A comprehensive list of universal laws that apply to the art and science of video game design.
Law of Completion: Once you have built the final exe and test it, you will find out that you have overlooked one crucial element and have to fix and build it again.
Law of Inevitability: At least one feature you where really proud of will have to be cut from the final product.
Focus Rule: The more time you invest in a certain feature or level, the less your audience will notice it or care
Law of the LetsPlayer: After release, you will notice at least one LetsPlayer on youtube do something or try something in your game that you never, in a million years, would have even thought about or considered. This can have positive or negative side effects.
Schrödingers Loadingbar: An immobile loadingbar during build/test/play or installation actually means that the software is both: crashed and still running.
The only way to find out is to use control/alt/delete which may or may not cause a crash that may or may not have been present before.
Law of Gathering: Whenever you think you have all the assets to tackle your new level/idea. You will find out that you miss that
one crucial item/character/script.
Law of Futility: Attempts to rival AAA studios are not only futile, but also often attempted by people who know that they are futile.
Reviewer Theorem: No matter how easy your game is, some reviewer will complain about it being too difficult.
Law of the Playstation: No matter how good you think your art direction is, someone will compare your game to "playstation 2 graphics".
Scripters Law: The moment you have a script up and running, you'll find a better version either on the store or the forum.
Bambers Law: Lee will add a feature at the precise moment you have planned your game around its absence.
Law of Presentation: The probability of your project crashing increases with the amount of people in the room you wish to present it to.
Law of the Industry Standard: The more expensive a tool is, the less convenient is its interface.
Rule of Visual Fidelity: The closer your graphics are to contemporary standards, the more people will scrutinize them as they no longer identify them as "indie".
The Game Guru feature manifesto: The more important a feature is, the less people vote for its implementation
Law of similarity: No matter how unique or exotic your idea is...someone will say that it looks just like [insert well known title here]
Rule of Competence: the more able you are, the less epic and original are your ideas.
Law of Duration: Everything takes about three times longer than you think it does.
Twin Theorem: Even if you have 2 identical PC's with identical specs, drivers and OS, your software will still inexplicably crash on one of them.
Wolfs Law: Even if you finish your project to your best knowledge, you still have a 40% chance of not being able to get the full experience to run. If this occurs, you'll only be able to run half of your game or in worst cases only the first level.
"When I contradict myself, I am telling the truth"
"absurdity has become necessity"