Ok , I figured it out.
when making a new SKYBOX or a copy of an old one you have to give ALL files
the same prefix name as the file name,,,,,
So....since I named the new file folder Ssunset2.....all the files EXCEPT ( skyspec )
have to start with the prefix ( Ssunset2 ) such as ( Ssunset2_CLOUDS ) ( Ssunset2.X )
etc....then open up the
.x file and find all the references to the textures and change their names the same way .......did that and restarted the map....chose Ssunset2 and.....VOILA!!! it worked.
Hope this can help someone else in the future.
Also here is a list of all
RUNTIMEERROR messages that
Lee put up a while ago....
thx for the input.
Let\'s actually make something happen with this one !