Quote: "A revamp of the FPSC engine by improving upon it; Or starting from scratch. The community in the forums at the time voted to start from scratch."
If that is the case, it makes me wonder why it wasn't done. No-one who has used the original FPSC can argue, this is not from scratch. That it's based on the original FPSC code there is no doubt. Yes it's been upgraded to C++, but it is still very much based around the original FPSC engine. It's just had a terrain system added and been swapped from FPI to lua. I have no illusions that this code is completely original, it is still using the same modules as FPSC did in the main, just converted to C++ rather than the original DB code. Along the way, we have often seen old bits of FPSC hanging around that no longer worked, so if it were started over from scratch, that would not be the case.
So, I don't think Reloaded was ever a fresh start, just a reconfiguration of old code that has been improved over time and added to.
I still think that AI should have been working a whole lot better from day one. I mean how long did it take anyone to notice it was terrible? I'm sure most will have seen it within a few hours of using the program. Surely in testing this must have been noticed? If not then they need to improve their testing procedure. But now, years on we are still waiting for AI we can use. Really not a good testament of a game maker of any level. It's not a feature to be voted for imo, it should be working or at least actively being worked on. Game-play is the most important factor in any game. I actually remember the AI being a little better at one point...
A shooter without half decent AI is normally a dull experience. I know I will live with average graphics if the game-play is good, I won't the other way round. At this point I think we are fairly justified in saying hills, stairs, even ladders! All these should be in and working by now. We saw examples of ladders and stairs before it was released! Oh, and the basic running around could do with some polish as well.
The question is when are we finally going to see AI that works? I'm not asking for much, just being able to navigate the map and chase you down more realistically. I'm not asking for them to vault over desks or roll under shutting doors or slide down cliff sides. Just the basics.
SPECS: Q6600 CPU. Nvidia 660GTX. 8 Gig Memory. Win 7.