There have been multiple complaints about performance so i thought to myself, why not have a thread in which the performance is discussed and tips and tricks on how to improve performance is shared.
For this purpose i've made a stand alone of the demo game MMS and played a little in order to gather some information on what is going on.
Gameplay on different settings.
I'm actually quite happy with the performance on highest settings, it is playable without problems.
There is quite a gain in fps on medium settings, however, only little gain in fps is experienced on low settings.
As you can see, i've used afterburner in order to gather information and it shows that GG is quite heavy on the GPU, even on lowest settings the usage is 100 percent.
For reference i've used Euro truck 2 which is also known to be quite heavy on the system.
As you can see, even on ultra (1080p), the average usage of the GPU is 80, on a lower resolution (720p) it is around 75 percent.
See attachments for results.
I've not touched any shader settings before making the stand alone file of MMS, but that is something i will do this week, first find the optimum settings and than make a new stand alone file to test with.
What i do miss in the stand alone is the ability to choose between resolutions, but since my memory usage is only 1.4 gb it would not make much difference anyway.
The question is "why is the GPU usage so high"?
Even on a blank map it is already at 100 percent, not very green because it also means that the power draw is quite high.
Have a look at this video, Bloom is zero and only that gave me some effect to lower GPU usage.
The funy thing is, when i press tab, the framerate reduces which i would expect to happen, but notice how the GPU usage seems to normalize at the same time.
My system is not high-end, so, to be getting about 50 fps average at highest settings in MMS is quite decent.
AMD FX-6300 (notice how low the CPU usage is, see attachments)
16 gb ram (yes overkill)
Geforce GTX 960 (mid range card)
My next step will be to first find some optimized settings and see if i can change the resolution that the game is played at, that will be the next video i'll share in this thread.