Quote: "Or even remove the slider from the menu altogether in a standalone game "
I have not standalone, but a old one.
Anyway after a quick glance at the script I have observed slider is some sprite, so maybe you has to removed/commented (better idea), of course before bukup this lua file (graphics.lua), this line as follow:
-- slider overlay
g_sprSlider = CreateSprite ( g_imgButtonH[GRAPHICS_FOVSLIDER] )
SetSpriteOffset ( g_sprSlider, GetImageWidth(g_imgButton[GRAPHICS_FOVSLIDER])/2, 0 )
SetSpritePosition ( g_sprSlider, 50, g_posButton[GRAPHICS_FOVSLIDER] )
Also you has to look for any related entry using and/or waiting for "g_sprSlider " value, otherwise you'll get some error.
SetSpriteSize ( g_sprSlider, (g_PlayerFOV/100)*iPercentageWidth, GetImageHeight(g_imgButtonH[GRAPHICS_FOVSLIDER]) )
or "DeleteSprite(g_sprSlider)".
Btw if you want to full remove fov from equation, you'll need to play with almost all the code.
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