Product Chat / Ai indoors

Team wolf
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Posted: 10th Jan 2017 23:21
it seems when the AI is in a room i make with blocks of statick meshes they cant navigate they stay there.
But in a demo that came with the engine AI was working fine indoors.
I also placed an AI on some prebuild slabgs but again he dont walk on them.
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Posted: 10th Jan 2017 23:46
Ensure the .fpe for the models contain ..... forcesimpleobstacle = 3
This may not be in some older models fpe
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 10th Jan 2017 23:53 Edited at: 10th Jan 2017 23:55
To get AI to be able to walk on objects you need forcesimpleobstacle = -1 in the FPE. Its not great for anything other than floors, but is the only option at present. I think the AI will shoot through walls if set that way at present though, so not good for buildings. You would do better making your interior out of separate parts for AI to work properly at present. AI is due to be upgraded soon, so hopefully not an issue for the future.

Edit - lol beat to it, and I'm wrong with the setting by the sounds. On the right track though

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Posted: 11th Jan 2017 02:11 Edited at: 11th Jan 2017 02:12
Quote: "Edit - lol beat to it, and I'm wrong with the setting by the sounds. On the right track though "

LOL ye but only slightly
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 11th Jan 2017 02:13
All my interior are planess tiled seperatly as entyties
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Posted: 11th Jan 2017 02:47
Not quite sure what you mean ... can you post a screenshot ?
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
Team wolf
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Posted: 11th Jan 2017 03:04
hmm it seems if the platform is high enaughfrom the ground no mater the entity AI cant walk on it it seems like bug
i placed my entyties lower to the ground and it works
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Posted: 11th Jan 2017 05:46
Its not a bug, they're just not coded to work above the ground, hence why the next update includes giving them the ability to work at height

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Posted: 11th Jan 2017 12:55
They work fine for me above ground but won't change levels via stairs or ramps. I use -1 as DVader mentions.

I see a lot of posts saying AI doesn't work at height so I'm not sure what I'm doing differently but I have maze maps with 7 different platform levels and the AI attack and react as if on the terrain on all of them. I do procedurally place them onto these levels at the start though - unsure if that makes AI work better in this scenario.

But roll on AI update


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Posted: 11th Jan 2017 13:30 Edited at: 11th Jan 2017 13:54
If you use forcesimpleobstacle = -1 in the FPE , it works. You must assign it to each floor tiles you use or to stairs models.
What looks bad is the character make small pauses between each small steps.

The usage is very limited, and some configuration won't work. For example the characters can get stuck with small steps.
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Posted: 11th Jan 2017 13:40 Edited at: 11th Jan 2017 13:40
Quote: "If you use forcesimpleobstacle = -1 in the FPE , it works."

I think you will find it should be ..... forcesimpleobstacle = 3
And it only works indoors on ground level ..
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 11th Jan 2017 13:44
Quote: "I see a lot of posts saying AI doesn't work at height so I'm not sure what I'm doing differently"

I have no idea, but you're the only one who i know of that can get it to do that, Lee has said in the past that AI's not capable of operating properly above a certain height (i think it was around knee height of a character), and it's even an option on the voting board to implement it.

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Posted: 11th Jan 2017 14:59
Myke has just given me info on these settings ... It may help
The default is usually 3 but maybe some of you are having better luck with other settings ?
Either way hopefully it wont matter soon

// forcesimpleobstacle
// -1 ; absolutely no obstacle
// 0 ; default
// 1 ; Box ( )
// 2 ; contour
// 3 ; full poly scan
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 11th Jan 2017 15:25
Yes the AI can get about 2 feet off the ground now with the use of the forcesimpleobstacle statement stuff.

This has been around for a while now. AI can come off of the terrain and onto an object and stay on that object. Full functionality is a different story. Again this has been capable for a while, though the AI does not seem to want to climb very easy back onto the terrain and almost have to be led around.

All the AI issues will be addressed in the AI update after the EBE is complete. As for now, you may achieve small results with script tinkering and object manipulation, but your just beating your head against the wall for full functionality.

Please be patient as AI has never been closer to getting started on the over haul.
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