here's one for ye:
I like my cigar box guitar, with it being smaller than the strat and bass I find it easier to get my timing right, its a pre built one my wife thought looked cool, I've messed with it to lower the action and for what it is its great to just mess about with, I love your nail fret idea! I may give that a go as mine is fretless.
It has a built in pickup but it feeds back quite badly, its not happy if there's any distortion, the dogs hate it lol
The bass is built at the moment, it sounds ok, probably needs better strings
I used to "race" RC fast electric boats but like any competitive pastime its down to how much money you have and I have a problem with clubs, it was like Monty Python's people's front of Judea
I've had cars and built planes but I never flew any of the planes, gravity's a bit of a bitch lol