Product Chat / [LOCKED] Beta Testers Please Note ...

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Posted: 7th Nov 2016 14:54
You may not have noticed as it was a seamless update for me but we are now in Beta V133...
A nice list to go through ...

* Optimized entity and anim loops to favor dynamic elements (do static entities need loop functionality)
* Limited DarkAI to only control bots within a 2000 unit range (only AI within game play area matter)
* Improved occluder with predictive occlusion (marches in advance of player) - stops disappearing walls
* Fixed bug which stops updating light-ray render when terrain is hidden (F11 terrain off mode)

10th Oct 2016
Before I go head-long into the Easy Building Editor, I thought I'd get a few core fixes off my 'waiting list' and into the engine, including per-entity control of the occluder and the ability for skies to specify their own shaders. I also got a request from the author of 'Apocalypse Town' to switch off the rag-doll collision, so you now have a property for that.

* Added secret backdoor password for Restricted Mode (9119 unlocks restricted mode)
* When playing video in standalone executable, left click now ends the video as designed
* When video playback is stopped, the sound is also stopped (used to carry on to the end)
* When play video in standalone, on exiting video, no longer shows low FPS warning
* Added new END COLLISION field to entity properties; can now switch off collision of ragdolls
* Added new OCCLUDER and OCCLUDEE fields in properties to control per-entity occlusion states
* Added new SKYSHADER and SKYSCROLLSHADER fields to SKYSPEC to allow custom sky shaders

15th Oct 2016
As I work on non-EBE tweaks and fixes, I get the strong feeling that I am working on 'core' stuff, and as the engine improves with every item, I am thinking perhaps that this update interlude could in fact be a regular thing. That is, one update deals with the voting board, followed by one or two that deals with core and essential engine items. In this progress report, I am very pleased to have worked on elements that allowed me to improve the Fast Zombies AI script, and although I am technically not on AI from the voting board, it's amazing how a few sounds, collision and timing tweaks can really bring our aging zombies to life (so to speak). In the new script, they actually surround you and don't waste any time attacking you!

* Added 12 new Zombie sound effects to improve 'repetitiveness of audio'
* Added 3 new sound slots (Sound2, Sound3 and Sound4) for more LUA opportunities
* Fixed issue which prevented SOUNDSET slot to be used by regular non-voice sound file
* Updated AI_FASTZOMBIE, AI_ZOMBIEWALK and AI_ZOMBIEWALK3 to use new Zombie sounds
* Fixed MAJOR LUA script issue which would call _init 'BEFORE' preparing g_Entity structure
* Improved AI_FASTZOMBIE to fix issue of roar responding to sound but not chasing
* Further improved AI_FASTZOMBIE to increase ferocity of attack and moves- a taste of better AI
* Added new field to FPE called 'endcollision' which when zero will disable collision of ragdolls
* Added new LUA command "SetPlayerRun(x)" where zero in X will disable player ability to run

6th Nov 2016
More core fixes added to the engine, and a new beta version sent out for internal testing. It has been a pretty busy few weeks at TGC, so I have not had time to do as much work as I would have liked, but managed to make some key improvements which I hope to release as V1.133 very soon.

* Fixed issue of camera locked third person locking onto itself when firing fireball
* Fixed lua_setfreezepositionXYZ and lua_setfreezepositionAXYZ commands to use floats
* You can use 'ignorematerial=1' in gunspec file to hide the decal impact from weapons
* Fixed issue of third person weapon not activating when move from level 1 to level 2
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 7th Nov 2016 15:04
Quote: "When video playback is stopped, the sound is also stopped (used to carry on to the end)"

oh ... bottom ... was actually relying on that, using it as a feature on my project so people could skip the cut scene but still hear the important stuff

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Posted: 7th Nov 2016 15:08
Quote: "hope to release as V1.133 very soon."

Very cool .

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Joined: 24th Jan 2014
Posted: 7th Nov 2016 15:10
Whoops .... should have locked this ...
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..

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