I was checking Lee script linked by Mike, and I've some doubts about.
about "spawnmaker_points = 0"
He do not increase that value, so it will end to being equal to zero everytime.
about "GetEntityLUAHealth(e) "
I was not able to find nothing related, and it is not stated in "global.lua"
Basically he is spawning AIs when they die.
if GetEntityLUAHealth(e) <= 0 then
Obviously "GetEntityLUAHealth(e) " state the AI health, but ignore where this statement sit.
You has to try your code, post here what you've so far, and people here can help you.
I understand than you stated you have not LUA skills, and if I understand well, you are requesting for a complete code to fit your needs, but if I remember fine, that's the forum rules.
Basically you will need to store AIs positions in a variable, for later use. (when spawn), is here when you will need some LUA skill, to understand what I'm referring to.
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