As I am currently testing all this
FRAMERATE goodness, here are some tipps from an advanced mental patient...I mean user...yes! :
* Turn OFF the bloom and all other native post processing. Witness up to 100 or more additional frames. Add exterior post processing until Lee will add shaders that don't flat out murder the performance.
* Camera distance down to about 20 or whatever does not occlude the visible terrain. (Planning scenes with fog that still have a low camera distance is a good idea for extra frames. Learn from the glorious PSX age!!
* In your script bank are zone scripts that deactivate terrain and water. Use this whenever indoors or one of the 2 can not be seen. You can test the impact this has by pressing F11 and then 1 and 2!
* Transparent objects can cause more slowdowns than animated ones. However, both hits are not that significant. Look at how forests are modelled and designed in games from 2005 to 2010. Learn from that. Note that most current gen games also don't spray trees everywhere...especially not the cross plattform ones. (I know that some do but I'm trying to get a point across here!)
* Pro Tip from Belidos: If you spread out level parts around the map you avoid polygon clusterhumps. You need to clever design these with teleporting and what not.
* Don't cheat on your wife!
* Quality settings don't make that big of a difference in look whenever you know how to unify your games look with texture work and know a thing or 2 about level design other than drag n' drop. Design your game to look good no matter what the player turns off.
* If your mindset is "But I can play the latest COD on max settings, I demand everything I do in GG, no matter how many trees I place, to run at 60 fps min!"
please click here
* Pro Tip: remove faces from models the player can not see. Optimize the size of your meshes and textures to a minimum. Decrease unnecessary resolution of textures...increase necessary ones. (Terrain is necessary, that wheel on the heap of garbage is unnecessary). Add LOD's to anything above 10k polies.
Test game currently running at up to 60 fps on a terrible rig. Beta will be sent out soon to show how it will run on normal to high end rigs.