Who is "Yet people"? You want pictures Belidos. Do we have a following I don't know about? I appreciate the help and we did get far on this thread....but how much further can just three of us get? LUA code at this time is what it is. The AI is what it is I guess.... deleting mobzombie. dbo clears some things up. That was great!
You both said it. Zombies are tricky. The results with ZOMBIES from tests are that they are spotty/inconsistent. I can tell you this goes from System to System specs with GG. (Have been trying since early October... Zombies actually seemed to have worked better in an older GG trial. )
You want Pictures to prove how hard: Ok ATTACHED example screens: In this scenario, Level one ---- with fences start in my game. The user initially needs to collect things at the end of a fence and complete a mission. The Zombies are outside the fence and when he learns the objective / picks a weapon moves down the fence Zombies need to "see" and begin attacking.
***** Now you would think changing the "forcesimpleobstacle = 3:" would help ZOMBIE AI with fences... Well, it does little/nothing. See yourself ENTITY (SCENERY --->Wire Fence (Chain Linked).
In fact running the game works better without the command change in the fence fpe. Go figure?
Sometimes the Zombies won't go around the fence. Often times they will - Eventually, but less so in a Standalone/depends on specs. Or most notably, get hung up at the end of the fence and then go around after a while. INCONSISTENT AI behavior. (Same as tunnel)
Putting down partial "path markers" would make sense here to get around the fence, (THEN Attack)...but Zombies don't seem to follow paths....tried.
OK...think turning "physics" off fences helps? NO WAY... Zombies get "SUPERPOWERS" they will walk right through the fence. "Of course" @smallg is probably having a good laugh at this experiment. I guess, if you want them to go through tables Ghost/Zombies now exist ....I call dibs on Copyright to this.
Oh, don't get too close to a fence Zombies can kill you through them apparently. I think a partial path idea is good, again in test mode seems the path is there.
Thanks all...