Product Chat / General Notes on the "Work in Progress" and "Showcase" boards

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2016 10:34 Edited at: 22nd Dec 2016 10:35

I'm writing this thread as a general heads up and to raise awareness a little. I've noticed an unusual high amount of users completely disregarding the posting rules for the work in progress and showcase boards. Way more users than ever did that on the old TGC Forums. I've also received a bunch of PM's regarding certain topics about presenting the games you have made and want to share. I'm also going to address these here.

I know that our brains filter out all kinds of information when we browse the web to a point that we don't even see many of the Adds all over the internet anymore. I believe that this is why many of the top disclaimer posts by Senior Moderator KeithC are going unread. I'm guilty of this myself when browsing various forums.

The Work in Progress Board

This board is for Game Guru projects that are currently in active development. It has been misunderstood a couple of times for a place to share models or scripts that are currently being worked on but let me reiterate: Game Guru games only!
New projects are always welcome here, as long as the first post abides to our Guidelines.
KeithC has posted a sample thread here to give you an idea what this can look like. It does not need to be 100%. As long as you provide the necessary information and proof that you are currently developing a game alongside of screenshots, you are good to go.
This is, however, not a place for something thrown together over night or basic concepts/ideas.

I had to lock a lot of threads recently that either only provided a link to a youtube video, a link to steam greenlight or a single screenshot without any further description. These are examples for threads that are not allowed on this board.

The Showcase Board

The Showcase board is a place to share full/finished Game Guru games! The rules may be a little stricter here because we are dealing with finished work on this board. I urge you to give the Showcase Board Rules a look.
You don't need to provide us with a download link if you are selling your game on another platform, however, we will then need a link to that retailer.
Most threads I have ever locked are on this board. If you browse them, you'll also see a lot of prime examples of what is not allowed.

Another reason why I open this thread is because only 1 out of 10 members who had their thread locked ever shot another moderator or me a link to have them unlocked with the few necessary bits of information needed. I'd like to say here, that this is a community mostly made up of game developers. There is a lot of valuable feedback being offered here. This is not a "drive by" Forum where you can drop a link to gain a few votes on Greenlight or views on your website. If you don't aim to pursue an active work in progress thread and engage with the community, this might not be the board for you. If you had your thread locked, know that you did not break the AUP, you only needed to give us a few lines of additional information in most cases

Now for some frequently asked questions

May I post a link to my Steam Greenlight?
Yes, of course! As long as you have all the other info for your thread you can promote your greenlight.
While this is not a rule in any way, shape or form, allow me to kindly ask of you that if you go the greenlight route, please make sure that you have something decent to show, at least some experience making games and basic knowledge of game design. The Greenlight platform received a lot of abuse from devs who posted early w.i.p games alongside a lot of empty promises. I'd only go such a public route if I had something that is at least in a late alpha stage.

How do I embed a youtube video?

Like this:

If you look at the URL of your video, you need to copy in the string of letters behind behind "watch?v="

Where can I post a game I made in Unity or FPSCreator?

These are the game guru forums hence the showcase and work in progress board is only for game guru games.
You can show us such projects in the off topic section if you like

I'm looking for a team to work on that awesome idea for a game I have

Team requests are generally frowned upon on these boards. I'd recommend contacting members privately if you are looking for help.

Thank you for reading!

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Posted: 22nd Dec 2016 11:42
Thanks, Wolf. What I struggled with was getting my link to embed into text if you get my meaning.

I am currently working on an RPG using Smile Game Builder. I am tempted to show a WIP video in Off Topic. But the game contains a lot of profanity (in text form) as well as references to drugs, prostitution, etc....
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Posted: 22nd Dec 2016 12:00
Quote: "Thanks, Wolf. What I struggled with was getting my link to embed into text if you get my meaning."

Type out your text in the main window, then click+drag to highlight the text, then click the link button, paste your link into the box that comes up and click ok, job done.

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Posted: 23rd Dec 2016 09:09
Thanks, Belidos.

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