Product Chat / Map size in v1.14

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Posted: 18th Jan 2017 13:02
It would be great to have larger maps, and sometimes smaller...
I think the actual map size is 768x768m, right?
It's a hard coded setting in the engine?

It would be great to change the size, maybe with a system.ini command, if Lee adds one.
- Don't know how much extra work that is.... -
Something like: setmapsize=2500x2500

Don't know how that would affect old maps or the frame rate.
But I think with the actual occlusion and some fog, larger maps should be possible at a good frame rate.
Would be a great addon for release version 1.14

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Posted: 18th Jan 2017 17:37
@MooKai : It would be a MAMMOTH task to change the fixed terrain size as a LOT of stuff is coded to depend on the current size. Before I commit that to a possible addition to the new voting board, why do you want larger terrains? Are you thinking GameGuru should be capable of making MMORPG games or world scales like SkyRim? Would love to see your maxed out levels as I did not think anyone had successfully filled up an entire terrain in GameGuru!
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Posted: 18th Jan 2017 18:39
I have found that a larger map is generally only needed when height comes into the equation. If you stand on a hill and look around it is very easy to see the obvious map edge. Also if you have a large item of scenery, for example say the wall out of Game of Thrones as an extreme. Having the wall cut across the map at that scale would very obviously vanish very quickly when you hit the edge of the map and not look very authentic. You would have to go mad with fog to get anywhere near and limit the players locations a lot or the effect would be ruined.

As to filling a map, I'm sure it's quite possible with the right media and a reasonable machine. Fill it with a forest and you will be out of luck, but other entities cope a little better. My own WIP, which admittedly has had masses of work done in this area, is probably 3/4 of the map or so and runs quite well on my system, extremely well on faster CPU's. So I would say it is possible to fill the map on a good enough computer these days. But tech keeps rolling on and over time this will become less and less an issue (for people with shiny new computers at least), hopefully Game Guru will get some speed advances in the meantime as well.

So I can see the reason this gets asked every how and then. I seem to remember there being an option for the map on the voting list at some point, a way to tile the terrain to make bigger maps? Couldn't say for sure but I certainly remember something of that nature. For me it's still not a priority as I'm still spending vast amounts of time speeding things up to get them running nicely, so a bigger map is not really an issue. Of course there ARE going to be people who want to make a Skyrim affair and for that the map is really small. The only way to get close is to have several maps you have load when travelling to different areas, this of course in today's, no loading open world games would be not well received by gamer's and considered old hat by many. In fact I often get asked the question on my Youtube channel "Can Game Guru make a Skyrim style game?" So without doubt there's a lot of people interested in that sort of thing.

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Posted: 18th Jan 2017 18:39 Edited at: 18th Jan 2017 18:45
Well, that's what I thought, that there's more going on under the hood.
No problem, I think someday we will have it, after all important core updates maybe.

Btw, yes it's possible to fill a GG map completely. And if you place your 3d models wisely, then you don't have much problems with the performance at the moment. That's why I thought it would be nice to have larger maps and see what happen then.
Hm a 10km x 10km map would be ... awesome hahaha

* and the new shader pack gave my levels a good performance boost.
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Posted: 19th Jan 2017 11:29
I think what will happen (when it's voted high) is we essentially delete the current terrain system, and implement one that's near-infinite (streaming terrains) and all the missing elements requested (more textures, more shaping choices, caves, etc). It's probably better this way than doing it piecemeal, and we can collect together the important elements of the re-write before we begin. I really like how GTA5 handle the rendering of massive worlds, and swapping in a better terrain system could be combined with some aggressive LOD work too so we get great distance rendering for buildings and structures as well as terrains.
PC SPECS: Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit, Intel Core i7-5930K (PASSMARK:13645), NVIDIA Geforce GTX 980 GPU (PASSMARK:9762) , 32GB RAM

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Posted: 19th Jan 2017 15:31
That could mean a tremendous change in how GameGuru is valued.
In the past i've been creating tracks with BTB and also been busy with creating a map in ETS2.
One thing that stood out was the freedom those editors provide, but also how nicely it blends with the environment, no edges visible in the distance.

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Posted: 19th Jan 2017 21:49
That sounds great Lee, but other things first...
I've learned to wait a bit longer
AI is very important to all at the moment (me too).
And some more nice gfx effects... and and and...
Old school FPS fan, DOOM!!! Why GG not working on my AMIGA 500?

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