Product Chat / is there a way to speed up game loading time (stand alone EXE file)

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Posted: 12th Jan 2017 18:49 Edited at: 12th Jan 2017 19:11
is there a way to do it?

I have a (relatively) powerful computer I7-4720HQ, SSD, 16GB RAM, GTX-960 4GB and taking the game about 45 and more seconds to load.
What is going on in a weaker computers???

I checked it after seeing game built with GG and sold in Steam and i read the reviews and users complained about it.

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Posted: 12th Jan 2017 20:14
I've recently released a test game. (LINK HERE) Where this kind of thing has been tried on several systems. It can take up to a couple of minutes. There is currently nothing you can do about it.

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Posted: 12th Jan 2017 22:34
Create the first level smaller... then the players not get angry from the beginning.
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Posted: 12th Jan 2017 22:35 Edited at: 27th Jul 2019 10:41
Quote: "I've recently released a test game. (LINK HERE) Where this kind of thing has been tried on several systems. It can take up to a couple of minutes. There is currently nothing you can do about it."

There's this person on these forums that released a brilliant game called Redacted - Hired Gun. He put a novel of text on the loading screen so that hopefully by the time you're done reading you won't have to wait too long for the game to load.
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Posted: 12th Jan 2017 22:38
I was just going to say... you might as well try to creatively engage the player whenever a loading screen appears. There is actually a free script floating around the forums that allows you to have randomized content appear each time they are presented with a loading screen.
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Posted: 12th Jan 2017 23:32
smaller levels are the only sure fire way, GG loads everything at the start of each level rather than a progressive load like some engine which is why it can have a large load time, though this means no load times at all for the rest of the level so it's not all bad.

would be nice to see some more interaction possible with loading screens in future though, the ability to view models or even play mini games etc but right now it's not possible - though there are definitely way more important things to do first.
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Posted: 13th Jan 2017 01:11
Quote: "There's this person on these forums that released a brilliant game called Redacted - Hired Gun. He put a novel of text on the loading screen so that hopefully by the time you're done reading you won't have to wait too long for the game to load. "

I think this is the way to go at the moment,I can't remember the amount of games I have stoped because of a dead screen.

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Posted: 13th Jan 2017 09:04
I don't think its to bad most games I have tried usually average around 30 seconds ....
Many modern games like are taking me nearly 2 or 3 minutes before I get to actually play.
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Posted: 13th Jan 2017 09:14
With most games i've never experienced more than a few seconds loading, as i said in another thread, on my machine Skyrim goes from clicking the start button to being in game in 8 seconds.

The only games i have ever had long loads with were MMO's, but that's mainly because there's a lot of live patching and data streaming going on during those loading screens.

Elder Scrolls Online was specifically nightmarish for me, 6 to 8 minutes per loading screen with a high chance of crashing. But that was a bug they had for a few months (something to do with something loading in the wrong order confusing the client), since then it's been 1 to 2 minutes.

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Posted: 13th Jan 2017 10:59
When we focused on performance in the past, we put all our energies into the run-time performance of the game, not the time it takes to load the game. I agree it would be great to spend some time on optimizing at build time to reduce the load time cost, but as always it depends on the order the community would like to see this implemented, or whether it can be described as a missing core feature (i.e. fast load times).
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Posted: 13th Jan 2017 11:55
Quote: "or whether it can be described as a missing core feature "

Personally i would categorize it the same as game performance, to many it's just as important to not have to sit there for ages waiting to play, especially if it's a game like Wolfs demo, where you only have 1 life and have to start again or load a save. There's nothing more frustrating than spending an hour trying to get to the end of a level, then dying jst before you complete, only to find you have to wait 5 to 10 minutes to start over because of long loading times.

If i had a choice, it would be something worked on constantly, alongside the game performance work, little tweaks here and there wherever you can.

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Posted: 13th Jan 2017 14:43
Quote: "whether it can be described as a missing core feature"

To be honest, a better qualification would be a core problem.

At my birthday, my family has tried the games that were released by Bugsy and Wolf.
The reactions were quite positive apart from the loading times, that was the main complaint and also stopped them from trying again.

I can imagine that many more people will have a similar reaction, not very positive and certainly undeserved because the game itself is only partly played on the first level.

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Posted: 13th Jan 2017 15:29
You just has to includes nice/ramdom jokes in the load screen, to keep player busy and funy, while the loading time.

Quote: "Doctor we are here so that my wife has 3 breasts.

The doctor looks at her husband, and answer.....

Suppose that you want to remove a breast?

husband cry.....
No! I just want you to put me other hand!!!!."

And level loaded. Remember the jokes shoul be randomized to it works.


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Posted: 13th Jan 2017 19:23
GG needs to support multi core processing.
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Posted: 15th Jan 2017 18:05
The only way to speed up loading in Game Guru's present state, is to reduce the amount you are loading. So, smaller textures, less complex models or simply less models, use ogg sound files whenever possible. Reduce everything down and loading speed will increase. Not the best way though, as then you severely limit the graphics. Still, if you have backdrop items you are never close to, might be worth it to reduce that loading time a little

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Posted: 15th Jan 2017 20:38
Quote: "So, smaller textures, less complex models or simply less models, use ogg sound files whenever possible"

If you want to make games looking like Quake this is the way to go lol

There must be some solutions :
1) zip all assets in one file, one file to laod is lot faster than loading thousand files, the engine dezip will be faster than manipulating IO files reading.
2) Use Atlas textures when it is possible
3) Use better textures compression

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Posted: 17th Jan 2017 16:11
Quote: "If you want to make games looking like Quake this is the way to go lol "

Not if your clever with it and only do this for non close up items or simply lower your specular, normal and illumination maps down (you generally don't need super high res for these compared to the diffuse). As said, I didn't recommend it for all your objects. You also don't need to go quite as low as Quake either.

Suggestions as how to improve the engine are not really an answer to the thread though. I am merely trying to give actual useful suggestions here that can be done without adding another item to the to do list for GG, rather than simply saying it can only be fixed by the devs. It is possible to help yourself on occasion with these sort of things.

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Posted: 21st Jan 2017 10:35 Edited at: 21st Jan 2017 10:37
I think people greatly overestimate how AAA titles treat textures and polys for optimization.

Check out Grand Theft Auto 5.... their city environments use incredibly low polys. They also don't go crazy with their textures. However their terrain textures seem to be quite high. They seemed to have figured out a way to LOD that stuff, so the quality seems procedural as you get closer.

Most objects in GTA 5 are complete solid boxes, with some clever texture design.
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Posted: 21st Jan 2017 11:18
I have quite quick load times, but then I do have an SSD drive which gameguru is installed onto. Maybe this helps, windows 10 boots up in 12 seconds
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