
Sliders for water, bump and color.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 15:14
That's exactly my point, most products / dev teams won't have a vote board, you simply get what you're given, so I think we should be happy with a more basic vote list and not trying to incorporate every tiny request.
I like the voting board and think it's a nice way to build GG into a product everybody wants but I think we all agree its already too big and votes end up being unimportant because theres not enough focus... Adding more is a bad idea until the list gets smaller but I'm just suggesting a method to get the best of both worlds and get the board back on track
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 16:20
Pretty sure this thread is to do just that reduce the list Even with this edited list it seems there are several similar requests. I can see why Lee is asking for help as it's quite a job. I've spent all day on it and have got to number 270 odd so far... Not deleted any, just going through them to see what is what. Many are just requests for stuff that could be done already with lua in all honesty.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 17:44
Maybe I can write a complete program for creating GUI's and custom HUDs. I don't think it has to be implemented in Gameguru itself in order to work.

Thought about it a long time ago and I'm pretty confident I can make something good.

I'll look into this tomorrow if I have time
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 17:56 Edited at: 3rd Feb 2017 17:58
@Lee you should just scrap this list of things to do and just stick with the original list we have now. also you should just take some things off the original voting board list we have now.

things like
Infinite Terrain
Variable Map Sizes
I don't think we need or should be able to change the map Terrain size as the size we have needs to be a benchmark for the performance issue. we have sliders for this so I think the engine is good with that for now. also game guru has a long way to go to be able to handle Infinite Terrain. I think everyone needs to be a little more realistic on what should go in this engine after the AI update. there is a lot of hack job and unfinished features in this engine that needs to be polish.

like the 3rd person, projectile system and so on.
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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 18:07
OMG! I'll need all the weekend to read that list. Anyway ty Wizard for the hard work.

That list would need to be categorized, since I notice many AI features, LUA features, EDITOR features, CORE features, ENVIRONTMENT features (skybox, terrai, water), and so on.
Once categorized, you'll end with a very short list.

I'm sure Jerry agree the 160.


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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 18:09

my personal things I'd like to see are:

DX11 and all the nice lighting and effects that go with that.
64bit support.
A new terrain paint system like we have with the EBE texture/material selector.
A way to stop some lua scripts running every frame (is there a way now?)
A shadow distance control, so only shadows close to the player are calculated.
Sky fogging.
Better AI.

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Posted: 3rd Feb 2017 19:06
You can use my scheduler function in any scripts that need to be, well, scheduled.
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Posted: 4th Feb 2017 18:12
do you have a link amenroses, sounds good.
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Posted: 4th Feb 2017 18:35 Edited at: 4th Feb 2017 18:36
Interesting enough there were but only 4 requests that would have made it possible to do everything the EBE does without going into a separate mode:

Group Editing
View Grid
Improved Snapping Tools
Entity Painting

Would have knocked a bunch off the list including EBE and allowed for more community user contributions for the interior designs. (I have well over 100). I still hope the entity painting feature comes around. You'd also be able to paint fences and roads which would knock off even more items off the list.
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Posted: 4th Feb 2017 21:13
Here is my rewritten version of the doorautolegacy.lua script using my scheduler script and also with some performance tweaks and improved logic.

The 'if scheduler(e, 20)' line is basically making sure that the most often the rest of the script is run is every 20 milliseconds, this means the door will move one frame of animation every 20 milliseconds. Change that to 40 and the door will take twice as long to close. 20 seemed to be the right number to match the noise it makes but feel free to experiment.

The scheduler currently keeps tabs of time for every individual entity that uses it, one day I'll make it a module and have the ability to register a function to be called at a specific frequency.

The function also creates a frames per second count (g_scheduler[e].frames_per_second) which can be used to ensure things like sprites are moved at a steady rate (my compass script uses it like that) or you could even use it to detect when frame rates are low and spawn fewer enemies or turn off parts of the HUD or hide unessential entities to try and speed things up.
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Posted: 5th Feb 2017 13:31
You can take the first one off the list:

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Posted: 7th Feb 2017 04:33
Here we are two or is it three years into the Engineering of this Game Maker, and we still cannot
get NPC's to ascend stairs, or move above first floor level. This should be Number (1) now.

I have put GG aside until this is achieved.
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Posted: 7th Feb 2017 04:45
Quote: "Here we are two or is it three years into the Engineering of this Game Maker, and we still cannot
get NPC's to ascend stairs, or move above first floor level. This should be Number (1) now.

I have put GG aside until this is achieved."

If you were actually following the development you would have know this is what is currently being work on
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