Multiplayer / Various MP questions: What's possible?

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Posted: 7th Dec 2016 06:06
first of all: can we ake teams, and can we do grenades? that was absent from FPSC and is an absolute necessity for me to make the map I've been working on an MP map

more specifically if those questions are a yes, can one team have a different respawn timer than the other, and can one team have a win zone that the other one doesnt have? if not, can both teams have a win zone?

I had an idea for a multiplayer mode which involved two teams of four, it would be one teams job to get to the other teams spawn point in a time limit of 5 minutes, and the other team would win if they could prevent that.
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Posted: 7th Dec 2016 07:41
ok, did some testing and answered the first questions myself. teams and nades seem to work.

my second question still needs an answer, the different spawntimers question, as well as my third, the win zone question

to add a fourth question, can static lighting be used in MP maps? I tried to use it but most objects seem to be having z-buffer fights with non lit versions of themselves in MP mode. I am not sure if this is my fault or not.
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Posted: 8th Dec 2016 18:13 Edited at: 8th Dec 2016 18:14
Hello I think you have found your answers.

To confirm:
Custom scripts do not work in multi player right now, so having different timers might be difficult. In the global.lua file, there is section for the multiplayer stuff. How to use it I am not sure, but I could find out probably.

Baked lighting in Multi player is broken.

Different winzones. Hmm. I believe that multi player as it is in Bld 1121 only uses a kill count based win situation. The answer may be found out, when I find out if we can modify the MP script and where they might be stored. Been a while since I looked at it.
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Posted: 11th Dec 2016 07:52
unfortunately, with the inability to create baked lighting in multiplayer, I no longer have any interest in making a multiplayer map
BUT this was a single player map first anyways so i can always go back to that
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