Quote: "To be fair we have a shed load of dlc and free items, we don't really need much more."
Speak for yourself

, I think you can never have enough media, especially themed stuff. One issue I always had with FPSC was lack of enough themed media to really make anything decent. Either it means you try to make your own (not always the best idea) or buy some more. If there's no more to buy then you are in a situation where you have lot's of media but not enough that look okay together.
I never had any issues with DLC, I mean Lee isn't making it, it just meant you could get more specific media for your projects. Especially as it was meant to be added to FOC over time. I know Steam users complained, but let's face it they can be a bunch of whingers at times. If you don't want the DLC, then no problem, don't buy it! But no, it's taking Lee away from GG! No DLC! Actually the DLC is by a 3D artist not Lee, so takes Lee away for the time it takes to test said objects load an work is all. It's not like a game's DLC content, which would take the programmers focus away from the product, this DLC is optional and pretty much doesn't take up much of Lee's time at all. In fairness he could get people to check this sort of thing for him anyway if he wanted and so would only spend a few emails on it at most.
So, blame those Steam clones who whine at the same things incessantly, but generally don't know the difference between games DLC and game engine DLC. Same as the many who shout asset flip as soon as they see anything they recognise from another game. For some reason people think it's a new thing, but asset flipping (as it's been termed) has been done forever by actual companies many times. World Cup Football by Arctic on the Spectrum for instance. Bought by US Gold before the World Cup, renamed World Cup Carnival and put for sale. It sold a lot. It was not a good game either, just run diagonally up and down until your near the goal and shoot, worked every time. I mean that's asset flipping done properly
What was it Jim Sterling complained about the other day? Ah yes, the HUD. The way he talks about it makes me laugh. "I've seen this on quite a few games this year. Obviously an asset flip!" - No, no, it's called default media Jim, and the dev couldn't be bothered (or didn't know how) to customise it is all. Yes, they should, but still, not an asset flip, the dev didn't take it out another game or store and reuse, he simply used the one provided, by Game Guru.
So you might guess I disagree about DLC being put on hold until GG is nearer completion. For me having a large collection of high quality themed items is a big plus and always helps when pottering through your items thinking, " what would suit this purpose?". Plus the more media we have, the less likely to be spotted and being called an asset flipper. I'll end with this, every car manufacturer in the world is also an Asset Flipper according to the brain process of all these Youtubers and followers. It's this sort of lack of critical thinking that has filled Youtube with Flat Earth nonsense of late.
So, roll on sanity and the continuation of decent DLC content I say.
SPECS: Q6600 CPU. Nvidia 660GTX. 8 Gig Memory. Win 7.