You've these comments at the bottom of "global.lua" file:
Quote: "LoadGlobalSound: LoadGlobalSound ( filename, iID ) -- where iID is an index greater than zero and filename points to a WAV file in your game installation
DeleteGlobalSound: DeleteGlobalSound ( iID ) -- where iID is the index of the sound loaded in the load command
PlayGlobalSound: PlayGlobalSound ( iID ) -- where iID is the index of the sound to be played
LoopGlobalSound: LoopGlobalSound ( iID ) -- where iID is the index of the sound to be looped
StopGlobalSound: StopGlobalSound ( iID ) -- where iID is the index of the sound to be stopped
SetGlobalSoundSpeed: SetGlobalSoundSpeed ( iID, speed ) -- where iID is the index of the sound to change the speed of
SetGlobalSoundVolume: SetGlobalSoundVolume ( iID, volume ) -- where iID is the index of the sound to change the volume of
GetGlobalSoundExist: GetGlobalSoundExist ( iID ) -- where iID is the index of the sound to check existence of
GetGlobalSoundPlaying: GetGlobalSoundPlaying ( iID ) -- where iID is the index of the sound to check if playing
GetGlobalSoundLooping: GetGlobalSoundLooping ( iID ) -- where iID is the index of the sound to check if looping"
Also take at look to "globalsoundtests.lua" file.
Also here:
Quote: "By the way, can I freeze a player and control his view(that means g_PlayerAngX and so on) or lock a player in a position but let him adjust his view freely?"
pNewX[e] = pNewX[e] - modx[e]
pNewY[e] = g_PlayerPosY
pNewZ[e] = pNewZ[e] - modz[e]
SetFreezePosition ( pNewX[e], pNewY[e], pNewZ[e] )
more details here:
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