Hi all, not sure if this is in the forum, so here goes...
This is how you add text shadow for the panels in-game with lua.
You may want your text to stand out a little. This is based on the core GG fonts. This has not been tested on other fonts yet.
All you need to do is duplicate the text line.
So copy & paste it to a new line, change the colour.
Now add .1 to the x,y locations for each.
Have a look in the image attached for a better example and in the code below.
TextColor(20.5,15,1,"Just what do you think you’re doing Dave?",64,64,64)
TextColor(20.6,15.1,1,"Just what do you think you’re doing Dave?",255,255,255)
I have also included the sci-fi panel graphics for anybody who what's to add a little blue colour to their panels. If you need the panels to change colour just use any image program which will allow you to change the hue saturation values then save and export to GG.
Back-up, Back-up, Back-up!
Copy & Paste to the locations below. But remember to back-up your old ones first, as these images will be override your core GG panel images.
\Steam\SteamApps\common\Game Guru\Files\languagebank\neutral\gamecore\huds\panels
Also keep this in mind when you want to use double quotes in text to use a back slash like so
\" look at the two examples below.
TextColor(20.5,60,1,"Duplicate the text line e.g. TextColor(20.5,70,1,
\"This is the shadow text colour.
TextColor(20.5,65,1,"Quote of the day -
\"Maybe I should get a electric shock every time I forget a THEN in lua script.
\" -
Lee Bamber",255,255,255)
gd Ed.
Dark Base 900 Pro OJ: Rampage V Ed.10, i7 6950x non-OC, DDR4-3333 64 GB RAM, Win 10/64, Asus Strix GeForce 1080 x 2 MDA mode, Air cooled
Laptop - M17xR3