Product Chat / AI Issues, a bit worrying tbh

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Posted: 14th Nov 2016 21:15

I have been playing around with the AI and made this video to show off an enhanced patrol script.

It starts off well, the numbers you can see on the soldiers are path number, point on the path and direction and as can be seen they wander from path to path quite nicely.

But about 2 minutes in something strange starts to happen, first they become jerky and one stalls then they all stall and then the FPS drops, at this point the mouse and keyboard were no longer being responded to and I had to repeatedly hit the escape key to abort.

No idea what the cause of this is but something in the AI subsystem is screwy (memory leak maybe?).
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Posted: 14th Nov 2016 22:12 Edited at: 14th Nov 2016 22:12
Update, when I run it without recording (Win-G thingy) all seems well, ran for more than 10 minutes with no issues, so I'm gonna blame Windows for this one, some clash of resources between the Windows 10 video capture and GG maybe.
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Posted: 14th Nov 2016 22:25
LOL that normally works Vice versa for me ...when I try to record a fault it wont do it ..
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Posted: 15th Nov 2016 00:05
AI needs work. In honesty, I haven't attempted a serious game with AI for over a year. I could spend a lot of time writing an enhanced lua script for better AI, but when the fundamentals are broken in the first place there's not much room for manoeuvre. Trying to override it completely is not something I want to try really. I'd be better off using DB or another language if that were the case. One of the reasons I got GG was to avoid that sort of coding. Let's hope that the AI is given a much needed face lift soon.

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Posted: 15th Nov 2016 00:18 Edited at: 15th Nov 2016 00:19
Agreed I think we just have to push for the AI once the EBE is out the way ...Bots on all levels and all that .... Its been to long now ...
I know its at the top already but it needs to stay there
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 15th Nov 2016 00:54
It certainly does Good AI could instantly make a currently unplayable game into a great experience!

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Posted: 15th Nov 2016 01:19
Ive backed a lot of games on Kickstarter that started off with poor AI... and once they were able to improve them... it was like a totally different experience. No matter how bad your graphics maybe... if you have good gameplay, good AI... you can make a fantastic experience for your player. Walking simulators are not everyone's cup of tea. Also you can have incredible graphics but if the game play experience is bad... then you've failed to make a decent game.

Nice graphics generally are good marketing tools for getting your game its initial sales. But once it comes down to the actual playing experience... that's when the true experience begins.

So so glad AI is at the top of the list after EBE
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Posted: 15th Nov 2016 21:17

Here is a better video, I'm going to have to work on it a bit more as I think I might be able to stop them walking into each other but the path transitions aren't too bad.

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