Product Chat / Ertlov Goats and watch your graphic Memory

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Posted: 15th Dec 2016 20:11
Ertlov Said

"HOW? Did you sacrify a goat and the devil himself helped you out?"

No animals were killed or harmed but I did sacrifice a lot of time and was a devil to get working.

One of the reason GameGuru keeps throwing up errors is when it runs out of memory both graphic and system memory so to get Father's island to work on 2GB total memory and a HD intel graphics sharing that 2GB pie, the only thing we can cut back on is graphic memory.

First job is to put the screen res to a low 800x600

Second job is to use the dividetexturesize=1 in the setup file keep rasing the number higher and higher until the errors stop on loading. Started working when I got to 12 in my case.

If you game is running slow or you keep getting errors set it to dividetexturesize= 2 there will be a small drop in the graphic quality of the entities, it just depends on the quality they start off with.

Using dividetexturesize=12 on father's island shows what it would have look like on a Playstation 2. This was a pointless task as it only ran a 4FPS on my Atom.

A word of warning to game makers don't make the same mistake I made with my map. I've been happily working away for over 12 months on one big map, I could see People didn't like having a loading screens every few minutes. so I said lets do one big map... very bad idea! now I have a map which is using over 3.5GB of graphic Memory, there is no way I could put that on Steam. So dividetexturesize is a get out of jail for me using dividetexturesize=2 does not just cut it by 50% but down to just over 1GB of graphic Memory so I'm off the hook.

The game Hunted one step to far was using just under 1GB first level. New Version 1.7 is now under 900MB for level one.

And Father's Island last time I checked was 1.7GB

If you try this yourself you will get different reading as I do with Different Versions of Windows also graphic cards, drivers, System Ram, Mainboards all play their part.

What would a Retail game be like? Well I have Ryse son of Rome and on low setting is 950MB and 1.9GB all on high, not sure what level I took the reading on.

One way to keep track is every 1000 entities you place on a map works out about 1GB well it does with my map.

Hope this helps just one person not to get in the mess I did.

Happy Gaming.

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Posted: 15th Dec 2016 20:36
Nice advice. Divide texture size is often missed as a means of speeding up a game on lower end systems. I've done it myself to get things running a little more acceptably on lower spec machines than my dev unit (which is not exactly high spec itself). It definitely helps video cards with less memory to cope with GG levels, although at a setting of 12 the graphics will look pretty Playstation (the original)

SPECS: Q6600 CPU. Nvidia 660GTX. 8 Gig Memory. Win 7.
GameGuru BOTB Developer
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Joined: 18th Jan 2007
Location: Australia
Posted: 15th Dec 2016 21:42
Now, that's interesting. Thank you very much for sharing!
AMD FX 8Core @ 4GHZ - 16 GB DDR4 - 2xRadeon7950 - Windows 7 Ultimate

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