Product Chat / Is GG underated

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Posted: 11th Dec 2016 20:27 Edited at: 11th Dec 2016 20:39
Hi all just wanted to bring this up as it came to me while playing a new game, ive just started playing an EA game called starsone. Dont get me wrong because the game is actually quite good for what it is an made with Unity personal Edition. So far from playing it its mainly minecraft orientated (never liked mincraft) i like graphical games and this is graphically nicer but after playing it for a few hours mainly on a weekend when im at my place on the slower machine ive noticed its not any better than GG apart from the crafting side the graphics are well equal or not even as good as we can produce with GG, obviously the crafting side gives it the edge. My question is why is it that GG games get slated on Steam? Ive played some of the GG games and they are actually better than most Ertlov's games mainly but these are well presented games with decent content. Is it the title? no idea. Yes i do understand the Lag issues but since the update that has become a lot better on my machines anyway.Is it that as a community we are not backing each other enough? or is it that people just dont like GG made games because of the easy game creator bit? personally i thing GG is getting better and better yes each up date creates a few issues but we know it well enough to get around it or at least have people we can ask who will help. Whats you views on this?
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Posted: 11th Dec 2016 20:44
Well, the quality of certain releases is questionable to be polite. This does not help GG's rep. Unity suffered the same thing at one point. The engine itself is not bad, but that doesn't mean bad games are an impossibility, it depends on the dev using it. Unity for many is now a decent engine. Why? Because there have been a lot of quality Unity games released. Until Game Guru gets a similar mix of games out there it will be derided as useless.

A game like Minecraft is a bit of s different beast. The fact you can dig anywhere and alter the look of the landscape is a big factor. If you tried this in GG, with literally hundreds of thousands of objects (never mind polys) which are all dynamic, representing the world would literally stop GG flat. There's just no way the engine could cope in it's present form. You could make a very, very mini limited version or of course, something where you only farm objects around the map and don't have the ability to completely change the landscape. There are games out there like this, Minecraft is still reasonably unique in it's total control of the landscape and many only have control of the objects rather than every inch of terrain.

There's some good WIP's out there, which as expected may take some time to get released, but there's some good looking titles. Once a few are at large, things may start to look up a little for GG. Once we have a few more of the basics up to scratch, AI being the main one at present causing bad reviews (not surprising), I think GG may well get a better following. Oh, and more speed

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Posted: 11th Dec 2016 21:58
I totally agree with most of what your saying m8 tbh i never was a mincraft fan was too graphically crap if im honest, i was tho a hardcore star wars galaxies player so no voxel landscapes as in you couldn't change them. But what you could do is create a schematic for a pre built house and drop it on certain planets and go in and decorate to your liking using loot drops or crafted items (i much prefer this). graphically SWG doesn't compare with GG but the mechanics were just something else and thats what kept the player base well until sony scrapped it. (i do still play the emu tho) still technically brilliant. My point here is that if GG can get the crafting side up and running it will compete with the other engines because of the content. (as with your work e.g the speccie, amiga trees, shops bounties etc etc all make a game interesting! sometimes the glitz isnt that important, remember freelancer? brilliant space game but simple. Giving the player things to do other than just shoot a zombie in my personal opinion is paramount over everything else and GG needs just that
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Posted: 11th Dec 2016 22:08 Edited at: 11th Dec 2016 22:10
Quote: "and go in and decorate to your liking using loot drops or crafted items "

SWG was great fun

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Posted: 11th Dec 2016 22:11 Edited at: 11th Dec 2016 22:13
brilliant no voxel crappy i need to change the landscape is that a cantina? o no its a later house or a bunker
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Posted: 11th Dec 2016 22:39 Edited at: 11th Dec 2016 22:40
I loved SWG, my all time fave MMO. Not really liked any others in comparison. I had a lot of loot I ended up losing when it got shut down, it's virtual, but work was put in I spent way too much time on that (very simple, at least on face value) game. I think imagination had a lot to do with it. Some people always thought it was a boring repetitive thing. I can't argue, grinding was a big thing if you wanted to progress, especially for Jedi. The variation in all professions was staggering for most people to even contemplate, that's why it was dumbed down and ultimately canned. I had a lot of fun with it at the time.

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Posted: 11th Dec 2016 22:46
Quote: "brilliant no voxel crappy i need to change the landscape is that a cantina? o no its a later house or a bunker"

The first one is in a mustafarian bunker, the second is a generic guild hall, the third is the small house from the TGC.

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Posted: 11th Dec 2016 22:52 Edited at: 11th Dec 2016 23:02
Quote: " I had a lot of loot I ended up losing when it got shut down, it's virtual, but work was put in I spent way too much time on that (very simple, at least on face value) game. I think imagination had a lot to do with it."

I had 8 accounts which I paid monthly for, all 10 housing slots used up on 4 of them for my own "village" on Lok, and the rest of the slots used up on factories and harvesters. I owned one of the largest malls on Farstar at one point, i literally had billions of credits, and was making millions per day. I was also very active in the RP community (one of the founders of The Second Act).

This is the kind of thing we ended up doing when we were bored (I'm the Trandoshan in the white bounty hunter armour in the dancing bits) ...

And here's some of our more serious RP, if you ever saw a mass of stormtroopers patrolling eisley or espa, then it was us

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Posted: 11th Dec 2016 23:07 Edited at: 11th Dec 2016 23:29
So we all see the point here if you can get even close to that sort of thing in GG it'll be a hit. not graphics not voxel based landscape changing just interesting community building gameplay. we have most of it in place already DVaders scripts made me think this the mining script (thanks for that m8) then use that to make schmatics not blocks but whole models as smallg did for me with the field base kit, just a house instead. im sure it can be done (oh emotes are a winner) I just think the direction is a little off sometimes. p.s my space levels are JYL inspired, pmsl @ beldos's vids P.S the emu works fine i have a shop on Talus called Dearic trading Its still in your heads!!! lol
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Posted: 11th Dec 2016 23:23
All the SWG crafting components would be possible in GG Not the online aspect though Just like GG the community made SWG just as much as the game itself.

I had quite few million credits by the end, too many to spend in general, had tried my hand at all aspects. Only went as far as 2 accounts though, lol, never been that well off in RL! I had 3 with my Jedi. I thought I was OTT with 2 and friends thought I was crazy! I used them for extra mining allotments/houses, but mainly mining and also so I could specialise in two professions to make cash. It was a great game, even if you chose to be a trader. Although I probably would have liked it less without a Jedi to go get those tough rare items

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Posted: 11th Dec 2016 23:37
1 jedi , 1 master rifles/ranger 1 crafter bit of all really bikes and gen, 1 ent for buffs both dancer and music same as have on the emu tbh but no jedi as its pre cu still good fun tho this kind of thing is possible i think from what ive seen apart from mp but im sure that will come in time. if we made that work sp im sure Lee would see the sense in doing it MP torque has it lots do just have to make it worth doing.
Intel i5 4950 Quad core 3.3ghz AMD FX 6300 x6 cores 3.5ghz(unclocked)
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