Not sure what you mean by "I hope some one come up with good solution". If you are referring to the scripts you can't get working then I already suggested a solution, report the errors you are getting to the author.
If you mean fix it so you can make a game with absolutely no effort whatsoever then I'm afraid that's never going to happen. With GG as it currently stands you can carve out a terrain (or even just let GG create one for you) and populate it with a ton of models. You can fiddle with sliding bars to your hearts content until you get the look you want, change sky/terrain texture combinations, add fog, shadows etc for ambience, you can even populate this little world with NPCs (rather dumb ones but you can't have everything
But what GG can't do is figure out your game for you, it can't make up the storyline, it can't guess where you want the player to go or what you want the player to do. All these things, the things that make your creation a 'game' rather than simply a pretty shooting range (like the proverbial fish in a barrel) have to be provided by the author and the only way of telling the engine these things is through scripting (not 'programming', no-one is asking you to recompile the engine after bashing out some C++) of some kind.
Even if Lee added some form of drag and drop Lua command thingy it still wouldn't be able to read your mind and put them all in the right order for you.
Lua is dead easy to learn, in fact in 40 years of code development I can honestly say I've not encountered anything simpler and learning it will stand you in good stead seeing as it is also used in other game engines (like Unity for example).
Been there, done that, got all the T-Shirts!