Product Chat / What system do You use, to stock and organize Your contend inside of GG to keep an overwiev

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Posted: 14th Oct 2016 22:06 Edited at: 14th Oct 2016 22:08

through the time, there has come together some contend inside my GG Folder.
Contend from GG or and other sources like Turbo Squid, Dexsoft Models, Terminal 26 ...
I just wondered, how You organize Your contend, to keep an overview and know, where the items of what different kind are?

I expierenced it very helpful, to copy my purchased contend into self created Folders, that use a special system:

(1) First I decide, what it is: Buildings, Foliage, Mist or Scenery or etc.
(2) What it is, or the name of the pack and finally
(3) The name of the person, that created this contend

So I get for example the Foldername:

Scenery12_ Medieval Market_Namexyz

Through this system, I can find contend, even if there is lots and lots of other contend around in my GG entitybank Folder.

Did You set up something similar for Yourself?
How do You organize Your contend?

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Posted: 15th Oct 2016 10:55 Edited at: 15th Oct 2016 10:56
I sort it like you in my early days, but now I sort it like this:

(1) The name of the person, that created this contend
(2) First I decide, what it is: Buildings, Foliage, Mist or Scenery or etc.

I do this because ever artist has his own style. Wolf have more a scifi-retropunk-style, but wod is more into generic types
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Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 15th Oct 2016 14:12
Quote: "(1) First I decide, what it is: Buildings, Foliage, Mist or Scenery or etc.
(2) What it is, or the name of the pack and finally
(3) The name of the person, that created this contend

I did it more or less like you, then after a couple reformatted hard drives along with a couple drive replacements over the years, I just leave them at their default locations. My asset folder has become so massive it would just take too long to sort it out anymore. I also tried a utility called p3do explorer (originally intended for sorting Poser assets) and organized it accordingly, but because of the same drive issues, it's pretty useless as well. Now I just use the original method on a per project basis.
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Posted: 15th Oct 2016 19:05

@ Corno_1 and
@ Jerry Tremble
Thank You for sharing Your point view to this issue and giving me an alternative Idea and hint on the storing and organizing of my contend.

I am also aware or the challenge in GB, that this organization of the contend is for the hard drive
Yes, the GG Folder did grow quiet a bit over the time.

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Posted: 15th Oct 2016 20:39
What would also be nice is if the last entity you load in the editor is at the to of the list.

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Posted: 21st Oct 2016 20:31
I'm probably where Jerry is at regarding this in the main. Change things vastly and it makes the default media layout redundant, yet you will get that every time you need to reinstall. You either back up your entire directory structure so you can copy it all back or end up with projects that suddenly can't find stuff. I tend to leave it default, but I have a custom folder for my own items and occasionally extra folders for other media I have altered for some reason. I need to get myself a decent 3.5" HDD caddy again for backups as my last one died.

It would be really useful to have a search facility though, as I have often gone searching for an item on the store, only to find I actually have it already, just it was well hidden. I also find the list of your latest items still does not work. It is currently listing items I purchased last year and has not a mention of many items I have purchased since. Finding items for me, is far more of a chore than it should be.

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Posted: 21st Oct 2016 22:25
I tried some time to organize my files by categories, but had trouble with maps (missing assests), that had changed the file paths, so I decided to go back to the old system.

I remember that formerly GG did not want too many folders, so can not organize by categories> subcategories etc, ie: scifi> 3com> buildings> abandoned base1, I do not know whether that rule still applies.

An application 3rd party only serves to have all the files organized, and to find the file path we want, but this can also be done in the windows search feature , enough to know the file name, but who knows exactly how it is called the file you are looking for?

A search engine is necessary, but must come from GG.
I do not know how GG can organize our assests by category, if they do not have any kind of ID that can help to classify them as such.
How knowing which assests are scifi or which can be considered as medieval?
this involves manual work by the user side, and if you've a ton of assests, can be a tedious job.

turn my axe, my house, my desk in axe_medieval, house_medieval, desk_medieval to facilitate the task of categorizing power, ie GG could then automatically included in a category called medieval, as GG does with stock ones.

In addition GG should allow multiple folders: category> author> Type> item name,to facilitate searches, and use the same current system to present the results.
Just my thoughs

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Posted: 22nd Oct 2016 05:21
Um... sorry to bring it up again. But this does seem relevant for the UI unless I'm misunderstanding. It'd be easier to drag and drop your entities into paths that you choose within the editor. Here's a concept I was working on a while ago which would allow that. - LandmanHD Youtube Gaming Channel | - My Design Portfolio | - Digital Art Community
Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 22nd Oct 2016 05:34
That interface is SWEET! I like the organization of "widgets", and as long as one click gives full view of the scene, even better! If I understand you correctly, it would allow for organizing assets to one's personal preferences (via drag and drop)? If so, send it to Lee, please. 2 thumbs up!
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Posted: 22nd Oct 2016 08:49
Loved that interface the first time I saw it .... Looks more professional and makes GameGuru look more expensive than it is
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Posted: 22nd Oct 2016 18:35
Now we're talking .i agree send it to lee,you never no he might like it to.

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Posted: 22nd Oct 2016 18:38
Quote: "send it to Lee, please"

I think lee already has seen it, there should be some related thread somewhere.

The Landman's idea is nice, always the panels being dockables and self-hidden, people do not want to loss editor space.

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Posted: 22nd Oct 2016 19:14
Dragging items into the editor would be very similar to Unreal, one of my least liked aspects of it. I hate having to make new folders with the same media duplicated into it for each project. I'm always aware of just how much data I'm creating. My GG folder is currently over 30 gig already (some are duplicates as I have said, which I would avoid as well if I could, not that I can easily,as many are duplicated by TGC in various packs as well as my own folders). I can't justify using so much space all the time, one reason why I haven't touched Unreal for awhile now.

I'd just like a search within GG (searching using windows is a bit of a long winded job when it comes down to it and GG should have it built in) and more editor options to alter items FPE settings. Then we don't have to make duplicate objects just to change simple things with it, as in the editor the changes would be for that game only. At the moment too many things are only changeable by editing the FPE and then those changes are forever and will affect every game you make. Unless you create copies all the time. I don't want my GG folder to expand to 50 gig+.

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Posted: 23rd Oct 2016 03:54
@landman that looks awesome even better if all the windows were dockable so on a 2 screen set up you could have most of it on your 2nd screen
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