I tried some time to organize my files by categories, but had trouble with maps (missing assests), that had changed the file paths, so I decided to go back to the old system.
I remember that formerly GG did not want too many folders, so can not organize by categories> subcategories etc, ie: scifi> 3com> buildings> abandoned base1, I do not know whether that rule still applies.
An application 3rd party only serves to have all the files organized, and to find the file path we want, but this can also be done in the windows search feature , enough to know the file name, but who knows exactly how it is called the file you are looking for?
A search engine is necessary, but must come from GG.
I do not know how GG can organize our assests by category, if they do not have any kind of ID that can help to classify them as such.
How knowing which assests are scifi or which can be considered as medieval?
this involves manual work by the user side, and if you've a ton of assests, can be a tedious job.
turn my axe, my house, my desk in axe_medieval, house_medieval, desk_medieval to facilitate the task of categorizing power, ie GG could then automatically included in a category called medieval, as GG does with stock ones.
In addition GG should allow multiple folders: category> author> Type> item name,to facilitate searches, and use the same current system to present the results.
Just my thoughs
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