Feature Creep / Please, add a new simple LUA function like this: SetSoundVolume(e,v,vol) for entities individual sound volume control

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Posted: 6th Sep 2016 14:58
Now GameGuru has
SetSoundVolume (vol)
Up-down volume of all sounds at once

I need control over individual sounds of a entity for sound emitters

It would be this possible in next update or is there any other way to do this I need ?
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Posted: 6th Sep 2016 15:54 Edited at: 6th Sep 2016 15:55
Adding things from here "to next update" is almost never going to happen.

All features are worked on in order of the community vote, this vote is a list of wanted features, and everybody here gets a chance to vote which is next.

The next update to be released will be the Easy Building Creator, the one after that will be whatever has the highest votes when they look on the list when the EBE has been released (it looks like bots to navigate stairs/heights is winning at the moment).

If you want to be involved in the decision making then head over to the community vote page and make your votes count:

If what you want isn't listed there, then there is a form at the bottom of that page that allows you to submit request that you want to add to the list, they will review it and if it's not covered already and they think it is important enough they will add it to the voting list and we will get a chance to vote on it.

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Posted: 6th Sep 2016 16:47 Edited at: 6th Sep 2016 17:05
"It would be this possible in next update "
No mandatory, it's just a suggestion.

Quote: "
If you want to be involved in the decision making then head over to the community vote page and make your votes count:

There are still many gaps and many bugs in the engine (lightmapper another that is driving me crazy). That's obvious !
So I come here, I am discovering the engine while testing and learn by doing things. As it is very simple to learn, I'm trying more advanced things with LUA script. I've met a lot of bugs, but I think it is useless to report them, it's more work for me and not much attention is
I exposing features that seem important to improve the engine, based among other things on my experience as developer. A function like this is quite simple to implement, thought. If a massive vote for a function is necessary, I humbly believe is not the right way
A roadmap is needed or else I think that we have a little more experience will not attract us the idea of ​​continuing with this engine. For me, it would be a shame. I like idea of ​​an easy game maker, but there are some minimum requirements that can not be overlooked. If you do not listen to those who have a little more experience outside the feedback, it will become an engine for dummies. IMHO

That is all
Greetings !

Edited: Already I voted, but the list there is nothing that refers to specific functions ... so impossible that one day I can see nothing I really need
The list includes more generic and big things that a simple function.

I see things that are really important for engine are at the bottom of the list. Great !!
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Posted: 7th Sep 2016 10:56
Hiya, yes GG has a lot of issues and reporting bugs can seem pointless at times but they will get fixed eventually there are thousands so obviously there's a list for these that are worked through in order of severity along with everything else, minor bugs can take months or so to be addressed or may possibly be forgotten but game breaking bugs should be fixed quickly.

Anyway for your request it does already work like that you just need to set the volume specifically after you play a sound, the only issue is it will store this volume for all sounds later used so if you use the setsoundvolume command once then it's best to make sure you use it for all playsound calls so that they will all play at the individual levels you wanted.

Or you can use global sounds which does have a unique number given for each and can be adjusted via that.
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Posted: 7th Sep 2016 17:06
Quote: "-- SetSoundVolume(vol) affects all sounds"

This function might help'u

Quote: "SetGlobalSoundVolume: SetGlobalSoundVolume ( iID, volume ) -- where iID is the index of the sound to change the volume of"


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Posted: 7th Sep 2016 20:27

SetSound(e,1) -- before SetSoundVolume. It seems to affect only the specific volume of the sound

Works fine thx

Really what I do with this is to lower the volume manually, not bad, but .. maybe I explained very badly and did not know to explain my real need
To make true 3D sound and take control, it is necessary rolloff that determines the attenuation factor according to the distance and that function can not access now
with LUA. A function to indicate not only the volume but the rolloff will be based on distance. That is what I need.

Something like this existing function in Blitz3D

CreateListener (parent [, rolloff_factor #] [, doppler_scale #] [, distance_scale #])


parent - parent entity of listener. A parent entity, Typically a camera, must be specified to 'carry' the listener around.
rolloff_factor # (optional) - the rate at Which With volume diminishes distance. Defaults to 1.
doppler_scale # (optional) - the severity of the doppler effect. Defaults to 1.
distance_scale # (optional) - scal artificially distances. Defaults to 1.

With rolloff factor would be enough

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Posted: 7th Sep 2016 22:52

sounds are supposed to be 3D by default but personally i've never really got them to be so.
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Posted: 8th Sep 2016 11:30 Edited at: 8th Sep 2016 11:32
Yes, that works with a small added


Although for a more natural attenuation, it would be logarithmically

Maybe someday , Game Guru add a sound engine as FMOD or Wwise. Hopefully !!

More info:

thanks a lot smallg !
Intel i5-6600K 3.5Ghz, 3GB 780 GTX, 8GB DDR3, Win 7 x64 Ultimate with SP1
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