Product Chat / A thank you to Gameguru!

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Posted: 26th Dec 2016 20:43 Edited at: 27th Dec 2016 01:10
Hey i recently went here to the forum for old times sake and saw all the stuff about "My world" etc. And while i agree it's a bit shady making a kickstarter for a new game/project while you're still "working" on another, i personally want to thank Gameguru!

Gameguru was the program that got me into game creating! And without that i doubt it would ever have happened. About 2 years ago i went to try MyRPG on Steam but that program will never go out of Early Access so i went to Unity. After several unfinished projects in Unity! Everything from trying to make Mobas, RPG's, Star Citizen like games i finally learned from all this and now have a game that's very close to being finished!

So i want to thank GG for introducing me to game development! Also special thanks to Wolf!

I actually don't want to advertise the game i'm making here, but on the other hand i hope it's okay i've put a link since it adds some context to the post
Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 26th Dec 2016 20:59
Quote: "And while i agree it's a bit shady making a kickstarter for a new game/project while you're still "working" on another, "

It's not as "shady" as the first impression gives upon learning about it. Lee explained it in another thread, and as far as I'm concerned, it was a good move. GG is Lee's baby, and everything else is being covered by the other guys. They have always had more than one product going at a time, so it's alright to open up another from time to time. GG is not a finished product, and I doubt it ever will be. But then, what engine is? They all change and evolve over time. It's a necessity, as technology changes so rapidly. GG will run it's course and 7 years from now there will be something to replace it. Hopefully next time around, they won't need to start from scratch as they did from FPSC to Reloaded/GG. As far as GG introducing you to game development, I feel the same way about DBPro. Although some have been disappointed at times with their products, and the timeline of GG seems to have slowed as there have been a few bumps in the road, they do deliver something exceptionally well and that is knowledge through a very friendly and talented community.
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Posted: 26th Dec 2016 21:07
Allright i got to admit i didn't read too much into the My World thing, and i'm not blaming the team either for this. But yes i agree the Community of gameguru is the best i've encountered
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Posted: 26th Dec 2016 22:41
Quote: "Also special thanks to Wolf!"

You are welcome! ...but seriously, what did I do?

Your game is looking good!!

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Posted: 27th Dec 2016 01:07 Edited at: 27th Dec 2016 01:08
Just helping me out with models etc in the start It was encouraging! Actually the community here in general is very encouraging and tolerant not like with Unity where everyone talks to you like you're a pro programmer with 15 years experience

And thanks a lot
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Posted: 27th Dec 2016 18:37
The game looks good. Which engine did you end up using to make it?
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Posted: 27th Dec 2016 21:40 Edited at: 27th Dec 2016 21:41
Thanks a lot! It's done in Unity since there's not really any specialized RTS engines

Actually i was thinking Gameguru could be an asset in the unity asset store! That way it could have the best of both worlds where Gameguru would be able to do all the basics so newcomers wouldn't have to do scripting/coding themselves, but for the more advanced they could easily do that! + Unity has thousands of high quality models in their asset store however more pricey than the ones in the GG store.

I think it was Lee self who suggested it, and i think that idea would be awesome especially now when they use Unity for "My World" anyway
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Posted: 29th Dec 2016 09:17
Oh nice! I was browsing through IndieDB before you created this thread and came across your game! Congrats on what you've achieved so far and I'll happily support the Greenlight campaign too. - LandmanHD Youtube Gaming Channel | - My Design Portfolio | - Digital Art Community
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Posted: 1st Jan 2017 14:26
Thanks a lot Landman And what the odds ^^ The game is shaping up nicely! Currently i'm working on the menu to make it look awesome however i'm not 100% content with it at the moment, otherwise just finishing up the smaller things like functional minimap, build queue so you can't just spam troops too much and Unit selection. But i'm already playing the game with my friends and it's pretty fun

Does anyone have any experience with Kickstarter btw? It's not really needed for my game hence why i haven't done it yet, but those funds could be used to pay to some pro networker and designer to do artwork, ranked, clan etc.
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Posted: 12th Jan 2017 22:39 Edited at: 12th Jan 2017 22:39
The game is now on Greenlight! It would mean a whole lot to me if you could give it a yes vote

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