Third Party Tools / Does Anybody Know Where to Buy Motion Capture Suits and so forth

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Posted: 2nd Oct 2016 19:42
I Dont know if this is the right place to ask you guys this , but i would really like to buy so motion capture suits with motion capture sensors and also motion capture gloves . but i dont know where to buy since i dont know what site is trustworthy or not and if the products are good or not. If you have bought some please tell me where you got it.
And the suits must be compatible with blender as well.
Thanks for any help at all.
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2016 19:47
and if not compatible with blender then please also mention the software it is compatible with
Thanks so much
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Posted: 2nd Oct 2016 20:01
We have a small virtual reality startup here in town that is using Perception Neuron (spelling) the whole setup was cheap by comparison to the cameras, wetsuits, and little balls method.
Jerry Tremble
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Posted: 22nd Oct 2016 02:08 Edited at: 22nd Oct 2016 02:16
I backed PrioVR on kickstarter and my suit should ship soon, others have gotten theirs, but I really don't know anything about it yet, sorry! Didn't cost much, thoughI backed it for $399. I don't know what it will retail for, either. Sorry again!

EDIT: I just read that PrioVR retails for $1200. In comparison I'd say that if I actually receive the thing, then I got a pretty good deal. But then, the thing may end up being garbage, lol. They are over two years behind schedule!
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Posted: 27th Nov 2016 07:38
I am using perception neuron motionc capture. Its really good but you need a good space. But before that i would suggest you to buy Brekel pro v2 and try it. Becuase Perception neuron is a huge suite and its not an easy job to setup. But if your needs are less than you should try Brekel pro v2. Then there is another company IPIsoft. its really a good option. But you need to buy alot of PS3 or PS4 camera or Kinects for 360 animation. Here are their links. Good wishes
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Posted: 23rd Dec 2016 18:24
Blue dye, super glue and ping pong balls.
Been there, done that, got all the T-Shirts!
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Posted: 24th Dec 2016 20:58
does that come with a cap too. LOL
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Posted: 24th Dec 2016 20:58
Anyway Thanks to all that posted
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Posted: 21st Mar 2017 23:53
Sorry to dredge up this old post. I just wanted to add some info for completeness.

The best in the industry are NatualPoint and Vicon. I used to work for NaturalPoint years ago, so I can tell a bit about them. They make and sell suits and markers, as well as cameras. You can order the suits as well as extra markers and facial markers on their website. Their cameras are probably a bit expensive for GG users. They have specific cameras for different types of mocap and different sized "volumes"(mocap rooms). They have good support for Maya, Unreal, and Unity, and they have some proprietary software I think.
The previously mentioned solutions using Kinnect or PS Eye with homemade markers and suits, are probably more realistic for GG users.
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Posted: 13th Apr 2017 20:47 Edited at: 13th Apr 2017 20:48
you don't need to buy mocap expensive tools, & markers, and infrared cams, you just need a kinect xbox 360, record the mocap send the datas to 3ds max, maya or blender and thats it, you have your mocap animation, after you just need to tweak, clean the anim.
whe use the kinect in vfx on movies for face tracking & replacement.
Johno 15
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Posted: 14th Apr 2017 12:25
iPI soft have a suite of tools, that work with Microsofts Kinect and sony playstation eye, no motion capture suits needed, all markerless, very clean and neat to and the sony PS eye camera sell for 5 bucks on amazon, you could get 6, set them up in a circle and attach them to your computer, iPI soft's tools capture data from all the cameras once their calibrated and form a skeleton which can then be exported in formats such as .fbx/.bvh etc, it also includes handy functions for removing jitters and stuttering and you can manually repair any errors in the skeleton. they have a basic trial version with 30 days of use, and honestly if you set your cameras up right and calibrate them properly it will capture some very good data.

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Posted: 17th Apr 2017 16:23
you dont need to buy cameras or things like that, just the kinect from xbox 360 is enough !
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Posted: 7th Jun 2017 04:38
We have two Perception Nueron suits using iClone/3D Exchange for the mocap and we have a 1,700 sq.ft. space for capture, complete with gym mats. The space doubles as a massive blue screen with stage and lighting. We also have a white space for photography. We also have a complete Vive setup with laser head tracking for VR.

The rest of our 4,000 sq.ft. facility is for video editing, compositing, special effects, composing, a full sound treated recording studio and other offices.

If you are ever in Dade City, FL, feel free to come on by.


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